Title: Chapter 3
1Chapter 3 4 - The Marketing Environments
2The Marketing Environment
- Consist of the internal (microenvironment) and
the external environment (macroenvironment).
3The Micro-environment
4The microenvironment Company
- Total organization many different functional
areas - Interactive
- Flexible and creative
5The microenvironment Customers
- Business-to-consumer
- Business-to-business
- Business to-Institutional
6The microenvironment Competition
- Four general types of competition
- Price
- Quality
- Time (particular important in services)
- Location
7The microenvironment Competition (forces that
impact an industrys competitive environment)
- Porters Competitive Forces
- 1. Supplier power
- 2. Threat of substitutes
- 3. Degree of rivalry
- 4. Buying power of the customer
- 5. Barriers to entry
8The microenvironment Collaborators
- Alliances
- Networks
- Informal partnerships
- Suppliers
- Virtual corporations
9The Value Chain - Exhibit 3-2
C u s t o m e r s
Consists of SIX broad categories
- Physical Environment
- Sociocultural Forces
- Demographic Forces
- Science and Technology
- Economic Forces
- Political and Legal Forces
11Exhibit 4-1 Macroenvironment influences on the
marketing mix
- The Canadian Population
- www.populationconnection.org
- Canadian population growth attributed to
immigration - Migration and Urbanization
- Golden Horseshoe Ontario
- Montreal and the adjacent regions
- B.C.s lower mainland and southern Vancouver
Island - Calgary-Edmonton Corridor
- 51 of Canadianslive in one of thesefour areas
- 80 of Canadians are urban dwellers
- Profile of the Average Canadian Consumer
- The Changing Canadian Household
- Single-Person and Single-Parent Households
- Working Women
- Family and Household Income
- A Multi-cultural Population