Title: L
1A Model of Kiwi Leadership for Principals
The Kiwi Leadership Model provides a framework
for improving professional learning for school
leaders. It describes the qualities, knowledge
and skills we require of those leading 21st
century schools.
Culture, Pedagogy, Systems, Partnerships and
Networks and Relationships School leaders work
in five key areas of practice. Central to all
areas is relationships. In order to lead learning
school leaders must be knowledgeable and capable
across all five areas.
- Leading Learning
- Leading learning is the key priority of the
outcomes framework. This involves leadership
which - Improves learning outcomes for all students, with
a particular focus on Maori - Creates the vision and conditions for effective
teaching and learning - Builds and sustains school communities that have
learning and teaching at their hearts
School Context Different contexts create
different demands for school leaders. To succeed
as leaders of learning they need to adapt their
leadership practices to meet these demands.
Manaakitanga, Pono, Ako and Awhinatanga Effective
school leaders demonstrate these qualities.
These qualities are essential for school leaders
focussed on leading learning.
Managing Change, Building Coherence and
Capability, and Developing Self These are the
key activities of school leaders in effectively
leading learning. They connect and align the
schools important and agreed goals to everyones
2A Professional Leadership Strategy
- An action plan focussed on clear priorities
- Address the inhibitors to principals working as
leaders of learning - Three year timeframe
- Developed in partnership with principals and
sector representatives
3Next Steps
- Aligning existing professional learning
initiatives with KLP - Publishing KLP and getting sector feedback
- Developing a draft Professional Leadership
Strategy - Publish NZ cases and evidence linked to KLP