Title: Latina Lingua Vivit!
1Latina Lingua Vivit!
(Click mouse, press space bar, or press down
arrow to advance slides.)
2Why study Latin?
- Increase verbal SAT scores
- Understand other cultures
- Improve English skills
- Develop analytical skills
- Make it easier to learn other languages
3Increase verbal SAT scores
- Studies show that Latin students consistently
outperform other students on the verbal SAT
Source Educational Testing Service
4Understand other cultures
- Acquaintance with ancient Roman culture promotes
tolerance and understanding - Greek and Roman civilizations link us with
cultures of 57 nations on 4 continents - Study of Roman civilization makes us aware of the
concepts Americans share with other European
cultures - Government
- Art and literature
- Economic systems
5Improve English skills
- Enrich vocabulary
- Sharpen grammar
- Enhance sense of organization
- I could never have done as well as I have if I
had notput as much energy into Latin...-- High
school senior(perfect 800 on verbal SAT)
6Think Latin is dead?
carpe diem
alma mater
in absentia
bona fide
magna cum laude
per annum
status quo
alter ego
post mortem
ad nauseam
7Develop analytical skillsStudying Latin helps
students to
- Identify problems
- Arrive at sound and creative solutions
- Develop a sense of organization
- Be observant, accurate and logical
8Latin key to other languages
- Strongest foundation for learning Romance
languages French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Romanian - Good foundation for modern inflected languages,
e.g. German and Russian - Broadens a students notion of structures
possible in languages other than English
9Latin is fun!
Talk to your guidance counselor today!
Note Many of the facts presented here are based
on the article Keys to Language and Cultural
Awareness by Conrad Barrett, Ph.D., California
State University and on information published by
the National Committee for Latin and Greek.