Title: Redefining Libraries As Multi-Institutional Entities
1Redefining Libraries As Multi-Institutional
- Carole Moore, University of TorontoWendy Lougee,
University of MinnesotaAnne R. Kenney, Cornell
UniversityKevin Guthrie, Ithaka - May 21, 2009
2Redefining Libraries as Multi-Institutional
EntitiesWendy Pradt LougeeAssociation of
Research LibrariesMay 2009
- Twin Cities Deans CouncilFebruary 2008
3A Parable, Paradigm, modest Proposal
- Parable is sharing enough?
- Paradigm a new framework
- Proposal virtual communities as a model
5The Future of the Library A View from the
Provosts Office (1990)
- Stating the problem is easy and if we set
aside our traditional prejudices, it takes no
genius to name cooperation as the only tenable
solution. - we ought to envision a time when the
autonomous individual collections of our nations
research libraries are in substantial degree
melded into a large dispersed collection to which
we all contribute and in which we all share
equally. - Billy E. Frye
6Multi-Institutional ModelsDimensions of
Resources, Expertise, Governance
- Coordinated/shared collections Farmington, FDLP,
RLG Shares - Coalescing resources consortia licensing,
cooperative purchases - Collaborative goals/shared expertise Making of
America, Hathi - Collective action SPARC, SCOAP3
8The Paradigm Diffuse, Engaged
- With the incorporation of distributed
technologies and more open models, the library
has the potential to become more involved at all
stages, and in all contexts, of knowledge
creation, dissemination, and use. Rather than
being defined by its collections or the services
that support them, the library can become a
diffuse agent within the scholarly community. - Lougee, Diffuse Libraries, 2002
- Collection-centric
- Expertise
- Collection-centric
- Expertise
- Publication-focused
- Process
- Collection-centric
- Expertise
- Publication-focused
- Process
- Access control
- Sense-making
- Collection-centric
- Expertise
- Publication-focused
- Process
- Access control
- Sense-making
- Service mediation
- Enabling
- Collection-centric
- Expertise
- Publication-focused
- Process
- Access control
- Sense-making
- Service mediation
- Enabling
- Local
- Global
A conceptual or methodological model underlying
the theories and practices of a science or
discipline at a particular time (hence) a
generally accepted world view.
Oxford English Dictionary
15Paradigm shift
- whenthe profession can no longer evade
anomalies that subvert the existing tradition of
practice - then begin the extraordinary
investigations that lead the profession at last
to a new set of commitments, a new basis for the
practice of science. - Thomas Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
17Virtual Communities
- Gravitational pull of network, grid resources
- Collaborative, interdisciplinary scholarship
- Tools for discovery, management, collaboration
- Social contributions (Wisdom of Crowds)
- E-research model multi-institutional, data-rich,
18The time is right for taking a more
cross-cutting, multidisciplinary approach to
understanding the basic organizational
abstractions, communication models, trust
mechanisms, and technology infrastructure
required to form and operate effective VOs
virtual organizations across a broad range of
target domains.
19EthicShare A Virtual Community Model
- Mellon Foundation-funded Scholarly Communication
Institute (practical ethics) - Pilot A place for bioethics community
discovering, managing, analyzing, sharing - Develop sustainable, multi-institutional,
interdisciplinary community
20Community Requirements (Defined through focus
groups, surveys)
- High quality (selective) content
- Comprehensive access to all material types (full
text) - Domain-sensitive discovery access
- Space for (global) community discussion,
exchange, commentary - Group private work space
- Tools for information management, sharing
- Community-governed, developed
21Virtual Research Environment Components
22- Content Harvesting
- Resolution Services
- News Events
- Community defined discovery
- Tags, commentary, sharing
- Editorial policies
- Governance
23Library Role in Virtual Communities?
- Content selection, conversion adding value
- Preservation, curation
- Tool development
- Integration of content, content tools
- Catalyst for collaboration?
- Who hosts the collaborative?
- Who sustains the collaborative?
- Who contributes to the collaborative?
- Exclusive roles? Collaborative roles?
24Redefining Libraries As Multi-Institutional
- Anne R. Kenney, Cornell University
- May 21, 2009
25Some Bold Assertions
- There is a collective wealth held hostage by
redundant operations and collections at ARL
libraries. - Many of the things we compete over dont make our
institutions more competitive. - Our history of collaboration may ironically make
it more difficult to do radical collaboration. - Our staff would rather do more work than give up
doing some things.
26Collective Wealth of ARL Members
- Total ARL library expenditures 3,914,758,950
- Total materials expenditures 1,219,796,179
- E-resources expenditures 536,033,744
- Monographs 315,757,710
- Total salaries and wages 1,709,969,994
- 10 savings 391M!
27Every state and every region in the country is
stuck with some form of anachronistic and
expensive local government structure that dates
to horse-drawn wagons, family farms and
small-town convenience Tom Brokaw NYT op-ed,
28Reconsidering Collective Wealth
- Stop measuring success by how much money
spent/dedicated to libraries - as of university budgets or ARL investment
index - Measure instead success by operational
efficiencies, institutional effectiveness,
resource reallocation, consortial work, or
addressing big challenges at the university - eliminate backlog and multiple purchases of same
title through vendor packages press for resource
sharing in licensing - ROI
- Reversing attrition rates, supporting
x-disciplinary work
29Competing ? Institutional Competitiveness
- Success of Borrow Direct
- Failure of IRs
- Wagon wheels rather than webs
- Wanting to be a model for peers
- Think local, act global
30 Shift ARL Measures to Promote Collaboration
- Move from volume counts to title counts
- Measure degree of uniqueness
- Quantify collaboration and use in rankings
- Collective purchasing, shared collections
- Number of shared staff
- Combined functions
- Define collective measures to complement
institutional ones
31Even farmers dont use silos anymore. Alice
Pell Vice Provost, International
Initiatives Cornell University
32But We Already Collaborate
- Valuing process over progress
- Collaborating at the edges
- borrowing over building
- collection responsibilities in esoteric areas
- Sharing cataloging but not catalogers
- Focusing on IT standards not pooled resources
- Assessing collaborative approaches through a new
lens (e.g., Hathi Trust) - Connecting the dots
33Id give it to you, but its mine. Michael
Kenney Hickerson at age 4
34Doing More with Less
- A preference for perfection and service
- The national library of the United States is
giving away the birthright of American scholars
in exchange for a mess of Internet pottage.
- Thomas Mann
- What is Going on at the Library of Congress
35Doing More with Less
- Layering on experiments but maintaining all other
functions - Less with less vs. focusing efforts
- ARL should we stop collecting reference
statistics and focus on documenting
faculty/library collaborations?
36Potential Areas for Collaboration
- Collective collections
- Backroom functions
- New domains
- The power of many
37A lack of inventiveness isnt the problem. A
lack of will may be. "In a Time of Crisis,
Colleges Ought to Be Making History" Chronicle
of Higher Education May 11, 2009
38Collective Collections
- Collections by the numbers
- Begin with prospective co-ownership and then fold
in retrospective - Revisit Janus Conference and RLG Conspectus
Is there any reason beyond local pride to
maintain duplication? Tom Brokaw
39Collective Collection Challenges
- Institutional identity, faculty acceptance
- Better overlap/analysis and use tools
- Zero sum budgeting, financial restrictions,
accounting systems - Pre-nups for shared collections
- Delivery, legal issues
- Outreach/research support for faculty and
40Backroom Functions
- Shared technical processing, centers of effort
- Collective negotiation with vendors for content
and metadata - Contract potential with leading libraries in
other countries
41Backroom Functions Challenges
- System of credits for work done on behalf of
all - Standard definitions of good enough
- Budgets/funding streams
- Shared end processing systems
42New Domains
- Building local cyberinfrastructures
- Bridging IRs
- Services layered on top
- Re-imagining academic computing
- Difficulties in collaborating in new areas
43The Power of Many
- Exercising collective clout
- Providing cover to do whats needed
- Reaching the tipping point on OA
- Abjuring NDAs with publishers and others
- Negotiating for scholarly media collections
- Collective action demands as much attention as
institutional action - Reexamining anti-trust issues in library
44"Faced with the choice between change and proving
there is no need to do so, most people get busy
on the proof."
John Kenneth Galbraith
45Making Multi-Institutional Entities Work
Reflections on Strategy and Governance
- Kevin Guthrie
- Ithaka
- 21 May 2009
47- Redefining Libraries as Multi-Institutional
Entities - CLIRs 2008 report No Brief Candle, and the
current economy, point to no more business as
usual for libraries. Our speakers have agreed to
discuss what they see as opportunities for new
ways of libraries working together to reduce
redundancies, align resources, and take
collective action toward a desired, innovative
future. We have asked each speaker to illustrate
their remarks with examples of opportunities and
to pose questions that the community must address
to redefine libraries as multi-institutional
48What is different about this conversation? Is
this new?
- Libraries do have experience with various forms
of multi-institutional collaboration and
organization - Consortia
- State Systems
- ILL services
- Outsourcing
- Vendors and service providers
49 50- This time we mean it.
- Really.
51Smaller college libraries have been here
- Five Colleges of Ohio
- Merged off-site storage and specialized functions
- Tri-College Libraries
- Shared library catalog, some shared staff roles
- Appalachian College Association
- Shared supplemental central library
- Claremont Libraries
- Individual libraries fully merged into one system
52Why and What
53- This is about effective sharing of resources.
- The focus of my reflections will be on strategy
and governance. - The greatest challenge to multi-institutional
entities will be defining success and accepting
who is in charge. By governance, I just mean
who makes decisions and who takes responsibility
for delivering successful outcomes. - These issues will always come back, eventually,
no matter how many times they are deferred.
54Why might libraries be thinking about working on
multi-institutional initiatives?
- Networked technology environment favors economies
of scale big is better - Challenging economy causes libraries to reduce
costs - Changing expectations of library users might
combinations lead to better services? - Expose library content to a wider audience
- Aggregate library content with other related
55Why, specifically?
- Need to make sure that the strategic objectives
lead your choices and remain primary - When choosing to join up with other libraries,
what locally held strategic objective is the
library pursuing? - Whose strategic objective dominates? How do you
balance local mission and objectives and
multi-institutional or even system-wide public
good benefits? Which locally-held objectives
will need to be compromised?
56Sample Research Library Mission Statement
- University Library advances teaching, learning,
research and community service by providing
outstanding collections, access to the world of
knowledge, excellence in service and an
appropriate library environment, all of which are
client-focused and responsive to the needs of the
University community. - This Library
- Facilitates excellence in teaching, learning and
research - Creates an appropriate environment to support
teaching, learning and research - Anticipates and responds to student and faculty
needs - Contributes to positive student and faculty
outcomes and experiences - Provides the information resource infrastructure
necessary for leading edge teaching, learning and
research activity - Supports community outreach and community
57Break it down
- The right model for collaborationin other
words, the best form of governance for that
activityis likely to depend on the nature of the
objective being pursued
58How do we define multi-institutional entity?
- What qualifies? Some points on a continuum
- Loosely organized group of institutions that work
together informally to achieve a common purpose - Libraries that contribute their labor to pursue a
common objective - Libraries that delegate a responsibility to
another library - Libraries that establish a separate organization
to achieve a common objective - Libraries that pay another entity to perform a
particular service
- The complexity of the objective and the nature of
the benefits drive the degree of central
coordination and/or oversight required. - Is the objective easily defined and measured?
- Is the benefit realized locally or is it a system
benefit? - Does the group activity benefit the members of
the group directly, or is it designed to serve
third parties? - Are the benefits gained by the participating
libraries symmetrical? - Does the entity most closely associated with the
activity gain prestige?
60Rough Framework and Examples
- A consortium negotiates content licenses for a
group of libraries - A group of libraries manage a service for each
other - A group of libraries offer a service for each
other and other libraries - Individual libraries operate through an enabling
organization that facilitates networked and
direct interaction - A group of libraries offer a coordinated end-user
service - Individual libraries pay for an end-user product
or service - Commercial organization offers a product
- Not-for-profit offers products or services to
members or a collaborative
62A consortium negotiates content licenses for a
group of libraries
- Example Northeast Research Libraries (NERL)
Consortium - The problem Research libraries wished to jointly
negotiate license terms and prices for electronic
resources - NERL formed in 1996 with Yale as the anchor
currently has 27 member research libraries - Representatives from member libraries field
individual proposals from publishers and forward
information to the group - Extremely modest central staffing two employees
and one coordinating librarian from Yale
63A group of libraries manage a service for each
- Example Borrow Direct
- The problem Three northeast research libraries
(Columbia, Penn, and Yale) wanted to streamline
costs associated with existing ILL programs and
interfaces - Commercial software modified to allow registered
library users to directly request items from
other partner libraries - Early survey showed staff time and item delivery
time for ILL requests lowered - Service expanded to include four other Ivy
libraries no plans to expand further
Reference lthttp//www.oclc.org/programs/ourwork/p
64A group of libraries offer a service for each
other and other libraries
- Example HathiTrust
- The problem CIC research libraries desired a
joint repository for storing, preserving, and
providing services for the books digtiized
through the Google project - Each university contributes to the finances
during the start-up phase - Business model being considered. As service
scales and as complexity increases governance
questions will take on greater importance
65An enabling organization facilitates networked
- Example OCLC ILLiad software
- The problem Lack of coordination for
inter-library lending - Libraries license ILLiad software, which provides
an interface for library users to request
materials and another interface for library staff
to coordinate lending - Activity between libraries is direct (a volume
travels from lending institution to borrowing
institution), but a coordinating tool must be in
66A group of libraries offer a coordinated end-user
- Example DigiZeitschriften
- The problem Early journal aggregators like JSTOR
did not include key German-language scholarly
journals - Head library engaged 14 partner research
libraries across Germany to create German JSTOR - Partner libraries bear cost of journal selection
and rights negotiation - Digitization and decision-making happen at host
library, Goettingen - Modest goals, modest budget
67Libraries pay for an end-user product or service
- Example Project MUSE
- The problem In early 1990s, JHU Press wanted to
move its journals online - Press partnered with the Milton S. Eisenhower
Library (MSEL) at JHU to build Project MUSE - Other publishers added in 2000
- Resource sustained through institutional
subscriptions - Today, MUSE is still a not-for-profit
collaboration between the participating
publishers and MSEL
- Consider a broad definition of multi-institutional
entity when thinking about these collaborations - Think carefully about governance models as you
consider multi-institutional collaborations - Understand and define the level of complexity in
objectives - Understand that with increasing complexity will
come a need for more heavyweight structures to
ensure success - Are there existing organizations that can be
re-oriented to play a role in accomplishing the
specific objective?
69(No Transcript)
70- Thank you
- Kevin Guthrie
- kg_at_ithaka.org