Supports for Community Living (SCL) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Supports for Community Living (SCL)


Supports for Community Living (SCL) Vendor Payment Procedures for Individuals Admitted to SCL Care What is SCL? Supports for Community Living (SCL) provides home and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Supports for Community Living (SCL)

Supports for Community Living (SCL)
  • Vendor Payment Procedures for Individuals
    Admitted to SCL Care

What is SCL?
  • Supports for Community Living (SCL) provides home
    and community based services for mentally
    retarded MA recipients who would otherwise
    require institutional care in an ICF/MR/DD
  • Intermediate care services for the mentally
    retarded and developmentally disabled are
    provided by community mental health centers
    certified by Medicaid.
  • SCL is available statewide.
  • Types of SCL Services are listed in Vol. IVA, MS

Who is eligible for SCL Services?
  • The applicant must meet MA criteria for ICF/MR/DD
    level of care.
  • The level of care is determined by the Peer
    Review Organization (PRO) using medical,
    psychological, and social data.
  • The PRO will conduct patient status
    determinations by matching the individual's care
    needs with the level of care which meets those

What Happens Next?
  • The Department for Mental Health/Mental
    Retardation (MH/MR) produces a letter of approval
    and form MAP-24 (Admission/ Discharge Notice),
    and sends a copy to the Support Coordination
    Agency, the client and the local office.
  • This letter shows the level of care met.
  • The Support Coordination Agency sends form MAP-24
    to the local office showing provider name,
    provider number and date of admission.

Technical Eligibility for SCL
  • The applicant must meet all technical eligibility
    requirements for MA eligibility including age,
    blindness, disability, enumeration, third party
    liability, etc.
  • However, an individual who is not aged, blind or
    disabled may be eligible for SCL if MA eligible
    in another category and Kentucky Medicaid Program
    criteria is met.

Resource Eligibility for SCL
  • All Regular AMA resource rules apply
  • Excluded Resources are in Vol. IVA, MS 1880
  • Transfer of Resources rules apply
  • Estate Recovery rules apply
  • Property Records and Liquid Asset Checks must be
    completed for SCL
  • The resource limits for SCL are
  • Single 2000
  • Couple 4000

Income Eligibility for SCL
  • Obtain a PA-1A form, and review these steps on
    pages 4 and 5 for Step I- MA Eligibility
  • Compare gross income to the Special Income
    Standard if the applicant has been in LTC for 30
    full consecutive days or died prior to the 30th
  • The 30 days may be spent in different facilities
    or different levels of care, including Hospice,
    HCBS or NF services.
  • Do not use the special income standard if the
    applicant has not been in LTC for 30 full
    consecutive days. For these individuals,
    complete Step II.
  • If gross income is equal to or less than the
    Special Income Standard the individual is MA
  • If there is an excess in Step I, complete Step II
    for SCL.

Step II Processing
  • If there is an excess in Step I, or in SCL less
    than 30 days, complete Step II to determine MA
  • Consider gross income and/or net profit, less 20
    general exclusion and work related expenses, if
  • Deduct the MA Scale for 1.
  • Deduct any verified, incurred medical expenses of
    the SCL individual (SMI, health ins. premiums,
    payments on a medical bill not covered by MA,
  • Deduct the SCL standard.
  • If there is no excess, the individual is MA
    eligible. Complete Step III to determine patient
  • If an excess remains, the individual is
    ineligible for a vendor payment. Explore a spend

Step III- Patient Liability
  • Determine gross income and/or net profit
  • Deduct the personal needs allowance (623 eff.
    1/06) or increased PNA, if appropriate.
  • Deduct verified, incurred medical expenses of the
    SCL individual (SMI, health ins., etc.)
  • Add any third party payment paid directly to the
    SCL provider, if appropriate.
  • The result is the individual's patient liability
    or payment toward cost of care.

Income Considerations for Couples
  • Income considerations for LTC couples vary
    depending upon whether only one or both members
    receive SCL or Waiver services.
  • Procedures for and SCL recipient with a non-SCL
    spouse are in Vol. IVA MS 3550.
  • Procedures for SCL Couples (both receiving care)
    are in Vol. IVA, MS 3540.
  • The next few slides list the steps used for
    determining MA eligibility and Patient Liability
    for each of these situations.

SCL Couples- Both in LTC
  • Step I- MA Eligibility
  • Calculate each members eligibility in this step
  • If each members income is equal to or less than
    the Special Income Standard, both are eligible.
    Go to Step III Patient Liability
  • If one or both members of the couple are over the
  • For SCL, ABI or ICF/MR/DD, complete Step II
  • For all others, refer to MS 3505 for QIT

SCL Couples- Both in LTC
  • Step II- MA Eligibility for SCL, ABI or ICF/MR/DD
  • If only one member of the couple had an excess in
    Step I, use only that members income and
    expenses for Step II, and use the MA Scale for 1.
  • If both members had an excess in Step I, use
    income and expenses of both members, and use the
    MA Scale for 2. (If both are in SCL, ABI or
  • If one or both members still have an excess, they
    are not eligible for LTC payment. Explore Spend
  • If the individual/couple now has no excess, they
    are MA eligible. Go to Step III to determine
    patient liability.

SCL Couples- Both in LTC
  • Step III calculations vary depending on living
  • Both members in the same facility (or both at
  • Total income of the couple and allow half (½) to
  • Total the allowed expenses, and allow half (½) to
  • Complete Step III separately for each member of
    the couple, using half the income and half the
  • Each in a different facility (not living
  • Consider only the income/expenses of the
  • Complete Step III separately for each individual,
    using their own income and expenses only.

SCL Individual with Non-LTC Spouse
  • Step I- MA Eligibility
  • Only SCL individuals income is considered.
  • If gross income is less than or equal to the
    Special Income Standard, the individual is MA
    eligible. Complete Step III for Patient
  • If there is an excess in Step I, complete Step II
    for the SCL individual.

SCL Individual with Non-LTC Spouse
  • Step II- MA Eligibility
  • Use only the SCL individuals income and expenses
    for Step II, and the MA Scale for 1.
  • If the individual still has an excess after this
    step, they are not eligible for a vendor payment.
    Explore a Spend Down.
  • If the individual now has no excess, they are MA
    eligible. Go to Step III for patient liability.

SCL Individual with Non-LTC Spouse
  • Step III- Patient Liability Use only the income
    and expenses of the SCL individual in this step.
  • Calculate the community spouse income allowance,
    and allow this as a deduction in Step III.
    None of the spouses income is counted towards
    the LTC case.
  • If there are dependents, calculate the Family
    Income Allowance. Once again, this is a
    deduction. None of the income of a dependent
    is counted towards the LTC case. See below.

Community Spouse Income Allowance
  • For Non-SSI individuals, KAMES will complete
    these steps
  • Total the Community Spouses monthly shelter
  • Subtract the Comm. Spouse Shelter Allowance (482
    eff. 7/05)
  • The remainder is the excess shelter expense for
    the Spouse.
  • Add excess shelter expense to the Minimum Comm.
    Spouse Income Allowance (1,604 eff. 7/05) called
    the Family Income Allowance on KAMES
  • The result is the Community Spouse Income
    Allowance, not to exceed the Maximum (2,489 eff.
    1/06) Subtract the community spouses income from
    the allowance to determine the amount which may
    be deemed from the SCL individual to the spouse.
  • Use form PA-1A, Supplements B and C to deem
    income to the community spouse. See MS 3550 for
    more details.

  • 745- Monthly shelter expenses
  • -482- Shelter minimum eff. 7/05
  • 263- Excess shelter expenses
  • 1604- Minimum Comm. Spouse Allowance
  • 1867- Comm. Sp. Income Allowance
  • -1000- Comm. Spouses gross income
  • 867- Amount of SCL members income that
    will be deemed to the Community Spouse

Family Income Allowance
  • This deduction is allowed if there is a minor
    child, dependent child, dependent parent, or
    dependent siblings of either the SCL individual
    or their Community Spouse, who resides with the
    community spouse.
  • Calculate the Family Income Allowance as follows
  • Subtract the dependents gross income from the
    Family Income Allowance Standard (1,604 eff.
  • Allow ? of the remainder (rounded) as the
  • Compute a family income allowance for each
    dependent member separately.

  • 1604- Family Income Allowance eff. 7/05
  • - 825- Dependents gross income
  • 779 3 259.6666
  • Round this amount to 260, and this is the Family
    Income Allowance for this dependent.
  • If there are more dependents, complete these
    calculations separately for each.

SCL Individual with Non-SCL Spouse
  • Step III- Patient Liability Calculations
  • Determine gross income/net profit of the SCL
    recipient. Do not count any of the Spouses
  • Deduct PNA (623 eff. 1/06) or increased PNA
  • Deduct the Comm. Spouse Income Allowance
  • Deduct the Family Income Allowance, if
  • Deduct verified, incurred medical expenses
  • Add any third party payment paid directly to the
    SCL provider, if appropriate.
  • The result is the individual's patient liability
    or payment toward cost of care.

Children Receiving SCL
  • Income and resources of the childs parent/s are
    considered in the month of admission.
  • Beginning the month after the month of admission,
    consider only the childs income and resources.
  • Because of these rules, many children in LTC are
    ineligible for month of admission, but are
    eligible beginning the month after separation.
  • Form PA-1A Supp. D is used for Ineligible Child
    Allocations and Parental Surplus calculations.

Children Receiving SCL
  • Step I- MA Eligibility
  • Total gross income of the SCL child, and add the
    gross income of the parents.
  • If this gross income is equal to or less than the
    special income standard and the child has been in
    SCL for 30 full consecutive days, the child is MA
    eligible. Complete Step III to determine patient

Children Receiving SCL
  • Step II- MA Eligibility
  • If there is an excess in Step I or the child in
    SCL less than 30 days, complete Step II to
    determine MA eligibility.
  • Use form PA-1A, Supp. D to complete this step,
    since Step II on PA-1A, pg 4 doesnt include all
    needed calculations for children in LTC.
  • Prior to determining MA eligibility in Item II of
    the Supp. D, you will need to calculate the
    Ineligible Child Allocation and the Parental
  • Obtain PA-1A Supp. D to follow the next few

Ineligible Child Allocation
  • If the SCL childs parents have other children in
    the home that are not eligible for LTC, complete
    these calculations on PA-1A Supp. D, Page 2
  • Enter the Ineligible Sibling Allocation (302
    eff. 1/06)
  • Subtract the gross income of the Ineligible child
  • The remainder is a deduction allowed from the
    parents income.
  • Enter this amount on Page 1, line 10 of the Supp.

Calculating the Parental Surplus
  • On Page 1 of the PA-1A Supp. D- Item I
  • Total the Parents unearned income, and subtract
    20 general exclusion. The result is their
    countable unearned income.
  • Calculate gross earned income, subtract any
    remainder of 20 exclusion, and other
    work-related deductions in Vol. IVA, M.S. 2480,
    if appropriate The result is the countable
    earned income.
  • Combine countable earned and unearned income, and
    subtract the Parental Allocation amount (amounts
    change yearly in January- See Vol. IVA, M.S.
  • Subtract the Ineligible Child Allocation,
    calculated earlier.
  • The result is the Parental Income deemed
    (considered) toward the childs LTC case.

Step II- MA Eligibility for SCL Child
  • Follow these steps listed on PA-1A, Supp. D, Page
    1, Item II
  • Total unearned income for the child, and subtract
    the 20 general exclusion. The result is the
    childs countable unearned income.
  • Total earned income for the child, subtract any
    remainder of the 20 exclusion, and work-related
    deductions in Vol. IVA, M.S. 2480.
  • Combine countable earned and unearned income of
    the child.
  • Add the parental surplus income from Item I. The
    result is the countable income for the SCL child.
  • Allow verified, incurred medical exp. of parents,
    siblings, and child
  • Subtract the MA Scale for 1 (217).
  • Subtract the SCL Standard. If no excess, child
    is MA Eligible.
  • If any excess income remains, the child is MA
    ineligible, explore a spend down for any medical

Children Receiving SCL
  • Step III - Patient Liability
  • Combine gross income/net profit of the SCL child
    and excess income of the parent/s. (Income minus
    MA Scale for the appropriate family size,
    excluding SCL child)
  • Deduct PNA (623 eff. 1/06) or increased PNA.
  • Deduct verified incurred medical expenses of SCL
  • If income of the parent is considered, deduct
    verified, incurred medical expenses of the
  • Add any third party payments directly to the SCL
  • Result is Patient Liability or payment toward
    cost of care.

Medicaid Recipients Admitted to SCL
  • If the SCL individual is already receiving MA
    through SSI, SSP or Pass through
  • Authorize vendor payment upon receipt of MH/MR
    letter of approval and form MAP-24.
  • LTC information is entered on KAMES or PA-62
  • Program code and case status code are not
  • Send MA-105 to recipient and SCL provider if the
    case is on the PA-62 system. Otherwise KAMES
    will send notices as required.

MA Recipients Admitted to SCL-Continued
  • Exception SSP for Caretaker Services can only
    continue if the Caretaker provides services not
    included in SCL care.
  • If these individuals are subsequently discharged
    from SCL, MA eligibility should continue in the
    original category, if all criteria of that
    program are still met.

Medicaid Effective Dates
  • The MA effective date is the first day of the
    month the individual met Kentucky Medicaid
    Program criteria for SCL as indicated on the DMS
    letter of approval.
  • Example PRO certified that the individual met
    SCL level of care on May 12th. MA Eligibility
    should begin May 1st.

  • SCL services are provided to prevent
    institutionalization for an individual who would
    otherwise be admitted to ICF/MR/DD.
  • The local office will receive an MH/MR letter of
    approval and form MAP-24 for SCL recipients.
  • AMA Technical and Resource eligibility rules
  • MA Eligibility and Patient Liability calculations
    are similar to other LTC, and are completed using
    the PA-1A, Pages 4 and 5.
  • MA Recipients admitted to SCL are eligible for a
    vendor payment upon receipt of MAP-24 and letter
    of approval.
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