Title: Gary Handman
1Its About Time Doing Research Online A Crash
Gary Handman ghandman_at_library.berkeley.edu 643-856
2The point of all this...
- Describes organization of library information
- Introduce selected sources for finding books,
journal articles, and visual resources online - 2. Introduce a group of basic moves and features
common to many online catalogs and indexes.
3The Information Universe
What Does It Contain?
4The Information Universe
- Books
- Journals (Magazines) Newspapers
- Government docs
- Maps
- Visual Resources (video, sound recording,
photographs, etc.) - Computer files (e.g. CD-ROMS, data files)
- Dissertations
- Manuscripts
- The Web?????
5The Information Universe
Why/when books? Why/when journals
6The Information Universe
The guy next to me is soooo hot!
But how do you find this stuff?
7The Information Universe
Library Catalog(s)
Journal/Newspaper Indexes
8The Information Universe
The Library's Catalogs
--Pathfinder --MELVYL (CDL cat)
- An inventory of what the library owns
- Search by Author, Title, Subject keywords
- Searchable by key words phrases
- Whole books and journals owned, NOT
whats inside of those publications
9The Information Universe Books
Title The ecstasy of catastrophe a study of
apocalyptic narrative from Langland to
Milton Author Hendrix, Howard V., 1959-
Published New York P. Lang, Date c1990.
Location(s) Main Stack PR149.A74.H4 1990
Subject Headings English poetry -- Early
modern, 1500-1700 -- History and
criticism. English literature -- Middle English,
1100-1500 -- History and criticism. Apocalyptic
literature -- History and criticism. Milton,
John, -- 1608-1674 -- Criticism and
interpretation. Main Stack PR149.A74.H4 1990
10The Information Universe Finding Articles
- Article Databases (Indexes/Abstracts)
- Databases produced by different commercial
publishers often look/act differently from one
another. - Regularly updated
- Allow subject/author searching in a group of
journals in a particular discipline or topical
area. - Some indexes also offer abstracts-- short
description of article content
I know! Ill do my paper on Marilyn Manson!
11Choosing an Articles database (index)
- Look at the listings of article databases
available via the library www.lib.berkeley.edu
includes listings by SUBJECT, NAME, etc. - Your research focus may require you to poke
around in the literature of various disciplines. - General Databases are often good places to start
(particularly for newsy/topical issues) -
12All databases are not created equal (or by the
same company)
13All databases are not created equal (or by the
same company)
14Online is Cool
- But Remember
- Not everything is online!!!!!
- Article Databases Generally only go back 10-20
yrs online (some exceptions e.g. Historical
Newspapers) - Not every publication is indexed
- Fairly small (but rapidly growing) subset of the
books and journal universe is currently available
in full-text
- Remember Also
- Not every topic has lots written about it,
either in books or journal lit. - --Research on very current topics
- --Research on radically specific topics
- --Research on topics off the beaten academic
track or off the pop culture radar
16How to Begin? Before you click THINK
- Formulate a concise, concrete statement of the
research problem - Formulate your search in terms of
- keywords and key phrases
The impact of television advertising and
television violence on school performance and
pre-adolesecent social interaction.
17How to Begin? Before you click THINK
- Think of synonyms for key words/phrases
The impact of television advertising and
television violence on school performance and
pre-adolesecent social interaction.
18The Information Universe
- What to do if nothing is turning up
- Tweak your topic Broaden it / select a
different angle - Rethink your search strategy (new keywords, new
concepts, etc.) - Bail out completely and choose another topic
19A few cautionary words about research on the Net
Google Rocks!
The Net
20Common Search Features --Save list of good
stuff --Mail Articles/Citations to yourself
21Connecting from off-campus
PROXY Server!
www.lib.berkeley.edu HELP Connecting from Off
22 being driven over the edge by your
research? Call me Gary Handman 643-8566 ghandman_at_