Harlem%20Renaissance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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African American leaders such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey as well as organizations like the N.A.A.C.P. helped to inspire racial pride in the middle and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Harlem%20Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance
  • From Realism To The

Dizzy Gillespe
Richard Wright
Billie Holliay
Jacob Lawrence
What is Realism Again?
  • Remember, literature written around the time of
    the Civil War sought to present the details of
    actual life in as real of terms as possible,
    hence the name of the movement, Realism.
  • Realists preferred authenticity, real people, in
    their real environment, facing their real
  • The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
    is a perfect example of a realist text because of
    its authentic portrayal of slavery

True Meaning of Freedom?
  • The Civil War truly change the face of America
    and allowed for opportunity previously unknown.
  • From 1865 to the Early 1920s, voices previously
    unheard, begin speaking freely and sharing
  • the unique perspectives, histories, and
  • cultures of the different regions of America.
  • Some of the biggest and most powerful of
  • these voices came from the Harlem
  • through authors like Zora Neal Hurston.

What is a Renaissance?
  • A Renaissance literally means Rebirth.
  • It refers to a rebirth of a cultural interest in
    learning, discovery, and values.
  • The Harlem Renaissance refers to a
    literary/artistic movement during which a group
    of talented African-American writers produced a
    sizable body of literature in the four prominent
    genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.

When was the Harlem Renaissance?
  • The Harlem Renaissance began at the end of World
    War I and continued through the middle of the
    1930s Depression.
  • Its origins are rooted in the Great Migration
    when, between 1890 and 1920, about two million
    African Americans migrate from the rural southern
    states to the northern cities, where they hope to
    find better opportunities and less discrimination.

The Great Migration?
Lets stop and think about thisWhat would cause
such a huge movement of People? What was
happening historically to drive this migration?
How did Harlem Renaissance Start?
  • The Improved living conditions of the North
    resulted in improved education and employment
  • These improvements lead to a growing African
    American Middle Class.

  • African American leaders such as W.E.B. Du Bois
    and Marcus Garvey as well as organizations like
    the N.A.A.C.P. helped to inspire racial pride in
    the middle and working class.

W.E.B. Du Bois
Marcus Garvey
  • Du Bois believed that artistic and literary work
    could be used as a form of propaganda to help
    combat racial stereotypes and gain new respect
  • for the race.
  • The NAACP published The Crisis,
  • a journal used to share the literary
  • works of African Americans.

  • Du Bois also believed in the talented
  • This was the idea that a small percentage of the
    African American population who were
    exceptionally skilled should be designated and
    educated as artistic and cultural leaders.
  • He proposed absolute equality for the "talented
    tenth" and technical training for the black

What Was the Response ?
  • In response to the gains by African Americans,
    many whites fought back during the summer of
    1919 The Red Summer
  • There were 25 major race riots and at
  • least 83 African Americans were
  • lynched.
  • The Ku Klux Klan held over 200
  • meetings to increase enrollment.

What Did The Authors Write About?
  • Common themes in the Literature of the Harlem
    Renaissance include
  • alienation - feeling separated or isolated by
  • marginality - being placed or forced outside the
    main group or groups of society
  • the use of folk material - art, dialect, stories,
    the blues

But for the writers themselves, acceptance by the
white world was less important, as Langston
Hughes put it, than the "expression of our
individual dark-skinned selves."
For Example
Once riding in old Baltimore,Heart-filled,
head-filled with glee,I saw a BaltimoreanKeep
looking straight at me. Now I was eight and very
small,And he was no whit bigger,And so I
smiled, but he poked outHis tongue, and called
me, "Nigger." I saw the whole of BaltimoreFrom
May until DecemberOf all the things that
happened thereThat's all that I remember.
  • Incident
  • By Countee Cullen

Which theme(s) are present in this
Renaissance Poem?
Your Assignment
  1. Pick an artistic form for an original piece of
  2. Research Harlem Renaissance artists associated
    with your chosen art form
  3. Note themes and techniques used by these artists
  4. Create your own work of art exploring similar
    themes and using similar techniques
  5. Write about your art
  6. Present to the class
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