Sistem Telekomunikasi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sistem Telekomunikasi


The key to this development trend is to enhance liberalisation efforts that have been taken by the government to allow private participation in the sector. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sistem Telekomunikasi

Sistem Telekomunikasi
  • Mengetahui polisi ICT Malaysia
  • Mengetahui teknologi baru dlm bidang
  • Mengetahui produk komunikasi di Malaysia

The Telecommunication Industry
  • Malaysia has been reforming and restructuring the
    telecommunications sector since 1987. The
    participation of the private sector in the
    transformation and development of the country's
    communication infrastructure has ensured the
    necessary information infrastructures and work on
    wiring the country with the necessary information
    infrastructure have been actively carried out for
    the last 10 years.
  • Many optical fibre cable network projects are
    still in the pipeline. In fact, trunk fibre
    networks have been laid criss-crossing Peninsular
    Malaysia and stretching across the South China
    Sea to enter the eastern part of the country.
  • With Malaysia's own satellite, it is within our
    reach to develop infrastructure superhighways for
    the nation's needs. The performance of the
    communications infrastructure in the country over
    the last decade has been impressive.

The Telecommunication Industry
  • The penetration rate for fixed lines has grown
    rapidly through period from 7.4 lines per 100
    population in 1987 to 22 lines in 1999. This
    figure represents a very high level of service
    penetration when compared to other ASEAN
    Countries. In addition, Malaysia has one of the
    highest penetration rate of 50.7 per 100
    population for cellular phones in Asia with
    subscribers amounting to approximately 13 million
    as at the third quarter of 2004.
  • The growth of the communications industry in the
    country is also underpinned by demand for new
    services arising from the convergence of the
    information technologies in the field of
    switching and transmission such as ATM, ISDN and
    SDH has created new services like VOD, video
    conferencing and many other multimedia
    applications on the web like graphics, audio and
    animation, video and virtual reality to mention a

The Telecommunication Industry
  • As in most countries, communications services in
    Malaysia have been traditionally provided as a
    monopolistic basis. Several policy initiatives
    have been undertaken to foster competition in the
    country include those that are relevant to the
    determination of boundaries between competitive
    and monopolistic markets, licensing of new
    entries, monitoring performances and several
    practices related to maintaining sustainable
    competition in the market. Competition has
    gradually been introduced in many fronts
    including the local loop, wireless, trunk,
    international and value-added segments.

  • The key to this development trend is to enhance
    liberalisation efforts that have been taken by
    the government to allow private participation in
    the sector. The thrust of the competition policy
    as envisaged in the Equal Access Policy is that
    it must lead to the improvement in the quality of
    service and at the same time bring down prices as
    a result of improvement in operation efficiency.
    To ensure that Malaysia gets the maximum value
    from a dynamic communications industry and that
    it is internationally competitive, the government
    strongly feel that the country must develop a
    competition that
  • Could encourage the provisioning of a world class
    communications infrastructure as the latest
    technology mix to support the implementation of
    policy initiative related IT development i.e MSC
  • Focus on driving the prices down and enhancing
    quality as well as making services widely
    available and accessible to support the efforts
    of the government to create an information rich
  • Encourages technical advancements and innovations
    in its services to enhance the international
    competitiveness of users and IT/multimedia
  • Support the creation of a conducive environment
    that is necessary to attract investments into the
    sector and prevent duplications of infrastructure

Spectrum Management - Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan
Multimedia Malaysia
  • Introduction
  • Spectrum Management involves providing a
    responsive and flexible approach to meet the need
    of spectrum users, making adequate provision of
    spectrum for public and community services,
    maximising the overall public benefit derived
    from use of the spectrum by ensuring its
    efficient allocation, encouraging the use of
    efficient wireless technologies and practises to
    enable operation of a wide ranges of services
    with an adequate quality of service, supporting
    the CMA policy objectives of the Government and
    providing Malaysian views in the development of
    international agreements in Radiocommunications.

Scope of Activities
  • The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
    Commission's scope of activities in accordance
    with ITU's recommendations that Administrations
    set up a "National Spectrum Management
    Administration", to carry out the following key
    activities, involve
  • 1. Planning, coordinating, regulating and
    administering the use of the spectrum within the
  • 2. Establishing regulations, technical parameters
    and standards governing the use of each
    frequency band or specific frequency by stations
    of different services, having regards to current
    international regulations and agreement
  • 3. Optimizing the use of spectrum, space and
    geo-stationary satellite orbit, ensuring the
    harmonious operation of different services, which
    use them
  • 4. Allocating frequency bands in accordance with
    international regulations and the national
    priorities and assigning specific frequencies as
  • 5. Authorising the installation and operation of
    radio stations, assigning call signs, MMSI
    numbers for ships and life boats, and granting
    appropriate frequency assignment
  • 6. Updating all information on authorised
    wireless systems such as frequencies, the
    locations, transmitting powers, call signs, etc,
    and their notification to the Radiocommunication
    Bureau (ITU) if necessary
  • 7. Representing, establishing relations,
    coordinating and issuing technical opinions
    concerning the use of frequencies in
    international forum such as the World
    Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), which is
    held every two years

  • 8. Measuring the technical parameters or
    emissions of wireless stations as appropriate
  • 9. Conducting systematic inspections of
    Radiocommunication stations to check that they
    must meet the technical standards and parameters
    for which their equipment and operations were
  • 10. Participating, insofar as the use of
    frequencies is concerned, in the development
    plans and projects of all wireless services,
    ensuring that those plans are in acceptance with
    current international and national regulations
  • 11. Preparing for participating in international
    conference convened by the ITU, participating in
    such conferences and implementing any decisions
  • 12. Conducting negotiations in connection with
    frequency spectrum management, space and
    satellite orbit location, and other related
    problems with other countries and international
  • 13. Facilitating national industry technical
    forums to carry out works relating to the Study
    Groups and Working Groups of ITU-R
    (Radiocommunications), preparing for the
    participation of specialist at meetings of the
    ITU-R and participating therein
  • 14. Constituting the national body for relations
    with international and regional organisations
    other than the ITU on technical, regulatory and
    administrative matters, technical cooperation and
    other subjects related to utilisation of
    frequency spectrum, space and the geo-stationary
    satellite orbit.

Sumber Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
  • Statistik langganan perkhidmatan telekomunikasi
    di Malaysia
  • Sumber http//

Statistik Pelanggan Fixed Line DEL Conn.
Statistik Pelanggan Telefon Selular
Statistik Pelanggan Internet dial-up
Kadar penembusan Internet dial-up
Kadar penembusan telefon selular
Kadar penembusan talian Ibusawat tetap
Langganan Jalur Lebar
Peratusan jalur lebar (teknologi)
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for
    bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and
    small businesses over ordinary copper telephone
    lines. xDSL refers to different variations of
    DSL, such as ADSL, HDSL, and RADSL.
  • Assuming your home or small business is close
    enough to a telephone company central office that
    offers DSL service, you may be able to receive
    data at rates up to 6.1 megabits (millions of
    bits) per second (of a theoretical 8.448 megabits
    per second), enabling continuous transmission of
    motion video, audio, and even 3-D effects. More
    typically, individual connections will provide
    from 1.544 Mbps to 512 Kbps downstream and about
    128 Kbps upstream.
  • A DSL line can carry both data and voice signals
    and the data part of the line is continuously
    connected. DSL installations began in 1998 and
    will continue at a greatly increased pace through
    the next decade

  • The variation called ADSL (Asymmetric Digital
    Subscriber Line) is the form of DSL that will
    become most familiar to home and small business
  • ADSL is called "asymmetric" because most of its
    two-way or duplex bandwidth is devoted to the
    downstream direction, sending data to the user.
    Only a small portion of bandwidth is available
    for upstream or user-interaction messages.
    However, most Internet and especially graphics-
    or multi-media intensive Web data need lots of
    downstream bandwidth, but user requests and
    responses are small and require little upstream
  • Using ADSL, up to 6.1 megabits per second of data
    can be sent downstream and up to 640 Kbps
    upstream. The high downstream bandwidth means
    that your telephone line will be able to bring
    motion video, audio, and 3-D images to your
    computer or hooked-in TV set. In addition, a
    small portion of the downstream bandwidth can be
    devoted to voice rather data, and you can hold
    phone conversations without requiring a separate
  • Unlike a similar service over your cable TV line,
    using ADSL, you won't be competing for bandwidth
    with neighbors in your area. In many cases, your
    existing telephone lines will work with ADSL. In
    some areas, they may need upgrading.

  • HDSL (High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line), one
    of the earliest forms of DSL, is used for
    wideband digital transmission within a corporate
    site and between the telephone company and a
  • The main characteristic of HDSL is that it is
    symmetrical an equal amount of bandwidth is
    available in both directions.
  • HDSL can carry as much on a single wire of
    twisted-pair cable as can be carried on a T1 line
    (up to 1.544 Mbps) in North America or an E1 line
    (up to 2.048 Mbps) in Europe over a somewhat
    longer range and is considered an alternative to
    a T1 or E1 connection.

  • SDSL (Symmetric DSL) is similar to HDSL with a
    single twisted-pair line, carrying 1.544 Mbps
    (U.S. and Canada) or 2.048 Mbps (Europe) each
    direction on a duplex line. It's symmetric
    because the data rate is the same in both

Broadband Technology
  • Broadband refers to telecommunication in which a
    wide band of frequencies is available to transmit
    information. It transmits up to 40 times as fast
    as a standard telephone and modem

  • Broadband services can be delivered in different
    ways over an ordinary telephone line or private
    network, via a cable or across mobile and
    wireless networks. It will virtually eliminate
    geographic distance as an obstacle to acquiring
    or sending information. And dramatically reduce
    the time it takes to access information.

  • Webbit is an abbreviation for Wireless Enhanced
    Broadband Internet.
  • The Webbit offers a state-of-the-art digital
    wireless broadband service direct to your
    premise. The Webbit promises you the freedom to
    create, to imagine and to be productive, be it at
    work or at home. Webbit is TIME's latest
    innovative broadband solution that delivers
    high-speed Internet access wirelessly,
    eliminating the dependency on telephone lines and
    slow dial-up connections.

  • It simply stands for New Voice. A revolutionary
    application that offers new voice solutions
    delivered over broadband.nevo is a new-world
    Internet protocol-based carrier, using innovative
    packet switching technology compared to
    old-fashioned circuit switching. And because it
    rides on the broadband system, nevo will
    dramatically change the way you communicate and
    manage your time. Effectively, profitably and

  • Wireless hotspots for Internet access with your
    notebook or PDA

  • Enables large-scale data, voice and video
    transfers at superspeeds up to 10Gbps

Satellite MEASAT-1, 2, 3, 4
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Using satellite for remote sensing
MTSAT Satellite image of heavy rain
Banjir besar di Johor
12 Januari 2007
MTSAT satellite image 13 January
The next day satellite image
(No Transcript)
Tsunami warning dissemination
Consumer Satisfaction Survey
  • The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
    Commission conducts the Consumer Satisfaction
    Survey two times a year.Below are the latest
    and past results of the Survey.Consumer
    Satisfaction Survey Wave VI
  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey Wave V
  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey Wave IV
  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey Wave III  
  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey Wave II  
  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey Wave I
  • http//

Wimax successful tender
(No Transcript)
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