Title: Fractions on the Calculator
1Fractions on the Calculator
2Automating fractions
If you are planning to apply for the nursing
program, do your fraction problems by hand. You
will not be allowed to use a calculator on the
nursing test, so you need to be comfortable
manipulating fractions. If you are not going
into a program that tests basic math skills
without a calculator, proceed with this lesson!
3The Key to your Success!
4Lets try it!
- 2 3 4
- The display should show
- But what if we want an improper fraction?
- Hit Shift and again and it will change
5Lets try it!
- 6 1 2 - 5 3
4 - The display should show
6Lets Use our Heads!
Inside the absolute value sign we have two
negative numbers signs are the same ADD Our
answer will be negative (BIG sign wins!) The
absolute value makes it positive.
7Now Lets Use the Calculator
- Add and the answer will be positive!
- 3 14 5 6
- The display should show
8Improper or Mixed?
Advanced math classes leave improper
fractions. They dont change them to mixed
numbers unless it is a story problem that clearly
requires a mixed number answer. If the question
is How far did Sally jog today? We would never
say miles.
9Using your Calculator
- If you know you will need to do basic math by
hand in the future, practice now! - If your future includes a calculator, make sure
you have a fraction key! - Use your head to figure out the game plan.
- Use your calculator for the grunt work.