Skin Cancer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Skin Cancer


Skin Cancer 9th Grade Skin Cancer Facts Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. and accounts for approximately 50% of all cancers. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer
  • 9th Grade

Skin Cancer Facts
  • Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in
    the U.S. and accounts for approximately 50 of
    all cancers.
  • The incidence of skin cancer is greater than
    breast, lung, prostate, colon, and kidney cancers
    added together.
  • One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in
    their lifetime.
  • About one million people are diagnosed with skin
    cancer every year in the U.S.
  • One American dies every hour from skin cancer.

Types of Skin Cancer
  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Melanoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinoma is the most frequently
    diagnosed skin cancer (2.8 million every year in
  • This skin cancer occurs in heavily sun-exposed
    areas of the skin.
  • This type of skin cancer usually appears on the
    face, neck, ears, lips, and nose.
  • Basal cell carcinoma rarely results in death, but
    it can spread and cause more serious health

Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinomas typically occur as light
    pink or flesh-colored bumps with pearly or waxy
  • They grow slowly and are almost never fatal but,
    if neglected, they can grow to the point where
    disfiguring surgery is necessary to remove them.
  • Although common in all areas of the country, it
    is especially prevalent in southern states.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common
    skin cancer (700,000 cases every year in U.S.).
  • It is more aggressive than basal and can spread
    to other parts of the body and may result in
    death (approximately 2,500/year).
  • Squamous cell carcinoma also tends to occur in
    the most heavily sun-exposed areas of the skin.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinomas often start as flat red
    or brown splotches which become rough, dry, and
  • If not treated, they may eventually grow large
    enough to spread to nearby internal organs and be
  • It occurs in all areas of the country, but is
    more prevalent in southern states.

Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas
  • Approximately 1 million cases of basal and
    squamous cell carcinomas are diagnosed each year
    in the U.S.
  • Good news
  • With early detection and treatment, basal and
    squamous cell carcinomas have a cure rate of more
    than 95.

  • Malignant melanoma is the most deadly of the
    three types of cancer.
  • Melanoma accounts for less than 5 of the skin
    cancer cases.
  • It causes more than 75 of the skin cancer
  • Melanoma causes about 8,790 deaths each year in
    the U.S.

Source CDC http// http/
  • Melanoma cases are increasing faster than any
    other cancer.
  • Melanoma is the most common cancer among 25-29
    year-olds and second for 15-29 year-olds.
  • Vulnerability to melanoma begins at age 12, much
    earlier than other skin cancers.
  • If not removed early, while thin, melanoma often
    grows rapidly, spreads to distant internal
    organs, and is fatal.
  • It is equally likely to occur in all areas of the

Source CDC http// http/
Ordinary Moles
  • ORDINARY MOLES have all of these features
  • Round or oval shape  
  • Sharp, even borders with skin  
  • Uniform color (usually brown)  
  • Less than 1/4 inch wide
  • Cauliflower or smooth surface  
  • Even dome shape if mole is raised

Atypical Melanoma Moles
  • ATYPICAL MOLES often have one or more of these
  • Irregular shape  
  •   Uneven and/or fuzzy borders
  • with skin
  • Two or more shades of brown
  • or pink
  • 1/4 inch wide or more  
  • Cauliflower or smooth surface 
  • Flat edges with "fried egg"
  • center if mole is raised

Risk Factors for Skin Cancer
  • Fair skin
  • Light hair color
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • Blistering sunburn before the age of 20
  • Atypical moles
  • Indoor tanning
  • Large number of normal moles

Controllable Risk Factors
Risk Factor Risk Percentage
Intermittent exposure of normally covered skin to strong sunlight High
One blistering sunburn under the age of 20 2 times as likely
Three or more blistering sunburns under the age of 20 5 times as likely
One tanning bed session under the age of 30 Almost 2 times as likely
Ten or more tanning bed sessions in one year under the age of 30 Almost 8 times as likely
Warning Signs of Melanoma

Any change in a mole, blemish, freckle, birthmark, or pigmented area

A new mole or freckle that appears or is growing rapidly, especially if you don't have many moles, or the new mole or freckle looks different from those you do have
A mole or other growth that has any of the ABCD
  • A Asymmetry
  • Radial melanomas are often unsymmetrical an
    imaginary line through the middle does not
    produce matching halves
  • B Border
  • The borders of radial melanomas may be uneven,
    fuzzy, or have notched or scalloped edges.

  • C Color
  • Radial melanomas often begin to show color
    changes in areas, with shades of black, brown,
    tan, and sometimes other colors.
  • D Diameter
  • Unlike normal or atypical moles, radial
    melanomas often grow larger than the width of a
    pencil eraser.

Warning Signs of Melanoma

A change in surface texture or in the way a mole feels to the touch

A new "freckle" that is dark, dry, or scaly

A pigmented area or splotch that is new or that you don't remember seeing before
Warning Signs of Melanoma

A new spot that is black, even if very small

A mole or other spot that looks or behaves differently than those around it, even if it seems otherwise normal

A mole or other spot that itches and/or bleeds

Redness, other color, or shadow extending into the surrounding skin
Does where we live matter?
Figures, rounded to the nearest ten, are from
American Cancer Society Cancer Facts Figures
UV Index
  • Ultraviolet Rays (UV) The ozone layer shields
    the earth from harmful UV radiation. Ozone
    depletion, weather and the seasons cause
    different amounts of UV radiation to reach the
  • UV Index Click here for an explanation of UV
  • UV Index for your town Use this link to see the
    current UV index in your town.

Note Slide must be in display mode for
websites to be active.
Sun Smart
  • In your group, discuss and record ways to reduce
    your chances of skin cancer.
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