In The Beginning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In The Beginning


In The Beginning By: Chandra & Chelsey – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: In The Beginning

In The Beginning
  • By Chandra Chelsey

Day 1
  • God called the light day
  • The darkness he called night

Day 2
  • God made the firmament
  • Divided the waters, under the firmament with
    waters above
  • God called the firmament Heaven

Day 3
  • Called the dry land Earth
  • The gathering together of waters he called seas
  • Brought forth grass, herb yielding seed, tree
    yielding fruit

Day 4
  • Created lights and the heaven to divide day from
    night(they were signs for seasons, days, and
  • Created greater light to rule the day
  • Lesser light to rule the night along with the

Day 5
  • God created great whales
  • Every living creature that moveth
  • Created winged fowl

Day 6
  • Created beast, cattle and everything of the earth
    after its own kind
  • Created man in his own image
  • Gave man dominion over fish, fowl, and cattle

Day 7
  • God ended his work
  • He rested
  • God blessed the 7th day

Garden of Eden
  • In the garden there was the tree of life and the
    tree of knowledge of good and evil
  • The Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every
    tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of
    the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou
    shalt not eat of it...

  • The Lord God formed man of the dust of the
    ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath
    of life and man became a living soul.
  • God planted a garden in Eden and there he put the
  • God took one of Adams ribs and made a women. She
    was called Women because she was taken out of
    Man, because man should not be alone.

The Fall
  • The man wife were naked but not
  • The serpent tempted the women to eat the fruit
    from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
  • She gave the fruit to her husband who also ate
    the forbidden fruit.
  • God knew they had eaten the fruit because they
    knew they were naked and covered themselves.

  • God punished each of them for eating the fruit.
  • The serpent was cursed and forced upon thy belly
    all the days of thy life.
  • Women shalt bring forth children and thy desire
    shall be thy husband, he will rule over thee.
    (Adam named his wife Eve because she was the
    mother of all living.)
  • The ground was curesed and man was to work and
    eat from it all the days of his life.
  • Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.

Relations to Other Work
  • How the World was Made
    - a Cheyenne Myth
  • In the beginning there was nothing
  • God created light, water, sky, and people of
    the sea
  • Grandmother turtle has dominance/people had
  • No one should be alone- a women was created from
    the left rib of man
  • The man and women created the people of the earth
  • God represents all life and is always with the

  • God LIFE
  • Tree of knowledge of good evil Sin
  • Serpent Evil the Devil
  • Adam Eve forgiven sinners
  • Eve mother of all living
  • Garden of Eden life (trees/ tree of life)
  • Dust man

  • Good vs. Evil - Adam Eve tempted by serpent
  • Creation of Life - the World, Man, Women, beasts
    of the earth, Garden of Eden
  • Sins being forgiven - Eating the forbidden fruit
    punished but forgiven

Relates to us Today?
  • We sin and ask for forgiveness
  • Many believe in Christianity
  • We are all tempted by evil
  • We rest on Sunday (seventh day)

Cultural Details
  • Believe in one God - monotheistic
  • God is creator of all living things
  • Women - mother of all living
  • Women is taken from man
  • World created in 6 days God rested on the 7th
  • Punished for sin
  • Men work
  • Women have children

Figurative Language
  • Parallelism- repitition of words, phrases, or
    sentences or restates similar ideas
  • Literary allusions-reference made in a work of
    literature to another work of literature
  • Repitition- Repeating of words, phrases or entire

Identifying Facts
  • 1.) God gives humans dominion over the fish of
    the sea, and over fowl of the air, and over the
    cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
    creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
  • 2.) Man was created from the dust of the ground.
    Woman was created from the left rib of man and
    was created because man should not be alone.
  • 3.) Adam and Eve change by realizing they are
    naked. They gained the knowledge from the fruit
    and covered themselves.
  • 4.) Adam (man) is works the ground, Eve (women)
    bear children and ruled over by husband, and the
    serpent was forced to live forever on its belly.
  • 5.) Temptations and sins. Men still have to work
    for their food and women have to bear the

Interpreting Meaning
  • 1.)God saidand it was so and God saw that it
    was good. was repeated because it empasized what
    he had done. Whatever God did was how it would be
    and he made everything from his own visions.
  • 2.) God gave man dominion. Adam showed his
    dominion when naming the birds and beasts because
    how he named them was how they would be.
  • 3.) God makes them all responsible for what they
    did, but Eve not only had to bear children but
    all her desire was for her husband and her
    husband was to rule over her.
  • 4.) People relate the story to everyday life and
    dont know life without sin. They dont think
    about everything being equal.

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