Title: Senior%20Service%20America,%20Inc.%20(SSAI)%20Bidders
1Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) Bidders
Webinar Jefferson County, Alabama
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4- Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI)
- Bidders Webinar
- Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Jefferson County, AL
- Monday, April 27, 2015
- 200 p.m. EDT
5Webinar details
- Todays Presenter Chris Garland, National SCSEP
Director - Webinar Length 1 hour from 200 - 300 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time - We may finish early if not all time is needed
- Who is on call today?
6Resource for this Webinar
- Have a copy of the Alabama RFP with you when
participating in this webinar
7RFP Overview
- Introduction
- Request for Proposal
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Funding
- Target Population
- SSAI SCSEP Performance Measures
- Eligibility and Minimum Qualifications for
Responding Organizations - Content of the Response Package
- Submission of Proposal in Response to RFP
- Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process
- Notice of Award
- Bidders Webinar
- List of Attachments
- Additional Documents to Review
8Closing Date for Submissions
- Friday, May 15, 2015, 400 p.m. EDT
9- Total Estimated Funding of Subgrant
- 601,514 from July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016
- There will be the opportunities for renewal
following June 30, 2016 contingent upon the
availability of federal funds.
10I. Introduction
- Senior Service America Inc.
- 47 year old 501(c)(3) national nonprofit
- 3rd largest Senior Community Service Employment
Program (SCSEP) National Grantee - Headquartered in Silver Spring, MD
- Work with a national network of 81 subgrantees
organizations to operate SCSEP in 16 states
11I. Introduction (contd)
- Senior Service America, Inc. is the largest SCSEP
national grantee in Alabama - SSAI has served various parts of Alabama since
1972 - Currently, SSAI partners with ten (10)
organizations in the state - The Jefferson County Commission is SSAIs current
subgrantee that serves Jefferson County
12II. Request for Proposal (RFP)
- SSAI is seeking a qualified organization to
administer SCSEP - SCSEP is Title V of the Older Americans Act
- Only federally-sponsored employment and training
program targeted specifically to low-income older
individuals who want to enter or re-enter the
workforce - Multiple missions include promoting useful
opportunities in community service job training
and moving SCSEP participants to unsubsidized
employment, where appropriate
13II. RFP (contd)
- SCSEP participants
- Are eligible individuals 55 or older, unemployed,
have participated on SCSEP for less than four
years, and earn less than 125 of Federal Poverty
Guidelines who want or need to re-enter the
workforce - Paid federal, state or local minimum wage
(whichever is higher) - For work experience at host agencies 501
(c)(3) nonprofit or government training sites - Typically 20 hours per week
14III. Roles and Responsibilities
- Subgrantee
- Employ a full-time project director for every 60
modified authorized positions and other personnel
necessary for programmatic and financial
administration and supervision of SCSEP this
subgrant has 72 modified positions - Recruit and enroll eligible applicants
- Select appropriate host agencies
- Promote necessary linkages and partnerships
- Comply with SCSEP regulations and policies
- Utilize case management method
- Meet performance goals outlined in Sponsor
15III. Roles Responsibilities (contd)
- Provides training, guidance, coaching on all
aspects of program and financial administration,
performance, data collection and SCSEP
regulations and policy - Provides technical assistance on SSAIs
person-centered approach to IEPs, community
service assignments and unsubsidized placement - Conducts regular compliance and fiscal monitoring
16IV. Funding
- Each subgrant budget has four budget categories
- Participant Wages and Fringe Benefits
- Administrative Costs (Adm)
- Other Program Costs (OPC)
- Nonfederal Share of Costs/Nonfederal Match
17Subgrant Budget
- The subgrant award is for twelve (12) months from
- July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016.
Jefferson County, AL 12 Months
July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016
72 authorized positions/slots
PWFB 527,169
OPC 24,403
ADM 49,942
Total Federal 601,514
Non-Federal 78,037
Total 679,551
18V. Target Population
- Eligible participant
- Priority of Service for Individuals with Multiple
Barriers to Employment - Individual Employment Plans (IEP)
- Unsubsidized Employment
- Community Service Work-Based Training
19V. Target Population (contd)
- Host Agencies
- Maintenance of Effort
- Other Permissible Training
- Coordination with American Job Centers, State and
Local WIBS, AAA and other SCSEP providers
20VI. SSAI SCSEP Performance Measures
- Measures while participant is on SCSEP
- Service level or number of eligible individuals
served - Community Service Hours
- Most-in-Need (MIN)
21VI. Performance Measures (contd)
- Measures after participant exits
- WIA Common Measures
- Entered Employment
- Retention
- Average Earnings
- SSAI unsubsidized placement goal
- Spend 100 of subgrant funds by June 30th of
each year
22VI. Performance Measures (contd)
- Additional Indicators
- set by Secretary of Labor
- Retention in Unsubsidized Employment For One Year
- Satisfaction Level of Participants, Employers and
Host Agencies - Volunteer Work Indicator
23VII. Eligibility and Qualifications of Bidders
- Any 501(c)(3) non-profit agency
- Any government agency
- That
- Meet the goals, standards and policies of SSAI
for providing SCSEP, as described in this RFP - SSAI discourages eligible bidders from applying
that intend to subcontract this SCSEP subgrant to
another agency
24VIII. Content of Response Package
- Attachment A Application Face Sheet
- Attachment B Complete Narrative Responses
- Attachment C Minimum of 2 letters of support
from partner organizations - Pg. 18 of RFP - 7 attachments requested
25IX. Submission Instructions
- All requested documents transmitted
electronically - MS Word or Adobe PDF or combination
- Do not send Zip files
- Email address sga2012_at_ssa-i.org
- No later than 400 p.m. EDT on Friday, May 15th
- SSAI will email you acknowledging receipt of
26X. Evaluation Criteria
- Proposals will be evaluated based on the
following criteria - Organizational Capacity 25 points
- Program Design and Approach 40 points
- Administrative and Fiscal Qualifications 35
points - Applicants must score a minimum of 70 points to
be considered for funding. - Review committee will be comprised of SSAI staff.
- SSAI reserves the right to seek additional
information from Applicants, potentially
including site visits or agency interviews.
27XI. Notice of Award
- SSAI will announce the award(s) no later than
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - SSAI will notify all applicants of decision by
email - SSAI will facilitate transition activities of
SCSEP from May 27 June 30, 2015
28XII. Bidders Webinar, Questions Technical
- Today ?
- Anyone else join?
- QA
- Review questions received to date
- Take any new questions from attendees on todays
webinar - We will post recording, FAQ, and PPT slides by
Friday, May 1, 2015 (if webinar recording
29XIII. Attachments
- Attachment A Application Face Sheet and
Checklist - Display
- Attachment B Narrative Response
- Display
30XIV. Additional Documents to Review
- 2010 SCSEP Final Regulations
- 2006 Older Americans Act Amendments
- 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines TEGL No. 18-14
- Revised Income Inclusions and Exclusions TEGL
31Key Dates/Timeline
- RFPs Issued April 15, 2015
- Bidders Webinar April 27, 2015
- Last Day to Submit RFP Questions May 12, 2015
- Proposals Submission Deadline May 15, 2015
- Grant(s) Announcement(s) By May 27, 2015
- Transition Activities May 27 June 30, 2015
- Initiation of Services July 1, 2015
- Raise Your Hand or
- Send Me a Note
33- Thank you for attending todays
- bidders webinar.