Title: Medieval Jeopardy
1Medieval Jeopardy
Islam Daily life The Black Death We are from France Crusades
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Founder of the Religion
Muslim house of Worship
Reason why Ramadan is considered The most holy
month in the Islamic Calendar
The reason for the Sunni Shiite Split
It was the name for Muslims in Spain used by
7Daily Life
Similar to a big, baggy T-shirt
8Daily Life
The rich had meat and wheat, the poor had this.
9Daily Life
The reason why books were so valuable
10Daily Life
A common item today, but in Medieval Times it
was worth its weight in gold.
11Daily Life
People who were bound to the land, but could not
be sold.
12The Black Death
One carried the disease, the other transmitted
the disease
13The Black Death
Versions of the disease
14The Black Death
A positive sign of recovery for Europe, also the
reason for the rapid spread of the plague
15The Black Death
How the Church of Europe was affected
16The Black Death
How the Economy of Europe was affected
17We are from France
Frankish king who united most of present day
France and Germany. Converted to Christianity in
18We are from France
Stopped the Muslims from invading France
19We are from France
He was one of the most important reasons for the
recovery of Europe after the fall of the Roman
20We are from France
This happened on Christmas Day, the year 800.
Repayment from Pope Leo III for defeating the
Lombards. A very uneasy gift.
21We are from France
Term used for the different Frankish and German
lands conquered by Charlemagne. It can be
argued that the name did not fit the term.
Split of the Christian Church into 2 halves in
1054. Occurred when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch
Michael I excommunicated each other
People from Central Asia. Their invasion was the
original cause of the First Crusade.
The modified goal of the first and subsequent
How the Crusades affected Europe
What a Crusader is to a Muslim today