Exam II Review: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exam II Review:


Covers : RNA Processing Translation Genetic Engineering Membrane Transport – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exam II Review:

Exam II Review
  • Covers
  • RNA Processing
  • Translation
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Membrane Transport

RNA Processing
  • 1. Purpose
  • a. mRNA in the nucleus is not Translationally
    Competent. The primary transcript (or pre-mRNA)
    must go through (5 Capping, Polyadenylation and
    intron splicing) in order to be ready for the
    ribosome in the cytosol.

5 Capping
  • 1. Purpose-
  • a. Protect mRNA from nucleolytic degradation in
    the cytosol.
  • b. Aid the ribosome in selecting translational
    start site.

Proteins involved in 5 Capping
  • 1. RNA Triphosphatase
  • 2. Capping Enzyme
  • 3. Guanine-7-Methyltransferase
  • 4. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM)
  • 5. 2-O-Methyltransferase

Mechanism of 5 Capping
  • RNA Triphosphatase Removes leading phosphate
    group from mRNAs 5 terminal triphosphate group.
  • 2. Capping Enzyme- Guanylates the mRNA, creating
    5-5 Triphosphate Bridge when it hydrolyzes GTP.
  • 3. Guanine-7-Methyltransferase- Uses SAM to
    methylate guanine.
  • 4. 2-O-Methyltransferase- Uses SAM to methylate
    the 1st and 2nd nucleotides of the pre-mRNA.

Additional Notes on 5 Capping
  • 1. 5 cap is added shortly after initiation of
    RNA synthesis in the nucleus.

Polyadenylation (AAUAAA)
  • Purpose-
  • 1. To protect mRNA from nucleolytic degradation
    in the cytosol.
  • 2. Marks mRNA for nuclear export.
  • 3. Aids in ribosomal recognition.

Proteins Involved in Poly (A) Tail
  • 1. Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specifity Factor
  • 2. Poly (A) Polymerase (PAP)
  • 3. Poly (A) Binding Protein (PABP)

Mechanism of Polyadenylation
  • 1. CPSF- cleaves 15-25nt past AAUAAA and 50nt
    before U/GU sequences, which activates PAP.
  • 2. PAP- Adds AAUAAA tail to 3 OH groups.

Additional Notes on Polyadenylation
  • 1. Cleavage and Polyadenylation are coupled.
  • 2. PAP is a template-independent RNA polymerase
  • 3. PABPs associate with Poly (A) tails in the
    cytosol to organize them into nucleoprotein

Intron Splicing
  • Purpose-
  • 1. Pre-mRNA has noncoding sequences that must be
    cut out from Eukaryotic mRNA before it can be
    read by the ribosome.

Proteins Involved in Intron Splicing
  • 1. Spliceosome Complex-
  • 2. Small Nuclear RNAs (snRNAs)
  • 3. Small Nuclear Ribonuclear Proteins
  • 4. U1
  • 5. U2
  • 6. U3
  • 7. U4
  • 8. U5
  • 9. U6

Mechanism of Intron Splicing
  • 1. Lariat Structure- U1 recognizes 5 end of
    intron, U2 recognizes branch point adenine. A 2,
    5 phosphodiester bond forms between introns
    adenosine residue, the exon is thereby released
    while the intron forms a lariat structure.
  • 2. Splice Product- The 5 exons free 3 OH group
    displaces the 3 end of the intron, forming a
    phosphodiester bond with the 5 terminal
    phosphate of the 3 exon, yielding the spliced
    product. The intronic lariat is released with its
    3 OH group and is rapidly recycled.

  • Purpose-
  • 1. Ribosomes orchestrate translation of mRNA to
    synthesize proteins.

Proteins Involved in Translation
  • 1. Ribosome
  • 2. tRNA
  • 3. Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthase
  • 4. IF-1
  • 5. IF-2
  • 6. IF-3
  • 7. EF-Tu
  • 8. EF-Ts
  • 9. EF-G
  • 10. RF-1
  • 11. RF-2
  • 12. RF-3
  • 13. RRF
  • 14. Ubiquitin
  • 15. Proteosome
  • 16. HSP 70
  • 17. HSP 60
  • 18. Chaperone Proteins

  • Purpose-
  • 1. Bind mRNAs such that its codons can be read
    with high fidelity.
  • 2. Has specific binding sites for tRNA molecules
  • 3. Mediation of interactions of nonribosomal
    protein factors that promote initiation,
    elongation and termination of polypeptide.
  • 4. Catalyze peptide bond formation
  • 5. Moves to translate sequential codons

Prokaryotic v. Eukaryotic Ribosomes
  • 1. Prokaryotic
  • a. Small subunit (30S)- 16S rRNA 21 proteins
  • b. Large subunit (50S)- 5S and 23S rRNA 31
  • -Proteins rich in K R amino acid residues
  • 2. Eukaryotic
  • a. Small subunit (40S)- 18S rRNA 33 proteins
  • b. Large subunit (60S)- 28,5.8 and 5S rRNAs 49
  • -More complex because euk. Translation is more

General Ribosomal Structure
  • 1. Secondary- 4 domain flower
  • 2. Tertiary-Numerous lobes, channels and tunnels
  • a. A site- Accommodates incoming aminoacyl-tRNAs
  • b. P site- Accommodates incoming peptidyl-tRNAs
  • c. E site- Accommodates deacylated tRNAs
  • 3. Small subunit-
  • -Purpose Binding tRNAs and ribosomal recognition
  • 4. Large subunit
  • -Purpose Mediates chain elongation

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
  • Purpose-
  • 1. 3 base anticodon determines mRNA and amino
    acid binding.
  • 2. When charged, amino acids bind to tRNA by
    ester bonds

tRNA Structure
  • 1. Secondary- Cloverleaf
  • a. 5 terminal phosphate group.
  • b. Acceptor Stem- Amino acid covalently attached
    to its 3 terminal OH group.
  • c. D Arm- Dihydrouridine
  • d. Anticodon Arm- Contains anticodon sequence, 3
    purine is invariably modified.
  • e. T Arm- Psuedouridine
  • f. CCA Sequence- 3 sequence with free OH group.
  • g. 15 invariant/8 variant positions- Only
  • h. Variable Arm- Base modifications help promote
    attachment of proper amino acid to the acceptor
    stem and strengthen codon-anticodon interactions.
  • 2. Tertiary
  • a. L shape in which acceptor Stem/T Arm stems
    from one leg and D Arm/Anticodon Arm stems from
    the other.
  • b. Maintained by extensive stacking interactions
    and non-Watson-Crick associated base pairing
    between helical stems.

tRNA Function
  • 1. Charged tRNAs carry amino acids to the
  • Mechanism
  • Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase- Produces the charged
    amino acid
  • 1. AA ATP ? AA-AMP Pyrophosphate (2Pi)
  • 2. AA-AMP ? AA-tRNA AMP

Additional Notes on Mechanism of Aminoacyl-tRNA
  • 1. AA-tRNA (Aminoacyl-adenylate) is a high energy
  • 2. The overall reaction is driven to completion
    by the hydrolysis of 2Pi generated in step a.

Translation Mechanism (1)
  • 1. Initiation
  • a. Binding to start codon (AUG/Met)
  • b. Small subunit finds Kozac sequence (ACCAUGG)
    (Shine-Dalgarnoprok. AGGAGG).
  • Proteins
  • IF-1 Assists IF-3.
  • IF-2 Binds to initiator tRNA start codon
    (AUG/Met) and GTP.
  • IF-3 Releases mRNA and tRNA from subunit.

Translation Mechanism (2)
  • 2. Elongation
  • a. Elongation factors bind all tRNAs except start
  • b. Requires GTP
  • c. Peptide bonds catalyzed by peptidyl
    transferase activity of large subunit.
  • d. Polypeptides synthesizes about 40AA/second.
  • Proteins
  • EF-Tu Binds AA-tRNA to GTP at A-site.
  • EF-Ts Displaces GDP from EF-Tu.
  • EF-G Promotes translocation through GTP binding
    and hydrolysis.

Translation Mechanism (3)
  • 3. Termination
  • a. Release factors mimic tRNAs and bind to stop
  • b. Release factors use GTP to bind the protein to
    water, terminating the protein chain.
  • Proteins
  • RF-1 Recognizes UAA UAG stop codons.
  • RF-2 Recognizes UAA UGA stop codons.
  • RF-3 Stimulates RF- 1 2 release via GTP
  • RRF Together with EF-G, induces ribosomal
    dissociation of small and large subunits.

Post-Translational Modification
  • 1. Protein folding occurs as it is being
  • 2. Protein is facilitated by chaperone proteins
    that prevent interaction of protein with other
  • a. HSP70 and HSP60 use ATP to bind and unbind
    folding protein.
  • b. Protein folding errors cause diseases.
  • c. Ubiquitin and proteosomes function to degrade
  • 3. Translation can also be modified by
  • a. Initiation factor repressors.
  • b. Translational repressors.
  • c. Regulation of mRNA half-life.
  • d. Nonsense-mediated decay (NMD).
  • Prevents translated of improperly processed
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