E-Modul - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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E-Modul - University of Stavanger – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: E-Modul

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Topic overview
1 (Interpretation depth conversion)
2 Geohistory
3 Isostasy
4 Tectonics
5 Temperature
6 Source rock matuartion
(7 Hydro carbon migration)
Geohistory Movie
What is Basin Modeling
  • The aim of basin modeling is to quantify the
    mechanisms that is forming sedimentary basins,
    and the generation of hydrocarbons.
  • Basin modeling is the quantitative integrated
    study of sedimentary basins. It is of
    multidisciplinary nature, and includes
    disciplines like geophysics, sedimentology,
    structural geology and geochemistry.
  • A knowledge of the behaviour of the lithosphere
    is essential if we are to understand the
    initiation and development of sedimentary basins.
  • This module is focused on extensional basins. The
    formative mechanisms of
  • sedimentary basins fall into three classes
  • a) loading on the lithosphere causes deflection,
    and therefore subsidence
  • b) thinning of the lithosphere by mechanical
    stretching is accompanied by fault-controlled
  • c) purely thermal mechanisms, such as heat

Click on figure for enlarging
More What can basin modeling tell us
What can basin modelling tell us?
  • Basin modeling is well suited for
  • 1) geohistory analysis
  • 2) modelling of isostatic response to
    sedimentation, erosion and fault movements
  • 3) estimating tectonic subsidence (amount and
    timing of of stretching)
  • 4) model the palaeo heatflow into the basin
  • 5) predicting area, timing, duration and rate of
    source rock maturation, together with timing of
    fault movements and prospective trap formation
  • 6) evaluation of the effect of faulting on
    maturation timing and distribution
  • 7) reconstructed fault geometries give insight
    into possible role of faults as conduits or
    barriers between mature sources and potential
    reservoir through time
  • 8) burial and temperature history can give
    insight into possible diagenetic effects on
    porosity (e.g. quartz cementation).

Work path of basin modeling
The first step in a basin analysis study is to
build the input geological section. This step
involves transferring the seismic profile into
the modelling tool. The next step will be to
simulate a geohistory for the geological section.
It is necessary to make a complete geohistory
before moving on to any of the other
tasks. During the subsidence analysis you will
draw the work you completed in the geohistory
reconstruction to constrain the model.The purpose
of this task is to calculate the palaeo heatflow
over the section. The temperature modelling
depends on the calculated heat flow history.
The final step in this module is the source
rock maturation modelling. This depends on the
temperature history of the basin, and on the
time. Possible HC migration modelling follows,
when the maturity is calculated. Please note
the dependencies in the modelling tasks, and that
the uncertainty increases during the modelling
Section 1 Interpretation depth conversion
  • To do basin modelling information on
    stratigraphy, lithofacies distribution, and major
    structural features of the basin is required.
  • As input an interpreted seismic section is the
    best starting point for building a geological
    model. This includes geometries and ages of the
    various horizons.
  • In addition you need information about the
  • 1) time to depth conversion factors. If the
    section is in seismic two way travel time, it
    has to be converted to depth. In this case, you
    need conversion factors.
  • 2) palaeo water depths.
  • 3) eroded or non-depositional surfaces. This
    includes information on the magnitude of erosion
    and the time-span of the non-deposition.
  • 4) lithological boundaries and lithology types.
    Many important input parameters are tied
    directly to lithofacies, e.g. porosity-depth

Section 2 Geohistory
  • Geohistorical analysis is the reconstruction in
    time and space of the sedimentary basin
    development. This can incorporate a high
    resolution sequence stratigraphic framework, and
    structural reconstruction of normal and reverse
  • The geohistory reconstruction provides the basis
    for all additional geological modelling on the
    section. It is thus important to do the modelling
    as correct and realistic as possible. The aim of
    the geohistorical analysis is to get the basin
    geometry through time correct.
  • It is of special importance to restore the faults
    in a proper manner. If this cannot be done, the
    basin geometries will be significantly wrong.

Geohistory movies (2)
Geohistory Input Data
  • The data we need to make reliable modeling
  • From the seismic section
  • lithologies
  • definition of faults
  • We must know about
  • erosion and non-deposition
  • porosity depth functions
  • palaeo water depths

Present-day stratigraphic thicknesses in a basin
are a product of cumulative compaction through
time. Geohistory reconstruction relies primarily
on the decompaction of the stratigraphic units to
their correct thickness at the various times in
the evolution - in addition to fault restoration
and corrections due to palaeo water depth
variations. The decompaction of stratigraphic
units requires the variation of porosity with
depth to be known. Estimates of porosity from
boreholes suggest that normally pressured
sediments exhibit an exponential relationship
between porosity and depth. It is given on the
form f foe-cy where f is the porosity at
any depth y, fo is the surface porosity and c is
a coefficient that is dependent on lithology and
describe the rate at which the exponential
decrease in porosity takes place with depth.
The decompaction technique seeks to remove
progressive effects of rock volume change with
time and depth. One by one layer is removed, and
the layers underneath are decompacted. Any
compaction history is likely to be complex, being
affected by lithology, overpressure, diagenesis
and other factors. Consequently, what are needed
are some general porosity-depth relationship
which hold good over large depth ranges.
Click image to watch animation
Fault Restoration
  • Fault restoration capabilities are important for
    several reasons. Without fault restoration the
    basin geometry through time will, in many cases,
    be incorrect. This will affect the estimated
    temperature regime of the basin, and thus the
    predicted maturation history. Not less important
    is the insight into the geometry of possible
    hydrocarbon migrition pathways and traps through
  • There are several different methods for fault
    restoration. We are using vertical simple shear.
    It is found that this method give very good
    results, appropriate for basin modelling
  • The method is called vertical shear method of the
    following reason If you think of a fault block
    as consisting of a deck of cards, the cards
    remain vertical throughout the fault restoration
    process. During the reconstruction, the cards are
    translated up the fault system until the top
    timeline is continuous across the fault surface.
    Once the bars have been moved horizontally, their
    vertical position are determined by drawing
    upwards from their new positions along the fault
  • The resulting displacement has significant
    lateral as well as vertical translation.

Decompaction/fault restoration
When reconstructing the basin evolution, one by
one layer is removed, and the layers underneath
are decompacted acording to the porosity-depth
relationship. The faults blocks are also
translated up the fault system until the top
timeline is continuous across the fault surface.

The movie starts from 250 M years ago and
progress to present time
Click image to start movies
Next movie
Animation of the basin evolution of a section
over Sørvestlandshøgda over geological time.
Different colours indicate sediments of different
age. Note the time scale in the lower part of the
Previous movie
The movie starts from 52 M years ago and progress
to present time
Animation of the basin evolution of a section
over Sørvestlandshøgda over Tertiary time
(detailed view of the previous movie). Different
colours indicate sediments of different age. Note
the time scale in the lower part of the figure.
Section 3 Isostasy
  • The sediments accumulating in a basin represent a
    load on the lithosphere. Isostasy is the
    principle of Archimedes applied on the earths
    upper layers. It is one of the main processes
    operating in basin formation.
  • The theoretical isostatic deflections are
    calculated due to the loading/unloading of
    sediments and water through time. Isostatic
    movements are often calculated using an Airy
    approximation. This assumes that the compensation
    takes place locally and instantaneously over
    geological time scales.
  • More realistic models incorporate the effects of
    the elastic stiffness and the viscous flow that
    can occur in two dimensions.
  • Elastic and viscous models each requires various
    earth parameters.

Isostatic parameters
Sediments - matrix density - pore water
density - porosity
Lithospheric thickness - Elastic parameters
- Viscous parameters
Mantle lithosphere - Astenospheric
Airy Model
rs 2.8 g/cm3
  • Local instant response
  • subsidence (rs / rm ) x h
  • In this case
  • subsidence 0.85 x h

rm 3.3 g/cm3
Illustration of the Airy model. This assumes that
the compensation takes place locally and
instantaneously over geological time scales. The
earth is reacting to loads as if it was
floating on a fluid mantle. The Airy model can
overestimate isostatic subsidence leading to
underestimated heat flow.
Elastic model
The earths response to loading show that the
lithosphere acts as an elastic shell. If a load
is applied to the elastic lithosphere, part of
the applied load will be supported by the
lithosphere, and part by buoyant forces of the
mantle underneath, acting through the
Instant response
Effect of Elastic Lithospheric Thickness on
Isostatic Subsidence
Viscous Effect on Isostatic Subsidence
  • It is also known that the lithosphere has a
    viscosity which varies strongly with depth.
    However, the viscosity is large enough to act as
    an elastic plate over short time periods. Over
    long time spans the applied loads will start to
    subside into the lithosphere. Isostatic
    equilibrium will be achieved over hundred s of
    millions of years.

Viscous response over time
Instant elastic response
Will approximate the Airy model with time
Compositional division of the earth
  • There are three main compositional units of the
    earth the crust, mantle and core.
  • Crust The crust is an outer shell of relatively
    low density rocks. The oceanic crust is thin,
  • ranging from approximately 4 to 20 km in
    thickness, and with an average density of 2900 kg
  • The continental crust is thicker, ranging from 10
    to 70 km, and with an average thickness of
    around 35km.
  • Information on the density of crustal rocks has
    been obtained largely by observations on
  • coupled with laboratory experiments. The
    existence of a low velocity crust was discovered
    by the geophysisist
  • Mohorovicic shortly after the turn of the
    century. The boundary between the crust and
    mantle is called Moho.
  • The Moho can vary in depth considerably over
    relatively short distances.
  • Mantle The mantle is divided into 2 layers, the
    upper and the lower mantle. The upper mantle
    extends to about 650-700 km. The lower mantle
    extends to the outer coreat 2900 km.

Read more about the mechanical division of the
Mechanical division of the earth
  • The mechanical divisions of the interior of the
    Earth do not necessarily match the compositional
    zones. One of the mechanical zoneations of
    interest in basin studies is the diffrentiation
    between the lithosphere and asthenosphere. This
    is because the vertical motions in sedimentary
    basins are responses to deformations of this
  • Lithosphere is the rigid outer shell of the
    Earth, comprising the crust and upper part of the
    mantle. It is of particular interest to note the
    difference between the thermal and elastic
    thicknesses of the lithosphere.
  • It is generally believed that the base of the
    lithosphere is represented by an isotherm of
    1100-1300 oC, at which mantle rocks approach
    their solid's temperature. This defines the
    thermal lithosphere.
  • The rigidity of the lithosphere allows it to
    behave as a coherent plate, but only if the upper
    half of the lithosphere is sufficiently rigid to
    retain elastic stresses over geological time
    scales. This is the elastic lithosphere. The
    thickness of the elastic lithosphere varies
    around the globe. In our area the thickness is
    estimated to 1 to 40 km.

The straight red line, are the position the
basin strata had 250 Ma. ( Surface level )
The varying level lines shows how the
strata subside non-linear downward in the crust.
The animation shows how the istostatic movements
are affected by sedimentation, erosion, fault
movements and variation in the palaeo water depth
over time.
Section 4 Tectonics
  • The observed subsidence estimated by geohistory
    analysis is mainly due to two processes
    isostatic movements and tectonic movements due to
    lithospheric thinning.
  • The tectonic subsidence is commonly deduced by
    the McKenzie model. McKenzie showed that
    sedimentary basins could form when the
    lithosphere is stretched, resulting in reduced
    crustal thickness and upwelling of hot mantle
    material. After the stretching
  • event the surface will subside due to thermal
    contraction of the lithosphere (see next page).
  • The sum of the isostatic calculations and the
    tectonic modelling will be compared with the
    observed subsidence (calculated by the
    geohistory analysis). The amount of stretching
    is then the tuning parameter. When the fit is
    acceptable, the amount of stretching over the
    basin is quantified. And simultaneously, the
    palaeo heat flow history is found. This is again
    input to the temperature modeling.

Look on a flow diagram visualising this prosess
Total subsidence
  • Total (Geohistory) Subsidence Isostatic
    Tectonic Subsidence

Isostatic subsidence
Tectonic subsidence
Schematic Illustration of Stretching
Before stretching
After stretching
  • Subsidence due to
  • Thermal expansion

Mantle lithosphere (or sub-crust)
Upwelled Astenosphere
Thermal equilibrium
  • Thermal subsidence

Flow diagram
Here is shown how the heat flow history changes
over geological time, due to the amount of
lithospheric stretching over the basin. The
heatflow is to a certain degree also affected by
sedimentation and erosion.
Section 5 Temperature
The temperature history of the basin is
calculated after the heatflow modeling is
finished. The temperature depends on 1) the
basin geometries calculated in the geohistory
analysis 2) the heat flow history from the
tectonic modelling 3) the palaeo surface
temperature 4) the thermal conductivity and heat
capacity structure of the sediments.
Temperatur development movie
Thermal reconstruction
Animation showing how the temperature regime in
the basin changes over time due to sedimentation,
erosion and heat flow history.
Section 6 Source rock maturation
There is now a wealth of geochemical evidence
that petroleum is sourced from
biologically-derived organic matter buried in
sedimentary rocks. Organic-rich rocks capable of
expelling petroleum compounds are known as source
rocks. The parameters governing the formation of
petroleum are 1) temperature 2) time 3) organic
matter type Thus the reliability of the
prediction of oil and gas formation depends on
1) the reliability of the temperature history 2)
the reliability of the organic kinetic parameters
used in the maturation modelling
hydrocarbon maturation movie
Source rock maturation
Animation showing the deposition of source rock
and the transformation from organic matter to
hydrocarbons in the source rock.
Hydrocarbon migration
  • Hydro-carbon migration is not treated in this
    module, but is often the final modelling task in
    basin modelling. Hydrocarbon migration (also
    termed secondary migration) concentrates
    petroleum into specific sites (traps) where it
    may be commercially extracted.
  • The mechanics of hydrocarbon migration from
    source to reservoir are well studied. The main
    driving forces behind the migration is buoyancy
    (caused by the density contrast between the
    petroleum and pore water), and pore pressure
    gradients which attempts to move all pore fluids
    (both water and petroleum)to areas of lower

Module made by
Student Hege Anita Handeland Petroleum Technology Dept. Stavanger University College NORWAY Student Odd Egil Overskeid Petroleum Technology Dept. Stavanger University College NORWAY
Topic Author and Coordinator Dr. Willy Fjeldskaar Chief Scientist  Petroleum Technology - Research and Development Rogaland Research wf_at_rf.no NORWAY
  • The source for animations and movies are taken
    from BMT - Basin Modeling Toolbox, a trademark of
    RF-Rogaland Research, Stavanger, Norway. BMT is
    also marketed by Geologica as.
  • Text provided by Willy Fjeldskaar.

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