Title: Science Do Now: 12-10
1ScienceDo Now 12-10
- Stack your grade report if it needs to be turned
in today. - Stack your Do Now sheets for collection
- Open text book to page 230
- Today
- Power Point w/notes Measuring Earthquakes
2Measuring Earthquakes
3Did you hear about any earthquakes that occurred
4Locating Earthquakes
- Seismic waves are
- detected at
- seismographic
- stations located
- around the world
- They are located
- at or near the
- Earths surface
5How does a seismograph work?
- Seismograph records ground movements of
earthquakes - The pendulum sits still while the rotating drum
and ground moves. - Seismogram shows
- the earthquake
- motion.
6Where is the center of an earthquake?
- Focus Point where rocks break UNDERGROUND
- Epicenter Center of earthquake ABOVE GROUND
7The S-P MethodLocating an Epicenter
- Distance to the epicenter is measured on a
- time-distance graph.
- It takes THREE seismograph stations to locate an
epicenter. A circle is drawn around each
location. The epicenter is where the 3 circles
8Epicenters from 1977 - 1996
9Earthquake Scales
- There are two different scales used to measure
earthquakes - The Richter Magnitude Scale
- The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
10The Richter Scale
- Measures the amount of ground motion.
- Ranks from 1-10
- Each 1 point jump increases the ground motion 10
times!! - Measured using a seismograph
Magnitude Estimated effects 2.0 can be
detected only by seismograph 3.0 can be felt
at epicenter 4.0 can be felt by
most people in the area
5.0 causes damage at epicenter
6.0 can cause widespread damage
7.0 can cause great, widespread damage
11The Mercalli Scale
- Ranks from 1-12 with Roman Numerals
- Measures the intensity which
- One Earthquake can have more than one intensity
12What are the worst earthquakes ever recorded?