SURVIVE! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10 8 9 7 5 6 1 2 4 3 4 3 SURVIVE! SURVIVE! It is another day in organism-ville. All organisms are settling into their own niches. Food is plentiful and there is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • It is another day in organism-ville.
  • All organisms are settling into their own niches.
    Food is plentiful and there is healthy
    competition between different communities.
  • All organisms gain 50 population points.

Intense competition has taken over. The world is
vastly changing and the organisms that cannot
survive will become extinct. The polar ice caps
seem to be melting causing the Earth to suffer a
tremendous amount of water. It threatens every
ecosystem. Rains pour down on the earth with no
end of clouds in sight. It is cold, it is wet,
and organisms everywhere are dying.
Land Dwellers are drowning because their habitats
are being flooded along with their food source.
Too much water is submerging too much
vegetation Sub-terranean organisms are also
drowning because their underground tunnels are
being flooded with water, the young perishing in
great numbers. Cave dwellers are safe from the
floodline but their food source is being
affected, causing some to die of
starvation. Marine dwellers, however are
thriving. They have access to more food as other
organisms drown in their waters.
  • Land Dwellers suffer -30
  • Tree Dwellers suffer -20
  • Sub-terranean Dwellers suffer 50
  • Cave Dwellers suffer -15
  • Marine Dwellers thrive 50
  • Amphibians 30

Marine dwellers/amphibians suffer lack of oxygen
in the water, are poisoned by the sulfur and
choked by dirt stirred up from the impact. Many
marine dwelling species face extinction -50 (amph
- 30) Land dwellers race for shelter in vein,
only those furthest inland have a chance of
escaping the wall of water approaching. -20 Tree
and Cave dwellers seem to be safe but those close
to shore are trapped, slammed against the sides
of their cave killing many instantly.
-30 Sub-terranean organisms do not have time to
react and are have no escape to their watery
grave. -30 Winged organisms seem to have the
advantage as they fly up and over the title wave
as it approaches. Many young do not yet have the
strength for such a feat and get swallowed by
wave. 30
  • As darkness falls, an eerie red haze engulfs the
    horizon of the green planet. All organisms seem
    transfixed by the red glow that is approaching
    from a distant shore. Some organisms start to
    panic because this is a new unfamiliar object
    that could be harmful. A deafening roar breaks
    the silence as the massive rock breaks through
    the atmosphere and speeds toward the oceans. The
    ground shakes as the alien rock impacts

The tidal wave that follows looks like mountains
have risen up from the depths and are racing
towards the shore. Nothing on earth has seen this
liquid nemesis that is about to crush them
traveling at speeds no one can escape. There is
mass chaos as the tsunami reaches land, poisoning
the water and devastating everything in its
path. No organism could have possibly been ready
for this, this catastrophic event will change the
face of the earth forever.
As the sun rose above the azul sea, there was an
unrest with the organisms. On the horizon the
waters looked uneasy and an unnatural current
forced its way towards land. What could possibly
be terrifying the organisms on such a beautiful
day. The ultra-low frequencies caused organisms
to scatter and become disoriented. They threw
themselves in the sea suffering massive loss.
Other marine organisms were thrown into chaos
and cast themselves into the sides of cliffs and
up on shore to escapesomething. As the unseen
nemesis approached there was complete panic
Land dwellers -30 Marine dwellers -30 Tree
dwellers -30 Sub-terranean -30 Cave dwellers
-30 Amphibians -30 All winged organisms 50
Soon, finlike objects protruded from the crystal
blue liquid. The shallow water started to recede
as a dark mass made its ascent to land.
Scavengers of the air followed the mass in the
water as though it were a sustainer of their
life. As if death were about reign on the
land. All of a sudden a huge beast rose from the
depths and let out its all too familiar scream
On the horizon, a thick black cloud approached.
Even Godzilla took notice and turned dumbfounded
at what was approaching. As the black cloud
approached, winged figures began to emerge. Soon
they were upon Godzilla, dive bombing and
scratching at his eyes. Godzilla desperately
attempted to kill as many as he could and
eventually tried to flee. It was too late
Godzilla suffered massive damages. Soon the
winged organisms scratched out Godzillas eyes
causing him to stumble and fall. Then Godzilla
was attacked by all of the vengeful organisms,
tearing his skin and eating him alive. All thanks
to the winged organisms.
  • As Godzilla made his landing, lazers shot from
    his eyes and fire spewed from his mouth, burning
    everything in its path. The deafening roar echoed
    through out the land. Organisms scattered in
    fear, many trampling over each other and killing
    them. All organisms suffered massive losses.
  • But wait.

Winter came upon the organisms like an iron
curtain. The temperatures dropped to below
freezing in a matter of hours. Most of the
organisms were preparing for winter and were in
their dens when winter struck, but many organisms
were caught unprepared. Winter lasted longer this
year and many organisms did not have enough
surplus to sustain themselves. Thus, they
  • All non-hibernators -40
  • All hibernators 40
  • Cold blooded organisms 50
  • Warm blooded 30
  • Pack animal 40
  • Loner -30
  • Fur/feathers 10
  • Scales/shell - 20
  • Subterranean 20
  • marine/amphibious -10

Land dweller -30 Marine dweller 20 Tree dweller
-20 Sub-terranean 30 Cave dwellers
30 Amphibious 20
  • The Sun beat down on the scorched earth.
  • Organisms died from heat stroke and plants
    shriveled up and stop producing food.
  • There has been no water for 90 consecutive days
    with temperatures averaging over 100 degrees.
  • Animals were fighting desperately over the small
    bacteria infested puddles that had not yet dried
    up. Most organisms traveled towards the coast to
    try to escape the heat that was killing so many.
  • After 100 consecutive days with no water, with
    resources almost gone, the clouds began to darken
    and rain began to fall
  • But many had already died

  • As the landscape shifted and changed, many
    species turned to migration to find more ample
    feeding grounds with less competition. Too many
    converging on only a few watering holes and
    feeding grounds proved too costly on communities
    trying to stabilize.
  • On this migration, many species succumbed to the
    changing environment. Some species were not
    adapted enough to make this long journey, so many
  • But the strong, survived.
  • While these organisms lay dead and decaying, the
    insects came out of the ground to feed

Because of the abundant food, the insects
multiplied greatly. They grew in size and became
more ferocious. Insects were taking over the
world. With their powerful jaws, they ripped
sinew from bone and dragged away pieces flesh
underground to their awaiting young maggots. The
scavengers of the air and ground had plenty to
eat but had to fight the insects just to
feed. The hunters had less to hunt so suffered
starvation. The foragers thrived and had a feast
on all of the insects.
Foragers 30 Scavengers 20 Hunters -30 Insects
(No Transcript)
  • The organisms are getting smarter
  • Some organisms are relying more on their critical
    thinking skills rather than their physical
  • They start to evolve.
  • The bi-ped, warm blooded, land dwelling,
    non-hibernating, hunting, day active, furry,
    herding, live birth organisms evolve into human
    like creatures and abuse the land..

These organisms catch other organisms for sport,
leaving dead carcasses to rot instead of using
them for sustainance. They abuse the natural
resources and threaten to ruin the world. Human
like organisms gain 50 All other organisms -30
  • In the middle of the day, darkness started to
    cover the earth. In deep space, something was
    blocking the sun. Organisms became disoriented
    and tried to hide. Instead of continuing its
    journey across the sky, it stayed.
  • The land became cold and the nocturnal animals

Nocturnal 40 Non-nocturnal -30 Large Ears
10 Small ears -10 Large eyes 15 Small eyes
-10 Herders (banned together for protection)
20 Loners - 15
  • The organisms fight.
  • To show their dominance and increase their
    territory, the organisms fight for survival
  • Claws(10) v Play dead (-20)
  • Horns (-10) v speed (10)
  • Noise (20) v Play dead (10)
  • Camouflage (20) v. Fangs (0)
  • Poisonus (15) vs. fangs (-10)
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