Title: Ford Crown Victoria Car or Bomb?
1Design optimization of Toroidal Fusion
The motivation for this project arises from the
desire to make the process for neutron absorption
in the lithium wall as efficient as possible to
maximize power output. Our goals 1. Minimize
neutron flux out of the system. 2. Maximize
neutron interaction inside the lithium layer 3.
Take into account physical / structural
limitations Using several different MCNP models,
we expect to obtain realistic results that will
offer us an optimized neutron shield design that
meets these criterion.
Using MCNP we aimed to first design a simple slab
design. The purpose of this preliminary design is
to obtain meaningful results that will translate
into the toroidal geometry. These MCNP slab
calculations were used to determine the following
parameters inside the breeder module vacuum wall
thickness, lithium layer thickness, number and
position of neutron multiplier layers.
Future Works
Design Process
Upon maximizing the basic MCNP model that we have
started with, we aim to modify the model to
include layers of neutron multipliers in the
blanket module. The goal of these layers is
interact with the primary neutrons and produce
more neutrons that can make fuel and energy
inside the blanket. After building a model for
one multiplication layer, we will determine its
optimal thickness and position within the blanket
module. If the addition of a multiplication layer
shows that more efficiency can be gained from the
lithium layer, more multiplication layers will be
added and the optimal amount of multiplication
material will be determined.
Using the following formula A thickness for the
primary wall was determined. Keeping this
thickness fixed, a series of different materials
were tested as slabs in MCNP. INSERT FLUX GRAPH