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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


CONTRACTOR "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy GRANTED BY Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI PROJECT DURATION 1st May 2013 - 31st October 2015 PROJECT LEADER dr. Maria IGNAT MENTOR dr. Valeria HARABAGIU PROJECT NUMBER PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0357
Project summary
The proposed project entitled Polymer coated
ordered mesoporous carbons with multifunctional
properties will be developed in Institute of
excellence of the Romanian Academy by a team
formed from the project leader and a tutor with
complementarily expertise required for the
project development, e.g. mesoporous carbons and
polymer science, respectively. The aim of this
research project is to prepare polymer-coverd
ordered mesoporous carbon materials with high
adsorption properties, appropriate for
decontamination of industrial water and
haemoperfusion. The project is organized in three
research phases dealing, respectively, with (a)
the preparation of mesoporous nanoparticles (b)
functionalisation of the particle by chemical
treatment and polymer coating (c)
characterization of structure, physico-chemical
and the sorption properties of the functional
particles. Expected results three ISI papers
six conference presentations.
Project objectives
  • - To establish a reproducible method for the
    synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous carbons
    with designed architecture and showing high
    sorption properties
  • - To provide a treatment method affording high
    functionality (surface reactivity and
    wettability) of the pore surfaces
  • - To optimize the preparation conditions of
    polymer-carbon systems in order to minimize the
    particle agglomeration and to maintain
    appropriate porosity
  • - To establish preparation-structure-properties
    correlations and to check the end use properties
    of the optimized materials.

Project planed activities
  • 2013A1.1. Synthesis and characterization of
    ordered mesoporous carbon materials with high
    sorption properties.
  • A1.2. Providing a treatment method
    affording high functionality of mesoporous carbon
  • 2014A2.1. Synthesis and characterization of
    polymer-carbon composites.A2.2. Optimizing the
    synthetic conditions of the propozed composites
    in order to maintain appropriate porosity.
  • A3.3. Establishing the preparation-structure-prop
    erties correlations of the optimized composites.
  • 2015A3.1. Study of the polymer coated-ordered
    mesoporous carbon for the prevention particles
  • A3.2. Verification of end-use properties of the
    synthesized composites.

Project selected results
  • 2013 synthesis of ordered
  • mesoporous carbon

Ordered mesoporous carbon materials were obtained
by template synthesis using SBA-15 silica
template and glycerol as carbon precursor.
Project selected results
  • 2014 polymer-coating
  • ordered mesoporous carbon

Project selected results
  • 2014 preliminary application test

The obtained results showed that the adsorption
capacity obtained for PNiPAM-functionalized
mesoporous carbon (80) is greater than the
vitamin B2 adsorption on pristine mesoporous
carbon (53). These results show that the
PNiPAM-functionalized mesoporous carbon compare
favorably with unfunctionalized mesoporous carbon
Project selected results
  • 2015 sorption tests of creatinine on
    PNiPAM-functionalized ordered mesoporous carbon

The obtained results showed that the adsorption
capacity obtained for PNiPAM-functionalized
mesoporous carbon (460 mg/g) is greater than that
of pristine mesoporous carbon (390 mg/g). These
results show that the PNiPAM-functionalized
mesoporous carbon are good candidate for
sorption of Pb2 ions on CMS
Project selected results
  • 2015 sorptive properties tests on mesoporous
    carbon material coated with polystirene
  • three adsorption isotherm models were studied
  • the sorption data fitted into Langmuir,
    Freundlich and Temkin isotherms
  • the Langmuir adsorption model was found to be
    have the highest regression value and hence the
    best fit

Project selected results
  • 2015 sorptive properties tests on mesoporous
    carbon material coated with polystirene

Isotherm constants for the adsorption of Pb(II)
ion into CM and CMS samples
The separation factor and the sorption intensity
indicate a favourable sorption
The maximum monolayer coverage
The heat of sorption process
Project selected results
  • 2015 sorptive properties tests on mesoporous
    carbon material coated with chitosan

Specific surface area, m2/g Total pore volume, cc/g Pore diameter, nm Sorption capacity of Cr(III) ions, mg/g
CMCh 328 0.44 3.2 56
FerriteCh 18 0.10 18 6.26
A comparative study have been done, focusing on
ordered mesoporous carbon materials coated with
chitosan and chitosan-coated ferrite. Due to the
greater textural properties of ordered mesoporous
carbon materials, the best sorption capacity for
Cr(III) ions has been obtained.
ARTICLES 1) Surface chemistry the
key-property of templated mesoporous carbons
for sorption, Maria IGNAT, Vera MEYNEN,
Pegie COOL, Valeria HARABAGIU, Rev. Roum.
Chim., 59(6-7), 2014, 591-595 2)
Glycerol-derived mesoporous carbon
N2-sorption and SAXS data evaluation,
Maria IGNAT, Liviu SACARESCU, Pegie COOL, Valeria
HARABAGIU, Materials Today Proceedings 2 ( 2015
) 3836 3845 3) "PNiPAM-functionalized
mesoporous carbon for adsorption of vitamin
B2", Maria IGNAT, Maria Emiliana FORTUNA, Liviu
SACARESCU, Mirela-Fernanda ZALTARIOV, Valeria
HARABAGIU, Environmental Engineering and
Management Journal, March 2015, Vol.14, No. 3,
607-613 4) Effect of synthesis parameters on
sorptive properties of glycerol-derived
mesoporous carbon, Maria IGNAT, Liviu SACARESCU,
Maria Emiliana FORTUNA, Pegie COOL, Valeria
HARABAGIU, Environmental Engineering and
Management Journal, accepted for publication in
April, 2015. 5) Novel chitosan-coated zinc
ferrite nanoparticles as sorbents for wastewater
treatment, Maria IGNAT, Petrisor SAMOILA,
Corneliu COJOCARU, Liviu SACARESCU, Valeria
HARABAGIU, Chemical Engineering Communications,
under review.
  • Mesoporous materials synthesis,
    characterization, applications, M. Ignat,
    STREAM Summer School, 8-13 iulie, Institutul de
    Chimie Macromoleculara Petru Poni, Iasi,
    Romania 2013
  • Influence of the Pyrolizing Temperature on the
    Textural Properties of the Templated Mesoporous
    Carbon Materials, M. Ignat, E. Popovici, P.
    Cool, V. Harabagiu, 3rd International
    Conference Nanomaterials Applications and
    Properties 2013 (NAP 2013), 16-21 septembrie,
    2013, Golden Kolos Resort, 9, Chervonoarmiiys'ka
    Str., Alushta, Crimea, Ucraina
  • 3) Polysilanes organic-inorganic polymers
    for optoelectronics, V. Harabagiu, M. Ignat, G.
    Sacarescu, M. Simionescu, L. Sacarescu, XIème
    Colloque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères,
    Pite?ti (Cornul Vanatorului), Roumanie, Les
    27-29 août 2014
  • 4) Polystyrene/Mesoporous Carbon Sorbents for
    Heavy Metal Ions Removal, M. Ignat, L.
    Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu, 19th Romanian
    International Conference on Chemistry and
    Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 19, September 2-5,
    2015, Sibiu, Romania.

  • 1) Riboflavin uptake by polymer functionalized
    mesoporous carbon, M. Ignat, M. Fortuna, L.
    Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu, XIème Colloque
    Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères, Pite?ti (Cornul
    Vanatorului), Roumanie, Les 27-29 août 2014
  • 2) Glycerol-derived mesoporous carbon
    N2-sorption and SAXS data evaluation, M. Ignat,
    M. Fortuna, L. Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu, 10th
    International Conference on Physics of Advanced
    Materials ICPAM-10, Iasi, Romania, 22-28
    September 2014
  • The effect of heating temperature on the
    templated carbon porosity, M. Ignat, L.
    Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu., 6th Szeged
    International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience
    - SIWAN6, 1518 October 2014, Szeged, Hungary
  • 4) PNiPAM-functionalized mesoporous carbon for
    adsorption of vitamin B2, M. Ignat, M. Fortuna,
    L. Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu., 2nd International
    Conference on Chemical Ingeneering ICCE 2014,
    Romania, Iasi, 5-8 Noiembrie, 2014
  • 5) Adsorption study of vitamin B2 on
    polimer-carbon composite Freundlich and
    Langmuir isotherms, M. Ignat, M.
    Fortuna, L. Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu, A XXXIII-A
    Conferinta Nationala De Chimie, Caciulata, 01-03
    Octombrie 2014
  • 6) Adsorption of Biomolecules on Mesoporous
    Carbon. Effect of pH, M. Ignat, L. Sacarescu, V.
    Harabagiu, Frontiers in Macromolecular and
    Supramolecular Science, Seventh Cristofor I.
    Simionescu Symposium, June 4 5, 2015
  • 7) Novel Chitosan-Coated Zinc Ferrite
    Nanoparticles as Sorbents for Wastewater
    Treatment, M. Ignat, P. Samoila, C. Cojocaru, L.
    Sacarescu, V. Harabagiu, 19th Romanian
    International Conference on Chemistry and
    Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 19, September 2-5,
    2015, Sibiu, Romania.

Stage 2013 105600
Stage 2014 124200
Stage 2015 70200
Total Budget 300000
Dr. MARIA IGNAT"Petru Poni" Institute of
Macromolecular ChemistryAleea Grigore Ghica Voda
41A, 700487 Iasi, RomaniaTel 40232
260188 Fax 40232 211299E-mail
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