Title: Volunteering with SHUMAS
1SHUMAS Volunteering program
Volunteering with SHUMAS
- Volunteering program
- National and international Volunteers
- The work of a volunteer in SHUMAS
2SHUMAS Volunteering program
1. Volunteering program
- Since the beginning of great importance for
SHUMAS - Integration of young people in the working
process with rural communities - The volunteers can gain working experiences in a
big NGO - Working in different projects
- Developing skills in different fields
- ? leadership
- responsibility
- multitasking
3SHUMAS Volunteering program
2. National and international Volunteers
- -Two different types of volunteers National and
international volunteers - -Both are young people who want to gain working
experiences in a big NGO - -National volunteers are often from the
University of Buea or the Polytech in Bamenda - Work in SHUMAS as an interns during their
studies - -International volunteers come either after
graduating from school and during a break at
university or they already have a job and use
their skills for SHUMAS - -They can experience another culture, get working
experiences, as well as language skills and can
also exchange their ideas - -SHUMAS has volunteers from the GIZ in Germany,
Manos Unidas in Spain and Aid Camps from Britain
4SHUMAS Volunteering program
Volunteering partners
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Volunteer involved in water project
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3. The work of a volunteer
- National volunteers start in the secretariat to
get used to the various projects of SHUMAS - After that, they can work for each section,
depending on interest and skill - The volunteers from GIZ usually work for one year
in the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre as a
centre manager, but there is always the
possibility to work in the other projects
additionally, too - The volunteers from Manos Unidas engage in the
water project of the Bio Farm - The volunteers from Aid Camp are involved in the
construction of schools
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Aid Camp SHUMAS school construction
8SHUMAS Volunteering program
National Volunteers on World Water Day Celebration
9SHUMAS Volunteering program
Thank you for your attention!