Amoeba - A Distributed System for the 1990s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amoeba - A Distributed System for the 1990s


Amoeba - A Distributed System for the 1990s Group A6 Abdul Aziz Habib Ammari Pearl Thomas Vamsi Krishna – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amoeba - A Distributed System for the 1990s

Amoeba - A Distributed System for the 1990s
  • Group A6
  • Abdul Aziz
  • Habib Ammari
  • Pearl Thomas
  • Vamsi Krishna

  • Amoeba distributed operating system developed at
    the Free University (Amsterdam), and Center for
    Mathematics and Computer Science (Amsterdam)
  • Single big timesharing system
  • - Transparency of processors assigned to jobs
  • - Transparency of users files storage and their
  • - Transparency of processes-machine
  • Amoeba 4.0 system released in 1990

Amoeba Hardware architecture
  • Workstations
  • Execution of processes interacting intensively
    with the user
  • Examples. Window manager, command interpreter,
    editors, CAD/CAM graphical front-ends
  • Processor Pool
  • Computing power
  • Large number of single-board computers (several
    megabytes of private memory, network interface)

Amoeba Hardware architecture (contd)
  • Example. make ltprogramgt
  • - ltprogramgt program with dozens of source files
  • - Processor allocation for running many
    compilations in parallel
  • - Return of processors to the pool at the end of
  • Multiprogrammed pool processors (best performance
    when a process is assigned its own processor)
  • Dynamic number of processors
  • Crash of few processors will not affect the
    system (some jobs may have to be restarted)
    degree of fault tolerance

Amoeba Hardware architecture (contd)
  • Specialized Servers
  • Running dedicated processes with unusual resource
  • Example running file servers on machines having
    disks (performance optimization)
  • 4. Gateways
  • Gateways to other Amoeba systems accessed over
    wide area networks
  • Amoeba is spans several countries
  • Gateway local machines protection from the
    idiosyncracies of the protocols used over the
    wide area links
  • Centralized computing power incremental growth,
    fault tolerance, large amount of computing power
    assigned to a single job (temporarily)

Amoeba Software architecture
  • Amoeba Object-based system using clients and
  • Use or RPCs for client processes-server processes
    communication (sending requests operations on
  • Objects identified and protected by capabilities
  • Capability structure
  • - Server port server who manages the object
  • - Object number object identifier
  • - Rights field permitted operations
  • - Check field cryptographic protection (keeping
    users from tampering with the other fields)
  • Capabilities embedded in a huge address space
    key to protection in Amoeba
  • Capabilities managed by user processes

Amoeba Software architecture (contd)
  • Objects implemented by server processes
  • Server port used to locate the appropriate server
  • RPCs requests and replies delivered to
    authorized processes
  • Objects
  • - System level identification capabilities
  • - User level identification human-sensible
    hierarchical naming scheme
  • - Directory server mapping of ASCII path names
    onto capabilities
  • File server Bullet server (faster than a
    speeding Bullet) storing immutable files as
    contiguous byte strings on disk and in its cache
  • Amoeba kernel memory segments management,
    multiple-threads processes and their interactions
  • Process-management facilities remote process
    creation, debugging, checkpointing, migration

Amoeba Software architecture (contd)
  • Other services (directory service) provided by
    user-level processes flexible system with high
  • Amoeba design avoiding concessions to existing
    OS and software
  • Ajax Unix emulation service developed for
    running existing software on Amoeba

Communication in Amoeba
  • Amoebas conceptual model is that of a client
    thread performing operations on objects.
  • A client sends a request message to the service
    that manages the object
  • A server thread accepts the message,carries out
    the request, and sends a reply message back to
    the client.
  • Multiple server processes jointly manage a
    collection of objects of the same type to provide
    the service for fault tolerance and performance.

Remote Procedure Calls
  • The kernel provides three basic system calls
  • GetRequest used by servers to announce their
    willingness to accept messages addressed to a
    specific port.
  • SendReply used by servers, to send back replies.
  • DoOperation sending a message to a server and
    then blocking until a reply comes back

Remote Procedure Calls
  • user-oriented interface built on top of three
    system calls, to allow users to think directly in
    terms of objects and operations on these objects.
  • Classes can be composed hierarchically, that is,
    a class may contain the operations from one or
    more underlying classes.
  • This multiple inheritance mechanism allows many
    services to inherit the same interfaces for
    simple object manipulations, such as for changing
    the protection properties on an object, or
    deleting an object.

RPC Transport
  • The Amoeba Interface Language(AIL) compiler
    generates code to marshal or unmarshal the
    parameters of remote procedure calls into and out
    of message buffers and then call the Amoebas
    transport mechanism for the delivery of request
    and reply messages
  • Messages consist of two parts, a header and a
  • The header has a fixed format and contains
    addressing information, an operation code which
    selects the function to be called on the object,
    and some space for additional parameters.

RPC Transport Continued
  • The buffer can contain data.
  • With this setup, marshalling the file data takes
    zero time, because the data can be transmitted
    directly from and to the arguments specified by
    the program.

Locating Objects
  • Before a request for an operation on an object
    can be delivered to a server thread that manages
    the object, the location of such a thread must be
  • All capabilities contain a Service Port field,
    which identifies the service that manages the
    object the capability refers to.
  • When a server thread makes a GetRequest call,it
    provides its service port to the kernel, which
    records it in an internal table.
  • When a client thread call DoOperation, it is the
    kernels job to find a server thread with an
    outstanding GetRequest that matches the port in
    the capability provided by the client.

Locating Objects Continued
  • In a wide area network, a slightly different
    scheme is used, each server wishing to export its
    service sends a special message to all the
    domains in which it wants its service known.
  • In each such domain, a dummy process, called a
    server agent is created, which does a GetRequest
    using the servers port and then lies dormant
    until a request comes in, at which time it
    forwards the message to the server for processing.

Performance of Amoeba RPC
  • We booted the Amoeba kernel on two 16.7 MHz
    Motorola 68020s and created auser process on
    each and let them communicate over a 10 Mbps
  • For just a header, the complete RPC took 1.4
  • With 8K of data it took 13.1 msec, and with 30K
    it took 44.0 msec.
  • The latter corresponds to a throughput of 5.4
    megabits/sec, which is half the theoretical
    capacity of the Ethernet, and much higher than
    most other systems achieve.

The Amoeba File System
  • Capabilities form the low-level naming mechanism
    of Amoeba
  • Extra level of mapping provided from human
    sensible hierarchical path names to capabilities.
  • Directory Server
  • The Hierarchical Directory Structure
  • Directory as a set of (names, capabilities) pair.
  • Lookup (DirCap, ObjectName)
  • Enter (DirCap, ObjectName, ObjectCap)
  • Delete (DirCap, ObjectName)

Amoeba File System - Cntd
  • Complex sharing
  • directory as n1 column table with ASCII names in
    column 0 and capabilities in column 1 through n
  • The Bullet Server
  • Support only three principal operations
  • ReadFile
  • CreateFile
  • DeleteFile

Amoeba File System - Cntd
  • All files are immutable
  • Advantage Final file size is known
  • Disadvantage Segmentation
  • Reliability
  • Directory Server has a crucial role
  • Up Running Replication of data
  • Trusted to work correctly Encryption
  • TechniquesFault Tolerant Database Systems

Process Management
  • Amoeba processes can have multiple threads of
  • A process consists of a segmented virtual address
    space and one or more threads
  • Processes can be remotely created, destroyed,
    checkpointed, migrated and debugged
  • Processes have explicit control over their
    address space
  • adding and removing of new segments

Process Management - Cntd
  • Process created by sending a process descriptor
    to a kernel in an execute process request
  • A process consists of

Process Management - Cntd
  • Main System calls in Amoeba
  • DoOperation
  • GetRequest
  • Processes can be in two states
  • Running
  • Stunned

Memory Management in Amoeba
  • Process is entirely memory resident to run
  • extremely high transfer rates for large RPCs are
  • Each segment is contiguosly stored in memory
  • Design is helpful for performance, simplicity and
  • Not having to page or swap makes the design
    considerably simpler and makes the kernel smaller
    and more manageable
  • Large memories will substantially reduce the need
    for paging and swapping, namely to fit large
    programs into small machines

Unix Emulation
  • The emulation facility does the work by calling
    the bullet server, directory server and the
    Amoeba Process Management facilities
  • Initially implemented system calls open , close,
    dup, read, write, lseek
  • Session server was developed to allocate Unix
    PIDs,PPIDs and assist in the handling of system
    calls involving(fork, exec, signal, kill, UNIX
    pipes etc)
  • The X window system ported in Amoeba

  • The concept of Distributed Operating system
    without attempting to restrict to existing
    operating systems
  • It was remarkably easy to port all the Unix
    software to use in Amoeba
  • Use of Objects and capabilities
  • The design to build directly on the hardware
  • Amoeba kernel is small and simple
  • The few operations that are implemented by Amoeba
    kernel are versatile and simple to use.

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