Title: Warm Up
1Warm Up
2Ten Minute Math Quick Images
- Show image for 3 seconds
- Write several different equations to find the
total number of dots - Try to look for groups of patterns in the image
- First View
3Ten Minute Math Quick Images
- Take a couple of minutes to write down equations.
- You may find it helpful to draw the image, jot
down information about what you saw or write
equations. - Second view
4Ten Minute Math Quick Images
- You may want to revise your drawings, notes, or
equations on the basis of the second viewing. - After a few minutes, show the image again for the
third time, but leave the image displayed. - Would anyone like to explain how they saw the
image (including any revisions they made)? - How were you able to remember this image after
seeing it briefly? - What did you notice in the image that helped you?
5Related Multiplication and Division Problems.
- Refer to your work on Student Activity Sheet 33
from yesterdays lesson. - Before we talk about these problems, I want you
to work with a partner and use cubes, tiles, grid
paper, or a drawing to show us what is happening
in problems 1a and 1b. As you work, think about
where each number appears in the representation
you are making. I want to be able to look at your
representation and see all the parts of the
problem. - Give students 5-10 minutes to make their
representations. Then call them back together to
6Related Multiplication and Division Problems.
What representation did you make for these two
problems? How does it show all the numbers in
problem 1a? Where in the representations can
you see the numbers in Problem 1b? Where do you
see the numbers of the pages in Jeff's book?
Where do you see the number of pages he reads
each day? Where is the number of days it will
take him to finish the book?
7Related Multiplication and Division Problems.
- Discussion
- How do these representations help us think about
what is the same and what is different about
these two problems? - What are the pieces of information that we know
and don't know in each one?
8(No Transcript)
9Spiral Assessment 8
10Math Menu
- Play Missing Factor
- Multiplication Migration