WELCOME What is Phonics? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WELCOME What is Phonics?


Title: WELCOME What is Phonics? Last modified by: soates Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WELCOME What is Phonics?

WELCOMEWhat is Phonics?
  • Why Phonics?

  • Being able to read is one of the most important
    skills children will learn during their early
    schooling and it has far-reaching implications
    for lifelong confidence and well-being.
  • (Letters and Sounds Principles and Practice
    of High Quality Phonics)

The Rose Review

The independent review of early reading,
conducted by Jim Rose, confirmed that high
quality phonic work should be the prime means
for teaching beginner readers to learn to read
and spell.
Important Reading Strategies
Keep it fun ? look at the pictures. Walk and
talk through the book before reading.
Talk about the front cover.Catch the title!
Important Reading Strategies
To decode the words Guess from understanding
the meaning. Work out what it could be from the
context. Predict. Build a bank of words
recognised on sight. For phonetically
decodable words
'Sound out' or 'segment and blend' using phonic
knowledge. Watch this space!
Pre post - Phase 1

Phase 1 wear giant ears!

Phonics is the link between letters and the
sounds they make.
Using a structured programme, working through 6
progressive phases, children are taught All the
common letter sound correspondences. To hear
separate sounds within words we call this to
segment. To blend sounds together.
Look magic pen, model formation of letters
handwriting patter / using smartboard video
function / visualisers Do actions, sing songs,
say rhymes, watch mouth shape in the mirror to
pronounce pure sounds Listensongs Contextualise
- stories Jolly Phonics Games try some
later Write dance/ quickwrite/sand/
Games to play at home
  • I spy
  • Collect objects/words with same sounds
  • Segment/stretch words out together
  • Use lower case magnetic letters on the fridge
  • Snap

What are speech sounds?
  • There are 26 letters in the English alphabet
    but more than 40 speech sounds or phonemes
  • A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in
    a word
  • eg. f
  • A grapheme is a letter or sequence of letters
    that represents a phoneme
  • eg. f, ff or ph
  • For pronunciation of pure sounds go to
  • Tips and e-books at www.oxfordowl.co.uk

It is easier for children to segment and blend
pure sounds.
  • Continuous phonemes-
  • f, l, m, n, r, s, sh, v, th, z
  • Unvoiced phonemes-
  • e, p, t, ch, h
  • Voiced phonemes-
  • b, d, g, w, qu, y, j

Phase 2
  • Sounds are introduced in sets
  • Set 1 s, a, t, p
  • Set 2 i, n, m, d
  • Set 3 g, o, c, k
  • Set 4 ck, e, u, r
  • Set 5 h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

Phase 2
  • Activity How many words can you make?
  • With the letters
  • s a t p i n m d
  • Make as many cvc and cv words as you can you
    will see that they are taught in this order for a

Blending nothing to do with tea!
  • Recognising the letter sounds in a written word-
    eg. C-u-p, and blending them in the order which
    they are written, to read the word cup.

Segmenting nothing to do with oranges!
  • Segmenting/ stretching out words - to know which
    letters to write down to represent a word.
  • s-e-g-m-e-n-t

Sound buttons
  • sit leg mop
  • can fit

Phase 3
  • Set 6 j, v, w, x
  • Set 7 y,z,zz,qu
  • Learn the alphabet and the names of the letters
  • Set 8 ch, sh, th, ng
  • Teach ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow,
    oi, ear, air, ure, er

  • Two letters which make one sound.
  • Consonant digraph two consonants net to each
    other, but they make a single sound friendly
  • Eg. sh, ck, th, ll, ss
  • Vowel digraph contains at least one vowel but
    the two letters make a single sound
  • Eg. ai, ee, ar, oy

Which words have a digraph?
  • 3 letters which make 1 sound
  • S-igh-t
  • F-ear
  • Ch-air

s igh t
f ear
ch air
Phase 4 (end of FS)
  • Consolidation unit - no new graphemes to learn.
  • Reading and spelling tricky words
  • - Apply learning to reading and
  • spelling.

Phase 5 throughout Year 1
  • Read phonetically decodable 2/3 syllable words
  • Use alternative ways of pronouncing and spelling
    long vowel phonemes, eg / a/ ai, ei, a_e, ay
  • Spell using phonetically plausible attempts at
    complex words. 'katorpilla'
  • Graphemes/ alternate graphemes find a best bet/
    best fit - follow rules, even though there are
    exceptions to them all!

Phase 6 Yr 2
  • Learn about phonic irregularities and less common
    gpcs (grapheme- phoneme correspondences)
  • Apply phonics/ recognise and spell increasing
    number of complex words
  • -ed past tense
  • Adding suffixes and prefixes
  • Punctuation
  • Intonation
  • Expression
  • How to make a best guess from meaning and
  • Personalised strategies for remembering difficult

Tricky words
  • Cannot be sounded out or blended need to be
    recognised as a whole
  • Eg, said, the, eyes
  • Children develop their own ways of remembering
    over time. Constant repetition throughout daily
    phonics lessons.

Play some games - have fun!Ask any questions
post it notes on board
1. What is a phoneme? 2. How many phonemes are
there in the word strap? 3. What is a digraph? 4.
Give an example of two letters next to each other
but which do not make a digraph. 5. Write the
word strict and add the sound buttons.
  • 1. What is a phoneme? The smallest unit of sound
    in a word
  • 2. How many phonemes in the word strap? 5
  • 3. What is a digraph? Two letters next to each
    other that make one sound
  • 4.Two letters next to each other which dont make
    a digraph fl, tr, st
  • 5. Strict has a button per letter

Useful Websites
  • www.letter-and-sounds.com
  • www.phonicsplay.co.uk
  • www.bbc.uk.co.uk/skillswise/words/spelling
  • www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/cvc
  • www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks1bitesize/literacy
  • www.familylearning.org.uk.phonics_games.html
  • www.oxfordowl.co.uk/Funideas/Index/4

  • It iz tiem too gow hoam, Sed v teetures.
  • Gow and ingoi u nis bedtiem storee wiv yr
    tyildren toonyt!
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