Volunteer Training
2Performance Objectives
- List eight cognitive patterns which
- perpetuate a criminal lifestyle
- List power and control tactics used
- by offenders
- Know strategies to directly challenge
- and confront manipulation
3Performance Objectives
- List the Three Rs of managing deception
- and manipulation
- Know the Ten Commandments of
- correctional professionals
4Needs of Offenders
5The Three Cs
- Conditions environmental and
- personal factors that place
- a person at risk
- Choices criminals choose to
- engage in antisocial behavior
- Cognition choosing to violate
- the law involves specific thinking
- patterns
Conditions, choices, and cognition
(thinking) contribute to a criminal lifestyle.
6Eight Cognitive Patternswhich serve to
perpetuate acriminal lifestyle
- The Blaming Game
- Look at Me Being Good
- Im in Charge
- Thats Too Much Work
7Eight Cognitive Patterns
- I Should Get What I Want
- I Can Get By With Anything
- I Feel Nothing
- I Talk One Way and Act Another
8Power and Control Tactics
- Testing
- Diversion
- Extortion
- Disreputation
- Negotiation
- Rumor Clinic
- Revenge
- Ingratiation
- Splitting
- Boundary Intrusion
- Sphere of Influence
- Solidarity
9Managing andConfronting Manipulation
- Point out disparity between verbal
- responses
- Point out discrepancy between
- emotions and verbal responses
- Identifying conflict between a verbal
- response and that which would be expected
- from a noncriminal
10Managing andConfronting Manipulation
- Calling attention to obvious game playing
- Questioning or challenging expectations
- about what is happening or might happen
- in the future
11The Three Rsof managing deception and
- Reversal of responsibility
- placing responsibility on the
- offender
- Relabel behavior in ways which
- are inconsistent with offenders
- self-perception of being powerful
- 3. Redirection staff maintaining
- focus of attention on topic or task
- at hand
12Additional Management Strategies
- Prevention
- Trust Your Intuition
- Pay Close Attention to Offenders
- Normal Behavior
- Be Aware of Your Own Nonverbal
- Behavior
- Be Honest and Direct When Talking with
- Offenders
- Seek Collateral Information
13Additional Management Strategies
- Damage Control
- Make Another Staff Member
- Aware
- Document What Happened
- Heal Your Wounds and Move On
- Maintain and Exercise a Sense of Humor
14Ten Commandmentsof correctional professionals
- Go home safe and sound at the end
- of each day
- Establish realistic expectations
- Set firm and consistent limits
- Avoid power struggles
- Manage interpersonal boundaries
15Ten Commandments
- Do not take things personally
- Strive for an attitude of healthy
- skepticism
- Do not fight bureaucracy
- Ask for help
- Do not take your work home with you
16You have now completed Advanced Criminal
Manipulation.If you have any questions,
pleasereview the module.Please proceed to the
nextmodule when you are ready.Thanks!