Lynching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Primary Source Author: JSD JSD Last modified by: Paul Demers Created Date: 1/29/1970 2:17:31 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lynching

  • It is the illegal execution of an accused person
    by a mob. (to execute or punish violently without
    a lawful trial)
  • Lynching was a system of punishment to
    African-American slaves.
  • Lynching comes from Charles Lynch, a justice of
    peace who administered rough justices in Virginia
    from 1736 to 1796.

Lynching (continued)
  • Whites lynch African-Americans because they
    sometimes broke a law such as to offend a white
  • Sometimes they lynch them because they simply
    hate them or of small offences such as public
    drunkenness or shoplifting.

Types of lynching
  • Race murder, Murder, Rape.
  • Most of the lynching was done by hanging.
  • all lynching was done to African-Americans, but
    most was done to African-Americans.
  • In 1920 census show that the black population was
    9.9 of the U.S. population.

Lynching of African-American
  • Whites lynched African-American for punishment if
    they did something wrong. Most Blacks were
    lynched mostly because of their skin color.

Lynching in the South
  • It has been estimated that between 1880 and 1920,
    an average of 2 African-Americans a week were
    lynched in the U.S.
  • The South people still treats African-Americans
    as slaves and as their properties.
  • Slaves were popular in the south because they
    have many plantations and in a perfect situation
    to grow cash crops, so they need as much slaves
    as possible.

Other people that were lynched
  • African-American especially, and sometimes Native
    Americans, Latinos, Jews, Asian Immigrants and
    European newcomers.

People who Tried to stop lynching
  • People who tried to stop it were Barnet, Lillian
    Smith, Jessie Daniel Ames, Angelina .a., Weld
    Grime, Georgia Douglas Johnson.

Who is Emmett Till
  • Emmett till was a young man who was brutally
    lynched. He just wanted to hit on a white girl
    who had a husband already. The next day, he got
    kidnapped by two white guys. The two white guys
    went to jail but they couldnt find Emmett Tills
    body. the next four days, they found his dead
    body near a river.

Continue to Emmett Till
  • His left eye was detached form his eye socket and
    a barb wire was wrapped around his neck. His
    mother wanted an open coffin funeral so everyone
    can see what they did to him. Thousands of people
    came to his funeral.

Emmett Tills lynching was important to the Civil
Rights Movement
  • It was important to the Civil Rights Movement
    because it publicized how African-Americans were
    being treated.
  • Also writers such as William Bradford Hue
    publicized the Emmett Till case.
  • In the case to men were charged for the murder of
    Emmett Till, they were not proven guilty.

  • 1905- The Niagara Movement started
  • 1906- A race riot and soldier riot
  • 1910- Census African-Americans population is
    10.7 of U.S. population
  • 1911- The National Urban League began
  • 1912- Wilson was elected president
  • 1913- A jubilee year
  • 1914- World War I started in Europe
  • 1915- Washington deceased

Timeline (continued)
  • 1918- World War I ended with 60 lynching
  • 1920- Census African-American population is 9.9
    of U.S. population
  • 1922- Anti lynching effort started
  • 1923- President Harding died
  • 1925- Assistant librarian of congress, Daniel
    A.P. Murray died

Key Facts
  • Some lynching are done by executions,
    whippings,brandings,sometimes the public
    separation of families,etc.
  • Some important ones are Ida.B.Wells-Barnet (a
    reporter who was against lynching), Franklin
    Delano Roosevelt (a candidate for future
    president at that time).
  • After the establishment of the Ku Klux Klan in
    1876,the number if lynching of African- Americans
    increased dramatically.

Key Facts (continued)
  • The Ku Klux Klan is an organization of white
    supremacy that suppress the rights of
  • There was a decline in lynching during the World
    War I, but more than 70 African-Americans were
    lynched the next year after the war ended.
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