Title: Unit 6
1Unit 6 Writing Aims and Learning Outcomes and
Planning an Inter-professional Learning Session
- Aim
- To provide participants with the knowledge and
skills required for planning and delivering an
effective inter- professional learning session. - Learning outcomes
- Apply the principles of adult learning theory to
facilitate learning in the workplace - Design a set of robust aims and learning outcomes
- Plan an inter-professional learning session that
promotes an effective learning environment
2Adult Education
- The purpose of adult education is to help them
learn, not to teach them all they know and stop
them from carrying on learning - (Rogers 2002)
3Optimise Learning Principles of Constructive
- Learners construct their learning meaning is not
imposed or transmitted by direct instruction it
is created by the students' learning activities
and their approaches to learning. - Teaching and assessment must be aligned with
learning outcomes - When there is alignment between what we want, how
we teach and how we assess, teaching is likely to
be much more effective than when it is not. - (Biggs, 2003)
4Principles of constructive alignment
- Learning Outcomes
- Teaching and Learning Activities
- Assessment
5Process of Constructive Alignment
- Decide on
- Aim
- Intended learning outcomes
- Content
- Teaching and Learning activities
- Assessment and evaluation
6Course design
- Who are our learners?
- What do we want our learners to achieve?
- What are the aims and learning outcomes
- What learning opportunities will be provided?
- How will learning be assessed?
- How will we evaluate it?
7Who are our learners?
- Background
- Previous knowledge
- Stage in learning or career
8What do we want our learners to achieve?
- Setting appropriate aims and learning outcomes is
the most crucial task designing an educational
programme - Everything else depends on this
9What is the Aim?
- To give an overall purpose or educational intent
- The aim of this course is to provide
participants with the knowledge and skills
required for planning and delivering an effective
inter-professional learning session
10Developing Learning Outcomes
- Dont forget to
- Identify the end point of the learning session
- Identify your assumptions about what can be
achieved during that process - Limit the number of outcomes to those which are
key - Make sure they are learner focused
11What is expected of the learner ?
- Use an unambiguous action VERB - needs to be
measurable - design
- Add the OBJECT of the verb
- a set of aims and learning outcomes
- If appropriate , add CONTEXT or CONDITION
- robust
12Learning outcome example
- Design a set of robust aims and learning outcomes
- Write a sonnet in the style of William
Shakespeare - Apply theories of adult learning effectively in
practice - Fry an egg for your breakfast, that has the white
completely set and the yolk completely runny
13SMART Outcomes
- Effective learning outcomes should be S.M.A.R.T
- S - Specific, significant, stretching
- M - Measurable, meaningful, motivational
- A Achievable, agreed upon, attainable,
- acceptable, action-oriented
- R - Realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding,
results-oriented - T - Timely, time-based, tangible, trackable
14Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956)
- Bloom suggested that learning tended to fall into
3 domains - Cognitive domain relating to intellectual
capability i.e. knowledge or think - Affective domain relating to feelings,
attitudes, values and behaviours - Psychomotor domain relating to physical
coordination and performance of physical skills - http//www.learningandteaching.info/learning/bloom
tax.htm -
15Blooms Taxonomy (1956)http//www.learningandteac
16Group Activity 1
- Think of an educational programme you are
currently involved in delivering - Write one learning outcome using the template
17What learning opportunities will be provided ?
- Learning activities
- select and design those that enable achievement
of expected outcomes. - Remember
- learning styles
- adult learning theories
18How will learning be assessed?
- Align the learning outcomes to the assessment.
- Match the form of assessment (formative or
summative) to what is being learned e g essay,
quiz, project practical skill - Assessment must be valid and reliable measure
what its supposed to measuring and be consistent - Evaluation - have the students learned what the
learning outcomes state they should be learning? -
(Biggs 2003)
19Group Activity 2
- Design and plan an inter-professional learning
session - Think about criteria you need to consider when
planning a learning session e.g. learner profile
and venue
20Group Activity 2 continued
- Write the aim and develop the learning outcomes
- Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may
remember. Involve me, and I will understand.
Confucius (approx 450 BC) - Learning takes place through the active behaviour
of the student it is what he does that he
learns, not what the teacher does. Tyler (1949) -