Title: The Maritime Container Exterior Agricultural Threat
1The Maritime Container Exterior Agricultural
2Our Mission We are the guardians of our Nations
borders. We are Americas frontline. We
safeguard the American homeland at and beyond our
borders. We protect the American public against
terrorists and the instruments of terror. We
steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States
while fostering our nations economic security
through lawful international trade and travel. We
serve the American public with vigilance,
integrity and professionalism.
3 Maritime Pathway
In FY2010, The Port of Philadelphia received over
200,000 TEUs of containerized commodities.
5In FY2010, The Port of Philadelphia received over
15,000 TEUs of containerized commodities
originating from Chile.
6 Maritime Container Reefer Grills Present a
New Pathway for the Introduction of Federal
Noxious Weed Diseminules into the U.S.
7Imperata cylindrica (cogongrass)
Tridax procumbens (coatbuttons)
Imperata brasiliensis (Brazilain blady grass)
Saccharum spontaneum (wild sugarcane)
8FNW Wild Sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum)
9Port of Philadelphia Safeguarding Procedures for
Maritime Reefer Containers Contaminated with FNWs
10Maritime Container Exteriors Present a
ConsiderablePathway for the Introduction of
Quarantine Significant Snails into the U.S.
11Reportable Snails Intercepted by CBPAS from
Container Exteriors
12Port of Philadelphia Safeguarding Procedures for
Maritime Containers Infested with Reportable
13Maritime Container Exteriors Contaminated with
14Soil is High Risk for Harboring Plant Parasitic
15Port of Philadelphia Decontamination Procedures
for Maritime Containers Contaminated with Soil
16Port of Philadelphia Decontamination Procedures
for Maritime Containers Contaminated with Soil
17Maritime Container Exteriors Present a Pathway
for the Introduction of Quarantine Significant
Insect Pests into the U.S.
18Port of Philadelphia Remedial Measures for
Maritime Containers Infested with Insect Pests
19Maritime Container Exteriors Present a Pathway
for the Introduction of Exotic Bee Species
20Port of Philadelphia Remedial Measures for
Maritime Containers Infested with Bees