Title: Interdisciplinary approach to managing the area of education researches
1Interdisciplinary approach to managing the area
of education researches
- Tatiana Iarkova,
- Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor
2 What are the challenges of the time
- Blessed is he who visits this life at its
fateful moments of strife! -
- F.Tyutchev
4 Challenges of the XXIst century complex
- Terrorism, technogenic accidents and
catastrophes, incurable diseases, poverty, ect.
are the problems which need interdisciplinary way
of solving.
5Global crisis
The destiny of Pedagogics in change focus
- civilization eras
- type of industry
- type of economy
- scientific worldview
- type of culture
- system of values
- social and physiological condition of the society
6The historical changes of a researchers position
conditions and methods
Non classical
position of values, purposes
Post non classical
7How will change the understanding of the
scientific research
8The characteristic of methodology of the post non
classical science
- orientation on the problem solving, which has an
important value not only for separated branches
of knowledge, but for developing and existing of
civilization - innovation is the necessity of increasing
economical and social return of science - nonlinearity of the scientific research which
assumes the discuss and using of new methods
9The characteristic of methodology of the post non
classical science
- plurality approval of the methods of the
explanation researching processes and phenomena - creation of the researching scenario
- researching interdisciplinary of the difficult
objects and phenomena.
10The ways educational researching are changing
11(No Transcript)
12Peculiarities of modern pedagogical science
It has a double status as a social and humanity
It cooperates with other sciences
It uses methods of natural and humanitarian
13Research of education in modern world
- It is out of studying the practical activity of
educational establishments. It sets up wider
fields for research including social and cultural
14Research of education in modern world
Identify the factors of influence of different
social process on education identify factor
influence of education on the social (including
economic) processes
15Research of education in modern world
- They are targeted at making conclusions, which
can be used in the strategy of educational
development and its different aspects.
Strategies of the development of the system of
Conclusions on the research results
Regional educational policy
Education researches
16What problems should be solved
17Organizational problems of researching
and others
18How to make the changes
19Ways of increasing the quality of research in
- creating research programs
- analytical reviews of existing researches
- sequence of research directions in a professional
group - initiation and holding of the collective
researches including interdisciplinary approach - presence of professional experts in society
20- Interdisciplinary approach
- Interdisciplinary approach is a relation of
scientific and practical mutual justification,
when knowledge of different sciences justify
themselves and prove the subjective specificity
of every interacted science (A.P. Tryapitsyna)
21Priority approaches of interdisciplinary
- Russia in a polycentric world
- Modernization of Russia
- Social and humanitarian changes
- Tolerance as a factor of xenophobia counteraction
- Psychology
- Science about health, health's problems and
wealth - Demography as a problem of society's ageing
- The culture of consumption. (Shuvalov S.S.,
Barabash N.S.) - Education
22(No Transcript)
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System of education
Social service agencies
Business of the children's goods
Media TV Advertising Internet Computer
games ...
population (demography and migration)
25What is the mechanism of changes
26(No Transcript)
27Mechanism work
28- By and in himself a man can accomplish very
little he is like Robinson Crusoe on a desert
island. It is only in society that a mans powers
can be called into full activity. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Pisareva S.A. Chair researches organisation and
? infrastructure of scientific work //Letters to
Emission. Offline (The Emissia. Offline Letters)
electronic scientific magazine. August 2009,
ART1347. ???., 2009 ?. URLhttp//
www.emissia.org/offline/2009/1347. - ???., 2009?.
URLhttp //www.emissia.org/offline/2009/1347
htm. Tryapitsyna A.P. The program of researches
of a pedagogical chair // Letters to Emission.
Offline (The Emissia. Offline Letters)
electronic scientific magazine. July 2009,
ART1343. ???., 2009 ?. - URLhttp
htm. Tryapitsina A.P. Methodological premises of
creation of the pedagogical theory of education
// Pedagogics to a new century ideas for the
future Gertsenovsky readings 1999
Interregional collection of scientific works. H.
I. SPb. Obrazovaniye-Kultura, 2000. Page 8
13. Shuvalov S.S., Barabash N.S.
Interdisciplinary research of socio-economic and
humanitarian areas thematic structure and trends
of development of the subject area//Innovatika
and expert examination. The scientific works of
the Federal State Budgetary Scientific
Institution Scientific Research Institute
Federal Research Center for Project Evaluation
and Consulting Services (SRI FRCEC). M. SRI
FRCEC, 2013. Vol. 1(10). - 139-150.
Challenges to the contemporary Russian society
and to the school from childhood //
30Thank you for attention!
- tatyanayarkova59_at_mail.ru