Title: Powerpoint Jeopardy
1Powerpoint Jeopardy
Vocabulary GDP Unemployment Inflation Potpourri
10 10 10 10 10
20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50
2The amount of goods and services that will be
purchased at all possible price levels.
3The lowest point in an economic contraction.
4The point during the business cycle when real GDP
stops rising.
5Key economic variables that economists use to
predict a new phase of the business cycle.
6A situation where inflation occurs during an
economic contraction.
7What is the equation for the expenditures
approach to calculating GDP?
8Which type of GDP is adjusted for inflation?
9What do you call GDP measured in CURRENT dollars?
10What economic indicator is plotted on a graph to
create the business cycle?
11What is the only component of GDP to have
consistently negative numbers?
12Unemployment that occurs as a result of harvest
schedules or vacations or when industries slow
or shut down for a season.
13Unemployment that occurs simply because people
are in-between jobs.
14Unemployment that occurs when workers skills do
not match the jobs that are available.
15Unemployment that rises during economic downturns
and falls when the economy improves.
16The US reaches full employment when it has no
_____ unemployment.
17________ is defined as the ability to purchase
goods and services.
18Theory of inflation that states that too much
money in circulation causes inflation.
19Theory of inflation that states that inflation
occurs when producers raise prices in order to
meet increased costs.
20Theory of inflation that states that inflation
occurs when demand for goods and services
exceeds existing supplies.
21The process by which rising wages cause higher
prices, and higher prices cause higher wages.
22What important economic indicator is used to
calculate the rate of inflation?
23An economic contraction lasting at least 2
consecutive quarters is referred to as a _____.
24What is the best indicator of a nations
standard of living?
25Those who give up on trying to find work are
referred to as ______.
26What TWO types of capital can firms invest in in
order to deepen capital?