Title: The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton
1The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton
Power Point Manager Kenya Ravin Group Members Nicki J. Luca C. Heather H. and Cameron M.
- I saw the bicycle chains, blades, and corvettes.
Theme Fighting is what the greasers are known
for, so the theme is loving while fighting.
The mood is very dark and negative due to the
fact a rumble is about to occur.
- Bicycle chains symbolize the approaching fight.
The author uses blades and chains to emphasize
the mood set for the rumble.
This simile is used to describe the characters
ears by comparing them to the ears of a lynx.
- and he had ears like a lynx.
This relates to the theme by first introducing
you to all the characters and their appearances.
- This is used to emphasize how Ponyboys run-away
shirt fit him.
His t-shirt just about swallowed me!
- The mood at this point in the Outsiders is fear
of the future. The characters are worried about
getting caught for a recent crime.
The tone is used to add a little humor to the
fear in the situation of Ponyboy and Johnny, two
characters in the Outsiders!
- You know what a greaser is? Bob asked. White
Bob says this to Ponyboy to provoke him and start
a fight with the greasers.
- This selection from the Outsiders has a very
negative mood due to the provoking of a fight.
The authors tone with this quote is to show how
the Socs treated the Greasers on a daily bases.
9Photo Credits!
- Bicycle Chains http//cdn-www.trails.com/Cms/ima
ges/GlobalPhoto/Articles/100/133261-main_Full.jpg - Lynx http//www.statesymbolsusa.org/IMAGES/Maine
T-shirt http//lh4.ggpht.com/_yApw4gLxzGU/SUjyFb
PWEHI/AAA 6pyz9uBPeeY/s800/FOS-XXXXXXL-tshirt.jpg
White Sheet of Paper http//www.photl.com/image