Title: Overview of ADCP
1Overview of ADCP Best Practices Report
- Measuring Discharge with Acoustic Doppler Current
Profilers from a Moving Boat - Techniques and Methods Report
- Chapter 22 of Book3, Section A
- Why a Techniques and Methods Report
- Organization of the report
- Highlight selected topics
- Changes to existing policy
- Quick-Reference guides and other forms
- Availability of printed copies
3Why and How
- COE funded development of two guidance reports
for ADCP use - Discharge
- Velocity Mapping
- Revised more general COE report to USGS specific
TM - USGS specific policy
- StreamPro
- Updated with latest guidance
4Source of Material
- Little new information
- Consolidated information from
- QA/QC report
- OSW Technical Memos
- ADCP Training Classes
- Hydroacoustic Updates
- Added some changes to guidance based on latest
experience - Published to allow additional updates without
republishing entire report
- Main Body contains guidance
- Predeployment Preparation
- Field Procedures
- Office Procedures
- Appendices contain details
- Basic ADCP Operational Concepts
- Collecting Data in Moving-Bed Conditions
- Description of Water Modes
- Beam-Alignment Tests
- Forms and Quick-Reference Guides
- Measurement Review Procedures
- Understand basic limitations of ADCP
- Apply ADCP limitations to site selection and
expected performance in the field - Sediment
- Unmeasured areas
- Configuration
- Compass
7Predeployment cont.
- Instrument Quality Assurance
- Beam Alignment Test
- Recommended
- 1st acquired
- After factory repair
- After firmware or hardware upgrades
- Periodically
- Detailed procedures in Appendix D
- Typically for Rio Grandes and RiverSurveyors
- Periodic Instrument Comparison
8Predeployment cont.
- Ancillary Equipment
- VTG and GGA
- Echo Sounder
- Deployments and Mounts
- Other Equipment
- Final Equip Preparation and Inspection
- Verify all computer connections and
communications before going to the field!!
9Checklist in Appendix E
10Field Procedures
- Site Selection
- Maybe the most important thing you do in the
field. - Location, shape, velocity, other
- Pre-Measurement Field Procedures
- Set clock
- Diagnostic tests
- Speed of sound (temp and salinity)
- Compass calibration
- Instrument configuration
- Use wizards
- Moving-bed tests
11Policy Change
USGS policy (U.S. Geological Survey, 2002b Oberg
and others, 2005) requires that a moving-bed test
be conducted prior to making a discharge
measurement. In USGS training classes and in
Oberg and others (2005), an exception to
conducting a moving-bed test with every
measurement was allowed if sufficient
documentation was provided in the field folder to
justify not conducting a moving-bed test. Field
experience has shown that sediment transport
characteristics can vary greatly for the same
discharge, depending on the hydrograph shape,
source of runoff, and season of the year. Thus, a
moving bed may be detected at a location and
discharge where one was not previously detected,
or a moving bed may no longer exist at a location
and discharge where one was previously detected.
Moving-bed conditions also have been observed in
low-velocity environments (less than 1 ft/s) and
are likely caused by organic material transported
by the water. Therefore, to ensure the quality of
the data collected, every moving-boat measurement
made with an ADCP must have a recorded moving-bed
test. If a site routinely has a moving bed and
GPS is always used with the ADCP, a moving-bed
test is still required but need only be 5 minutes
in length. This requirement supersedes Oberg and
others (2005) and various USGS training materials.
12Moving-Bed Test Requirements
- Loop test preferred
- Stationary tests
- When
- If compass calibration is not good
- If bottom tracking cannot be maintained
- StreamPro
- How
- 5-minutes in duration
- With GPS
- From a tagline or bridge or anchored
- 10-minutes in duration
- No GPS from manned or RC-boat
These criteria supersede the guidance on
stationary moving-bed tests that have been
published previously in U.S. Geological Survey
(2002b) and Oberg and others (2005).
13Field Procedures cont.
- Discharge Measurement Procedures
- No changes to existing guidance
- Step by step quick-reference guides in Appendix
E - Post-Measurement Field Procedures
- An 8-pass measurement due to one or more
transects being gt5 from mean does not constitute
a check measurement - Check measurements are required according to
criteria in WSP 2175
14Office Procedures
- Preventive Maintenance
- Saves time in the long term!!!
- Data Storage
- Follow office policy
- Put data on server (usually within 72 hours)
- Measurement Review
- Data-Quality Indicators
- Commonly Observed Problems
15Measurement Review
- Field forms complete, understandable, and
legible. - Electronic files backup in field and archived in
office. - Number of transects appropriate and in reciprocal
pairs. - Configuration
- Correct and appropriate
- User input agrees with field form
- Edge, top, and bottom extrapolations appropriate
16Measurement Review cont.
- Independent temperature measurement recorded and
checked. - Salinity measured and recorded.
- Moving-bed test recorded and appropriate
procedures used. - Slow smooth boat operation.
- Edge distance measured, recorded, and consistent
with electronic data. - Number and location of missing or invalid
ensembles are acceptable.
17Measurement Review cont.
- Number and location of invalid depth cells are
acceptable. - Top and bottom extrapolation methods have been
reviewed and are appropriate. - Measurement computations, including mean
discharge and measurement gage height, are
18Missing and Invalid Data
WinRiver II
19Ambiguity Errors
20Signal Attenuation
21Beam Impinging on Wall
22Smooth Boat Operation
WinRiver II
23Spikes in Streambed
24Bad GPS
25Appendix A Basic Concepts
- Doppler Concepts
- Narrowband and Broadband
- Computing Velocity in Orthogonal Coordinates
- Measuring a Velocity Profile
- Computing Discharge
26Appendix B- Collecting Data in Moving-Bed
- Cause and Effect of Moving-Bed
- Methods to Indentify a Moving Bed
- More detail than in main body of report
- Stationary, no GPS
- Stationary, with GPS
- Loop
- Methods to Account for Moving-Bed Effects
- Loop method
- Multiple moving-bed test method
- Mid-section method
- Azimuth method
27Appendix C Description of Water Modes
- SonTek/YSI RiverSurveyor
- Rio Grande
- 1
- 5/11
- 12
- StreamPro
- 12
- 13, C, Low-Noise
28Appendix D Beam-Alignment Test
- Detailed instructions and criteria for conducting
a beam alignment test - Typically only applied to
- Rio Grande
- RiverSurveyor
29Appendix E Forms andQuick-Reference Guides
30Rio Grande Quick Sheet
31RiverSurveyor Quick Sheet
32Appendix F Measurement Review Guides
- PDF version available now
- http//pubs.usgs.gov/tm/3a22/
- Linked from http//hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/
- Printed version
- 3-hole punch, loose leaf
- In printing now, available in a couple of months
- Announcement memo will be accompany printed