Title: Optical%20variability%20and%20optical%20
1Optical variability and optical anomalies in
Mediterranean waters
- André Morel, David Antoine
- and Hervé Claustre
- Laboratoire dOcéanographie de Villefranche
- (CNRS and Univ. P. M. Curie)
2Is desert dust making oligotrophic waters
greener? (H. Claustre et al., GRL, 2002)
Field data (PROSOPE Cruise), versus Remote
Sensing OC algorithms (OC4V4 and OC4Me)
Blue-to-green ratio Anomalously low In Med-Sea
PROSOPE cruise
3Depth of the euphotic layer, as expected from
Surface Chl
Hyperspectral Model (MM01) Sun at 0 or
75 -Uniform profiles (solid lines) or -profiles
including a DCM (dashed lines)
(Morel Gentili, 2004)
Recent data Med-Sea data (anomalously low Zeu)
4 Mediterranean Sea A semi-enclosed basin,
Rather well ventilated, however (water residence
time rather short 70 y) Arid climate, and
reduced run off limited
continental shelf A priori, a Case 1 water
domain, with varying trophic status Predominantl
y oligotrophic, sporadically and periodically
mesotrophic (Blooms) SO, why anomalies ?
5Anomalies, or nuances, detectable against a
standard for
Case 1 waters
Therefore, Defining a standard is a
prerequisite, Possibility Consider the
average empirical relationships established
between some optical properties (IOP and AOP)
and (Chl), used as an index of the bio-optical
6 Standard for Case 1 waters? Historical
empirical relationships provide such average laws
( SD), (generally non-linear laws of (Chl))
For instance IOP ap(?,
Chl) A(?) Chl B(?)
Bricaud et al, bp(?, Chl)
Bo(?) Chl ß(?) Gordon-Morel,
Loisel-Morel cp(?, Chl)
Co(?) Chl ? (?)
Voss AOP Kd(?,Chl) Kw (?)
?(?) Chl e(?) Morel-Maritorena.
Rrs(?1) / Rrs(?2) Pol (Chl)
OReilly et al.
has to be checked
before ascertaining Standards, and being able
to identify nuances 1) Closure (IOP) ?
? ap (?, Chl) bp(?,
Chl) cp(?, Chl)
(Bricaud et al, ) (Gordon-Loisel-Morel)
(Voss) 2) Coherency (IOP/AOP) ?
Possible Inversion Kd (?, Chl) ? atot (?,
Chl), (with atot ap ay aw)
? atot (?,
Chl) gt ap (?, Chl) if yes
then ay (?, Chl)
8From Bricaud et al., 1998 ap(?) as
f(Chl) Average law and confidence interval
(example for 440nm)
Data Med-Sea
9Loisel-Morel, LO, 1998
slope 0.766
10Medit. Sea (above average relationship
11 (Med-Sea)
Kd 1.0395 (µd) -1 (a bb) R f bb/ (a
bb) a(?) 0.962 Kd (?) µd(?s,
?, Chl ) 1 - R(? ) / f(?s, ?, Chl )
bb(?) 0.962 Kd (?) µd (?s, ?, Chl ) R(? )
/ f(?s, ?, Chl ) Look up Tables for µd and
f (Morel-Gentili, JGR 2004)
13Compatibility between ap and Kd Inversion (Kd ?
atot) through
atot(?,Chl) 0.962 Kd (?,Chl,?s)
µd(?,Chl,?s) 1- R(?,Chl,?s)/f(?,Chl,?s)
R(?,Chl,?s), f(?,Chl,?s), and
µd(?,Chl,?s) in LUTs (from RTE
computations) Then
atot ap ay aw
Is atot coherent with ap ? (i.e., atot gt ap )
14Examples of Kd(?) ? (Chl) empirical relationships
NOMAD Data Black curves Morel-Maritorena Statist
ical relationships
15Example of Inversion Kd(412) ? atot (412) Then
Decomposition atot (ap aw) ay
16ay(412) from the previous figure ay Data
(Pacific) also obtained by inversion using Kd
and R
Conclusion Pacific waters close to standard Case
1 water regarding ay
17ay(412) from the previous figure Data (Med.
Sea) also obtained by inversion
Moroccan upwelling
Conclusion Med-Sea waters above standard
regarding ay
- Empirical relationships are compatible,
- can be used to define standard ,
Chl-dependent, Case 1 waters - With respect to this standard, Med-Sea waters
exhibit notable, and identified nuances (thence
anomalous reflectances already detected) - ( Note particulate absorption, as usual )
- 1) excess of Yellow Substance (seasonal?
regional? - Blooms in the Northern part? bacterial
activity?) - 2) slight excess of particle scattering
(Saharan dust? Coccoliths?) - 3) Bio-geo-chemical reasons are not yet
elucidated -