Basic graphics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic graphics


Hosei 2000. Basic graphics – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Basic graphics

Basic graphics
  • Viewing Process, Window and viewport, World,
    normalized and device coordinates
  • Input and output primitives and their attributes.
    Rendering. Vector and raster displays
  • Basic graphics in an universal programming system
  • Vector Algebra
  • Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of

  • What newcomers to Shape Modeling and Computer
    Graphics have to know
  • Fundamental ideas and vocabulary in
  • Geometrical Modeling and Computer graphics
  • Graphics and geometry APIs
  • Transformations
  • Curves and surfaces design
  • Rendering technique
  • Physics-based approaches for modeling

  • Are they shadows that we see?
  • And can shadows pleasure give?
  • Pleasures only shadows be
  • Cast by bodies we conceive
  • And are made the things we deem
  • In those figures which they seem
  • From Are They Shadows by Samuel Daniel

3D Viewing
  • Many of the 3D images seen on a screen are really
    a trick of the eye. The modeling is performed in
    3D, but the rendering has to be converted to 2D

3D Viewing
3D Viewing
3D Viewing
  • A useful metaphor for creating 3D scenes is the
    motion of a synthetic camera
  • We imagine that we can move our camera to any
    location, orient it in any way we wish, and, with
    a snap of the shutter, create a 2D image
    (photo) of a 3D object
  • The camera, of course, is really just a computer
    program that produces an image on a display

3D Viewing
  • Rendering is the process by which a computer
    creates images from models
  • The rendering of 3D pictures is accomplished
    through projection draw a line from the eye (P0)
    with a straight line to the (x,y,z)

3D Viewing
  • Creation of our photo is accomplished as a
    series of steps
  • Specification of projection type to transform 3D
    objects onto a 2D projection plane
  • Specification of viewing parameters. We must
    specify the conditions under which we want to
    view the 3D real world dataset
  • Clipping in three dimensions. We must ignore
    parts of the scene that are not candidates for
    ultimate display

3D Viewing
  • Given that output primitives are specified in
    world coordinates, the graphics subroutine
    package must be told how to map world coordinates
    onto screen coordinates or device coordinates
  • So if we have world-coordinate window, and a
    corresponding rectangular region in screen
    coordinates, called the viewport, we have to
    produce the transformation that maps the window
    into the viewport

3D Viewing
  • We may want to ignore parts of the scene that are
    behind us or too far distant to be clearly
  • The view volume bounds that portion of the world
    that is to be clipped out and projected onto the
    view plane

3D Viewing
  • In the output pipeline, the application program
    takes description of objects in terms of
    primitives and attributes stored in or derived
    from an application model or data structure, and
    specifies them to the graphics package, which in
    turn clips and converts them to the pixels seen
    on the screen
  • CG packages supports a basic collection of
    primitives lines, polygons, circles and
    ellipses, and text

3D Viewing
  • Raster displays store the display primitives in a
    refresh buffer in terms of the primitives
    component pixel
  • Pixels are points of a rectangular array or the
    smallest visible elements that the display
    hardware can put on the screen

Basic graphics in an universal programming
system (OpenGL)
  • The OpenGL graphics system is a software
    interface to graphics hardware
  • It allows you to create interactive programs that
    produce color images of moving three-dimensional
  • With OpenGL, you must build up your desired
    model from a small set of geometric primitives
    points, lines, and polygons

Basic graphics in an universal programming
system (OpenGL)
  • The OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) provides many of
    the modeling features, such as quadric surfaces
    and NURBS
  • OpenGL is a state machine. You put it into
    various states that then remain in effect until
    you change them
  • Many state variables refer to modes that are
    enabled or disabled

Basic graphics in an universal programming
system (OpenGL)
  • All data, whether it describes geometry or
    pixels, can be saved in a display list for
    current or later use
  • All geometric primitives are eventually described
    by vertices. Parametric curves and surfaces may
    be initially described by control points.
    Evaluators provide a method to derive the
  • You can handle input events and register callback
    command that are invoked when specified events
    occur, for instance when the mouse is moved while
    a mouse button is also pressed

Basic graphics in an universal programming
system (OpenGL)
  • One of the most exciting things you can do on a
    graphical computer is draw pictures that move, or
    animate objects
  • Most OpenGL implementation provide
    double-buffering hardware or software that
    supplies two complete color buffers. Once is
    displayed while the other is being drawn. When
    the drawing of a frame is complete, the two
    buffers are swapped

Vector Algebra
  • A vector is a mathematical entity with two
    attributes direction and magnitude. The
    magnitude of vector P (x,y,z) is P
  • The direction of a vector can be expressed by the
    cosines of the angles it makes with the
    coordinate axis x/P, y/ P, z/P.
  • The three unit vectors in the directions of the
    coordinate axes are traditionally denoted
  • i (1,0,0), j (0,1,0) and k (0,0,1).

Vector Algebra
  • Vectors permit two fundamental operations You
    can add them and you can multiply them by
  • Let
  • a1 a1i, a2 a2j, a3 a3k, and
  • b1 b1i, b2 b2j, b3 b3k. We can write
  • a b (a1 b1)i (a2 b2)j (a3 b3)k ,
  • ?a ?a1 i ?a2 j ?a3k .
  • To form a linear combination of two vectors, a
    and b, we scale each of them by some scalars,
    say, ? and ? and add the weighted versions to
    form new vector, ?a ?b.

Vector Algebra
  • The dot product of two vectors. To calculate the
    dot product we multiply corresponding components
    of the vectors and add the result.
  • The cross product (also called the vector
    product) of two vectors is another vector. Given
    the 3D vectors
  • a (ax,ay,az), and b (bx,by,bz),
  • their cross product is denoted as a?b or a?b.
    It is defined in terms of the standard unit
    vector i,j, and k by
  • a?b (axbz azby)i (azbx axbz)j (axby

Vector Algebra
  • Vector equation of line. Suppose we are given a
    point P0 and a unit vector u along the line L.
    Give the names r0 and r to the vectors OP0 and
    OP connecting the point O with the point P0 and
    an arbitrary point P, respectively. Then the
    vector P0P r r0 coincides with the direction
    of the vector u, so
  • r r0 ? u. And we have
  • r r0 ? u.

Vector Algebra
  • Vector differentiation. If a vector a is the
    function of time t, a(t) a1(t) i a2(t) j
    a3(t) k, then
  • i j k.

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Each primitive has a mathematical representation
    which can be expressed as a data or type
    structure fore storage and manipulation by a
  • Applying transformations to graphical primitives
    can be done by a process called instancing

  • 3D objects can be projected on 2D view plane
  • There are two basic methods
  • parallel projection
  • perspective projection
  • The parallel projection can be considered as a
    special case of of perspective projection

  • Orthographic Parallel Projections
  • The most common type of orthographic projection
    is the front-elevation

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • A point (x, y, z) in three dimensional Cartesian
    space is represented in R4 by the vector (x, y,
    z, 1), or by any multiple (rx, ry, rz,r) (with, r
    ? 0). When W ? 0, the homogeneous coordinates (X,
    Y. Z. W) represent the Cartesian point (x, y, z
    (X/W, Y/W, Z/W)
  • A point of the form (X, Y, Z,0) does not
    correspond to a Cartesian point, but represents
    the point at infinity in the direction of the
    three-dimensional vector (X, Y, Z). The set of
    all homogeneous coordinates (X, Y, Z. W) is
    called (three-dimensional) projective space and
    denoted P3

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • A transformation of projective space is a
    mapping L P3 ? P3 of the form
  • The 4?4 matrix M is called the homogeneous
    transformation matrix of L. If M is a
    non-singular matrix then L is called a
    non-singular transformation. If m14 m24 m34
    0 and m44 ? 0, then L is said to be an affine
    transformation. (Affine transformations
    correspond to translations, scalings, rotations
    etc. of three-dimensional Cartesian space.)
  • A point of the form (X, Y, Z,0) does not
    correspond to a Cartesian point, but represents
    the point at infiniy

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Translations
  • - The transformation matrix of a translation by
    x0, y0, and z0 units in the x-, y- and z-
    directions respectively, is
  • - Hence, P(x, y, z) is transformed to P'(x x0,
    y y0, z z0)

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Scalings and Reflections
  • - A scaling about the origin by a factor sx, sy,
    and sz, in the x-, y-, and z-direction ,is
    respectively, obtained by the following
    transformation matrix
  • - The transformation matrices of the reflections
    Ryz in the x 0 plane, Rxz, in the y 0 plane,
    and Rxy in the z 0 plane, are obtained by
    taking a scaling of -1 in one of the coordinate

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Rotations about the Coordinate Axes
  • Rotations in space take place about a line
    called its rotation axis
  • - The rotations about the three coordinate axes
    are called the primary rotations
  • 1. Rotation about the x-axis through an angle ?x
  • 2. Rotation about the y-axis through an angle ?y
  • 3. Rotation about the z-axis through an angle ?z

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Rotation about an Arbitrary Line
  • -Rotation through an angle ? about an arbitrary
    rotation axis is obtained by transforming the
    rotation axis to one of the coordinate axes,
    applying a primary rotation through an angle ?
    about the coordinate axis, and applying the
    transformation which maps the coordinate axis
    back to the rotation axis

Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation of
  • Rotation about an Arbitrary Line
  • Apply the translation T(-pl,-p2 -p3) which maps P
    to the origin and the rotation axis to the line
    OR where R(r1,r2,r3) U
  • Suppose r2 and r3 are not both zero. Apply a
    rotation through all angle ?x, about the x-axis
    so that the line OR is mapped into the xz-plane
  • Apply a rotation about the y-axis so that the
    line OR' is mapped to the z-axis.
  • Apply a rotation through an angle ? about the
    z-axis (Figure 2(c)).
  • Apply the inverses of the transformations 1-3 in
    reverse order
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