Title: Assessing forecast uncertainty from synoptic to sub-seasonal scales.
1Assessing forecast uncertainty from synoptic to
sub-seasonal scales.
- Celeste Saulo and Juan Ruiz
2Motivation and general context
- Many meteorological services run operational
ensemble prediction systems (EPS), which provide
estimates of the uncertainty of the forecast. - Many of these outputs are readily available to
the scientific community through, e.g. TIGGE
(THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble). - Obtaining useful (valuable) information from EPS
requires statistical post-processing and specific
research depending on the variable/problem/region.
- There is growing interest in obtaining useful
information from EPS on time scales between 2
weeks and 2 months.
3Motivation and general context
- Active research is being pursued in numerous
places on the definition of initial ensembles,
multimodel (or stochastic physics) as well as on
the evaluation of ensemble predictions. - During the first half of THORPEX it was realized
that model error diagnosis is one area where
universities and research institutions can make
substantial contributions to the further
development of models (and hence forecast skill),
thereby supporting the relatively small community
of model developers.
THORPEX The Observing System Research and
Predictability Experiment
4Potential areas of research under UMI-IFAECI
- Predictability studies
- Ensemble generation (including data assimilation)
- Probabilistic forecasts
- Verification strategies
5Related ongoing studies
- How sensitive are probabilistic precipitation
forecasts to the choice of calibration algorithms
and the ensemble generation method? - Part I Sensitivity to calibration methods (Ruiz
and Saulo, Meteorol. Appl., 2011) - Part II sensitivity to ensemble generation
method (Ruiz, Saulo and Kalnay, Meteorol. Appl.
6- Three different ensemble generation strategies,
using WRF regional model as the basis - Breeding (11 members)
- Multi-model (11 members)
- Pragmatic spatially shifted ((2m 1)2 members,
e.g., 121)
7- In order to correct the effect of the ensemble
systematic errors, several techniques have been
developed, all of them based in the study of the
relationship between error and forecasted value
and in the development of statistical models to
compute a calibrated probability given the
forecasts of the ensemble members
- A logistic regression is used to represent
h(ygt0f) and a GAMMA function is used to
represent h(ygttrf,ygt0) - BMA ? weighted calibrated probability for each
member - GAMMA-ENS ?all weights are equal calibrated
probability for each member - GAMMA? no weights calibration applied to the
ensemble mean - WMEAN ?weighted ensemble mean and then
calibration is applied
8Weights associated to each member of the
spatially shifted ensemble as a function of the
corresponding shift in the southnorth (y axis)
and the westeast (x axis) directions. Negative
shift values indicate southward and westward
shifts respectively.
9Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS)
GAMMA calibration has been adopted
The computation of a weighted ensemble mean can
lead to moderate better results however the best
choice for a weight computation algorithm is
still an open question. The PQPF derived from the
un-weighted ensemble mean produces, if not the
best results, almost as good results as any other
48 hours forecast
24 hours forecast
Shifted combined
shifted multimodel 1331 members shifted breeding
1331 members shifted combined 2541 members
12- The spatially shifted ensemble proves to be quite
competitive at short forecast ranges,
Precipitation uncertainty at these ranges is
mostly related with the location of rain areas
- yet its skill drops rapidly with increasing lead
uncertainties associated with the existence, or
intensity of pp, tend to become more important
with increasing lead times.
- multimodel ensemble (physics) outperformed the
breeding ensemble (IBC). Still, the improvement
combining both is modest
most of the PQPF limitations during summer arise
from errors in model physics rather than problems
in the initial and/or boundary conditions
13- Among the alternatives that have been evaluated,
the most important improvement has been obtained
with the combination of the multimodel ensemble
approach (and/or the combined approach) and the
spatial shift technique even at 48-hours lead
time. This approach is particularly interesting
and promising for implementing high resolution
ensembles in small operational or research
centers for which computational costs largely
restrict ensemble size.
14Ensemble Forecast Object Oriented Verification
- Work in progress Juan Ruiz (postdoc at LMD) and
Olivier Talagrand - The method has been designed to be applied to the
500 hPa field, however it can be easily extended
to other fields as well (and probably other
objects i.e. jet streak position, low level jet
maximum possition, etc). - It is based in the identification of local minima
and the system associated with each local minima. - As in 500 hPa, usually low pressure systems
appear in the form of troughs rather than in the
form of closed systems, the geopotential height
anomaly is used instead of the full 500 hPa
15Cyclone trajectories at 500 hPa, for a particular
day derived from the NCEP ensemble system
16Questions for future research
- How much information can be obtained from the
ensemble spread about the forecast skill? Are
there specific scores to quantify this
relationship in terms that it becomes useful for
particular applications? - Which is the most convenient way to combine
different ensemble members? Is it necessary to
take into account the different skill of each
member? (i.e. Bayesian model averaging trying
different weights against simpler techniques like
logistic regression for precip) - Which kind of information/type of scores could be
used to provide valuable information about
weather states with more than two weeks in
advance? - How can we use model error statistics to
understand which processes are strongly affecting
forecast quality so that key problems can be
isolated and models improved? - Which methodologies should we apply to forecast
probability of extreme events?