Title: Charles Julien
1The Mediterranean and Globalisation An Egyptian
The Global Market Revolution The Impact of the
World Trade Organization on Local
Players Naples, 24 November 2007
Charles Julien Legal Counsel
2The multilateral trading system the WTO
Agreements? 151 Members All
Euro-Mediterranean partners with the exception of
Algeria, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and
Syria ? Scope Trade in goods Trade in
services Trade-related aspects of intellectual
property rights Integrated dispute settlement
mechanism ? Regular re-negotiations on-going
Doha Development Agenda
Multilateral vs. regional trade agreements
3Most-favored nation (MFN) treatment a founding
principle of the multilateral trading system
WTO Members cannot discriminate between other
WTO Members equal treatment must be provided to
Multilateral vs. regional trade agreements
- Regional trade agreements (RTAs) an exception to
MFN treatment ? Parties to a RTA may remove
or substantially reduce duties and trade
barriers between themselves? The establishment
of a RTA should not impose additional
restrictions on the Members not party to that RTA
4The proliferation of RTAs within the
multilateral trading system ? 380 RTAs
notified under the GATT/WTO 250 RTAs in force?
Main characteristics Centerpiece of
countries commercial policy Increasing level
of sophistication North-South RTAs gradually
replace non-reciprocal systems of preferences
South-South RTAs Expansion and integration
of regional integration
Multilateral vs. regional trade agreements
537 trading partnersThe European Union and its 27
Member States and 10 Mediterranean partners
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco,
the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and
Economic and Trade Features of the
Euro-Mediterranean (Euromed) Region
- Growing trade relations? Mediterranean exports
to the EU-27 have grown 10 yearly over the
period 2000-2006 (Egypt and Algeria 17)? EU
exports to Mediterranean partners have grown 4
yearly? Relatively low integration 5 of total
EU-27 trade
6The Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of
Foreign Affairs Barcelona, 27-28/11/1995
The Barcelona Declaration the Foundation of the
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Objectives of the Euromed Partnership?
Political and security chapter common area of
peace through political and security
dialogue? Economic and financial chapter
economic and financial partnership and the
establishment of a free trade? Social,
cultural and human chapter exchanges between
civil societies and better understanding of
- A two-dimension process bilateral and regional
7Bilateral Agreements within the Euromed
- Agreements between the EU and Mediterranean
partners? Cooperation agreements concluded in
the 1970s? Euromed Association Agreements
Main features Establishment of a free-trade
area by 2010 Provisions relating to
intellectual property, services, public
procurement and competition Economic
cooperation Cooperation relating to social
affairs and migration Cultural
cooperation Political dialogue Respect for
human rights and democracy
8Bilateral Agreements within the Euromed
? The trade component of Euromed Association
Agreements Liberalization of the trade of
manufactured goods - duty free access for
imports of manufactured goods from
Mediterranean partners into the EU - tariff
dismantlement of tariffs for imports of
manufactured goods from the EU into
Mediterranean partners into the EU
Asymmetric reciprocal preferences for
agricultural products Progressive
liberalization of trade in services Progressiv
e liberalization of investment policies
9Bilateral Agreements within the Euromed
- Agreements between the Egypt and Mediterranean
partners? Jordan free-trade agreement -
21/12/1999? Lebanon executive program -
15/3/1999 ? Morocco free-trade agreement -
28/4/1999? Syria preferential trade
agreement - 1/12/1991? Tunisia free-trade
agreement - 26/4/2007? Turkey free-trade
agreement - 1/3/2007
10Regional Agreements within the Euromed
- The Agadir Agreement? Concluded between Egypt,
Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia on 22/2/2004?
Main features Establishment of a free-trade
elimination of all tariff and non-tariff
barriers on industrial and agricultural
products Diagonal cumulation of origin
11Egypt and the Euromed Partnership
Palestinian Authority
Saudi Arabia
Agadir Agreement
Maghreb Union
12Pan-Euromed system of cumulation of origin?
Harmonized rules of origin apply to the 40
Members of the Pan-Euromed system (Euromed
partners EFTA Members)? Allows economic
operators to cumulate processing made in
different Euromed partners and thus obtain
preferential treatment more easily
Regional Integration within the Euromed
- Trade facilitation? Actual cost of trade
procedures 5 of transactions? Action Plan on
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Simplification of customs procedures Accele
rated customs clearance Use of the Harmonized
System and international standards
13Convergence of legislation in the field of
standards? Identification of priority
sectors? Approximation of EU rules and
standards? EU-funded technical assistance and
training programs Euromed Market and Euromed
Regional Integration within the Euromed
- Liberalization of services and investment Core
principles? Compatibility with WTO rules?
Regional integration? Development dimension
14Liberalization of services and establishment?
Bilateral negotiations? Transparency and
regional cooperation? Expected to be concluded
by 2010
On-Going Negotiations within the Euromed
Partnership Towards a Euromed Free Trade Area
- Integrated dispute settlement mechanism?
Bilateral negotiations with regional
consultations ? Dispute settlement protocols to
efficiently settle trade disputes arising under
the Association Agreements? Greatly inspired
from the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding
15Deepening agriculture liberalization The Rabat
Euromed Roadmap for Agriculture? Negotiations
with Egypt, Israel and Morocco? Liberalization
of agricultural, processed and fisheries products
On-Going Negotiations within the Euromed
Partnership Towards a Euromed Free Trade Area
- Regulatory convergence on industrial products?
Negotiations of an agreement on conformity
assessment and accreditation? Further
implementation of EU legislation and standards
16Future Steps towards a Euromed Free Trade Area
- The 6th Euromed Ministerial Conference Lisbon,
21/10/2207? Confirmation of the overall
objective establishment of a Euromed Free
Trade Area by 2010 ? Senior Officials Working
Group to consider Non-tariff
barriers Intellectual property
rights Competition Public procurement?
Important contributions of the business
community first meeting to take place in
Egypt in early 2008
17Towards Greater Regional Integration
- The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)? EUs
framework for its relations with Mediterranean
and East European partners (Maghreb, Mashrek,
Israel, Ukraine and Moldova)? Country-specifi
c action plans
- The Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
? Participate to the establishment of a Common
Arab Market
- Free trade agreement between Egypt and EFTA states