Title: Earth and Space Science
1Earth and Space Science
- Pre-Lab Formative Assessment
- Angle of Insolation
The following quiz is a modified true/false quiz.
If the statement is true, simply write T next
to the corresponding number. If the statement is
false, however, you must write F, followed by
correcting the underlined portion of the
statement. EX Insolation is a contraction of
three words incident solar and
radiation. ANS F incoming solar
radiation 1. Seasons occur on Earth due to
differences in the intensity of sunlight at
various longitudes, due to the 23.5 tilt of the
22. According to the diagram below, the people in
the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing Summer
Solstice. 3. The amount of energy in the rays
of the sun at point A is exactly the same as the
amount of energy at point B.
4. Incoming solar radiation takes two forms that
are directly observable by humanslight and heat.
3- 5. The greatest angle of insolation occurs at
dawn and dusk. - 6. Joe uses the clinometer below to measure the
angle of insolation. Based upon the reading, he
determines the angle is - 67.
- As we get closer and closer to the Summer
Solstice, we can expect the angle of insolation
to get larger. - Angles of insolation never exceed 45 .
49. When we measure the angle of insolation, we
are actually using the declinometer function of
the clinometer. 10. When reading the clinometer
and determining the angle of insolation, it is
important to always read the obtuse
angle. BONUS10 POINTS Seasons on
Earth occur largely because of Earths varying
distance from the Sun. It is farther from the Sun
during Winter, and closer to the Sun in Summer.