Title: JSC Lightning Safety Education
1JSC Lightning Safety Education
- Safety and Total Health Day
- October 2005
2Some Facts about Lightning
Lightning is the most dangerous and frequently
encountered weather hazard that most people
experience each year.National Severe Storms
LabLightning is the 2ND leading cause of
weather fatalities behind floods in the United
States - more than hurricanes and tornadoes. A
Texas AM study found that Houston is the
lightning capital of Texas.
- Weather Chapter 5.9 in JPR 1700.1 describes
employee and management responsibilities for
lightning awareness and avoidance, and outlines
processes and action plans for group events
regarding weather safety. - This policy was instituted within the past year.
Please review it.
Remember You are responsible for your own
4Personal Safety
In the absence of any other information, a good
rule of thumb is the 30/30 Rule 30 seconds or
less flash-to-bang -- seek safer shelter Wait
30 minutes after last thunder before resuming
outdoor activities If you cant see the
lightning flash -- take action when you hear
Flash-to-bang Time from when you see lightning
flash until you hear thunder
5JSC Lightning Notifications
- Lightning Advisory SMG forecasts lightning to
occur within 6 SM of JSC - Gives weather-sensitive organizations who request
this service time to prepare. - Notification is via phone
- SMGs goal is to provide 30 minute lead time.
- Lightning Alert Lightning is observed within 6
SM of JSC. Take Action Now! - Alert is posted on internal JSC web page
- Emailed to EPRs
- Scrolling banner on NASA TV channel 3
- SMG Advisory and Alert are available during duty
hours 630AM to 600PM, typically. - Organizations handle internal notification
6Where to Go During Alert
- There are no truly lightning safe locations, only
safer locations - If you are indoors at JSC
- Stay indoors
- Stay away from windows
- If you are outdoors at JSC
- Get indoors into a substantial building
(pavilions are not safe locations) - If you cant get indoors, get into a vehicle with
a metal roof
7Lightning Discussion Topics
- What are your organizations weather
vulnerabilities? - Is lightning one of them?
- Do you need to receive the Lightning Advisory?
- If you have people working outside
- What procedures do you have in place to monitor
routinely the weather? - What are your lightning notification procedures?
- Could your procedures be more effective?
- Do you know what to do when a Lightning Alert is
8If you have any questions, please contactTim
Oram (281-483-3257), or Rich Lafosse
(281-483-1048)NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group