Title: Physics
1Physics AstronomyCulture, Professionalism
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8- On-line journals and magazines
- Research and Development
http//www.rdmag.com/scripts/default.asp - Solid State Technology http//sst.pennnet.com/h
ome.cfm - Semiconductor International http//www.reed-e
lectronics.com/semiconductor/ - The Industrial Physicist http//www.aip.org/tip
/ - Physics Today http//www.aip.org/pt/
- Scientific American http//www.sciam.com/
- Science Magazine (AAAS) http//www.scienceonlin
e.org/ - Sky and Telescope http//skyandtelescope.com/
- Science News http//www.sciencenews.org/
- New Scientist http//www.newscientist.com/
- Popular Science http//www.popsci.com/
- American Scientist (Sigma Xi)
http//www.americanscientist.org//amsci.html - Astronomy Magazine http//www.astronomy.com/
- The Physics Teacher
9IEEE/OSA Physics-Related Journals
- IEEE Transactions on
- Electron Devices
- Instrumentation Measurement
- Magnetics
- Nuclear Science
- Superconductivity
- Journal of the Optical Society of America A,
BApplied Optics Optics Letters Optics Express
Journal of Optical NetworkingAdvances in Optics
and Photonics Virtual Journal of Biomedical
Optics Journal of Lightwave Technology Journal
of Optical Technology Journal of Display
Technology Chinese Optics LettersApplied
Spectroscopy - Journal of Acoustical Society of America
10Professional Societies
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
- American Astronomical Society
- Optical Society of America
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) - Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE) - Acoustical Society of America (ASA asa.aip.org )
- APS National Meetings
- March meeting - condensed matter physics
- April meeting - everything else
- APS Sectional (California Section, etc.)
- Fall 2011 meeting will be at SLAC
- AAPT National Meetings
- Winter meeting
- Summer meeting
- AAPT Sectional (N. California / Nevada)
www.ncnaapt.org - OSA Meetings
- Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
- International Quantum Electronics Conference
(IQEC) - IEEE Applied Superconductivity Conference
- IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical
Imaging Conference
12Physics Career Paths
13Careers of SFSU Physics Astronomy Graduates
- Technical staff in industry
- Computer and instrument companies
- Hewlett-Packard / Agilent, Varian, ..
- Semiconductor device and equip. manufacturers
- National Semiconductor, Novellus, Applied
Materials - Biomedical equipment manufacturers
- Laser and laser optics companies
- Aerospace companies
- Lockheed-Martin, Loral Space
14Careers (continued)
- Technical/professional staff at national labs
- NASA Ames, SLAC, FermiLab, LBL, Observatories
- Science education
- High School, Community College teaching
- Science Centers - Exploratorium, etc.
- Planetarium staff
- Multimedia production for science
- Graduate programs (SFSU, MIT, Harvard, UC
Berkeley, UC Davis Engineering MS/Ph.D.)
15Other Example Career Paths
- M.H.S in environmental health sciences
- Ph.D. program in Physics at the University of
Colorado at Boulder - Masters degree in mechanical engineering at
Cornell University - Staff member, UCSD Center for Microscopy and
Imaging Research - Working at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Master's program in Science Writing
- PhD program at MIT Dept. Earth, Atmospheric and
Planetary Sci. - Research Asst., Macroeconomics Dept., Fed.
Reserve Bank - Research Analyst at ATLANTIC-ACM,
- Ph.D. program in Astrophysical Sciences
- Analyst, Envision Consulting, Unit of IMS Health
- Working at NIST in Maryland
- Credential program for high school teaching
- Community college physics instructor
16Job Application
17Graduate Fellowships Article from Chronicle of
Higher Ed. "How to Win Graduate Fellowship
Department of Defense - National Defense Science
and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
www.asee.org/ndseg. Deadline Jan.,
2012 Department of Defense - Science,
Mathematics Research for Transformation (SMART)
Defense Scholarship for Service Deadline Dec.,
2011. http//www.asee.org/smart. The Department
of Energy Computational Science Graduate
Fellowship (DOE CSGF) DL Jan., 2012.
www.krellinst.org/csgf. The Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF)
students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas such as
high-energy density physics, low-energy nuclear
science or properties of materials under extreme
conditions. www.krellinst.org/ssgf.
18Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate
Fellowships for innovators in applied Physical
Sciences. DL Oct., 2011. http//www.hertzfoundatio
n.org . National Physical Science Consortium
fellowships with emphasis on recruiting
historically underrepresented minority and women
students in physical sciences and related
engineering fields. http//www.npsc.org. The NSF
Integrative Graduate Education and Research
Traineeship http//www.igert.org/index.asp The
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
www.fastlane.nsf.gov/grfp/. Smithsonian
Institution fellowships for research and study in
many fields including astrophysics and astronomy
and materials research. DL Jan. 2011.
http//www.si.edu/researchstudy. Knowles
Science Teaching Fellowship (KTSF) for those who
recently earned a bachelor's degree in a physical
science and want to become licensed to teach high
school physics, physical science. DL Jan., 2012.
19Physicists Bookshelf
- Introductory
- Lea Burke, Physics (Alt. - Halliday Resnick)
- Feynman, Lectures on Physics
- Berkeley Physics Series (some volumes out of
print) - Modern (Atomic, Basic QM, Nuclear)
- Eisberg - Quantum Physics- Atoms,.. Nuclei,
Particles - Classical Mechanics
- Symon - Mechanics
- Taylor - Classical Mechanics
- Thornton Marion, Classical Dynamics of
Particles Systems - EM
- Griffiths (Alt -Corson Lorrain, Electromagnetic
Fields Waves) - Thermal/Stat. Mech
- Schroeder, Thermal Physics
- Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal
Physics - QM
- J. Greensite QM (Alt. - Griffiths)
20- Lab Methods/Data Analysis
- J. Lockhart, Mod. Data Acq. Analysis (Alt. -
Bevington) - Electronics
- Horowitz Hill, Art of Electronics
- Mathematical Methods
- S. Lea, Math. for Physicists
- Solid State
- C. Kittel, Solid State Physics (Alt. - Omar)
- Optics
- Hecht, Optics (Alt. - Jenkins White)