Title: Slide 1 of 11
1Section 3.3
Stress and Individuals
Explain how individuals can have different
responses to the same stressor.
Describe two ways that personalityaffects stress.
Identify the key factor in resilience.
2Quick Quiz How many of the following statements
accurately describe how you think or behave?
I need to be the best at everything I do.
If something doesnt go as planned, I feel like
a failure.
I tend to expect the worst in most situations.
I want to be liked by everyone.
I really enjoy competition.
Review your responses. Then explain why you might
be more or less likely to be under stress than
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3Responses to Stress Vary
How you react to a stressor depends on how you
assess the situation.
- Is this situation a threat to my well-being?
- Do I have the necessary resources to meet the
4Stress and Personality
Your personality influences your assessment of a
5Optimism and Pessimism
- Optimism is the tendency to focus on the positive
aspects of a situation.
- Pessimism is the tendency to focus on the
negative and expect the worst.
6Aiming for Perfection
- A perfectionist is a person who accepts nothing
less than excellence.
There are ways to break the cycle and reduce
your stress.
- Accept that you cannot be perfect.
- Take pride in the things you do well.
- Dont focus on your mistakes.
7For Updates on stress and personality
Click above to go online.
- The key factor in resilience is having the
support of family and friends.
- The ability to recover from extreme or prolonged
stress is called resilience.
- People with resilience share other
- They know their strengths and have confidence
intheir abilities.
- They make realistic plans and take the steps to
carry out those plans.
- They have good communication and problem- solving
- They are able to recognize and control their
- They recognize that change is a normal part of
life and are able to put life changes in
A tendency to focus on the positive aspects of a
A tendency to focus on the negative aspects of a
situation and to expect the worst.
A person who accepts nothing less than
The ability to recover from extreme orprolonged
11QuickTake Quiz
Click to start quiz.
12End of Section 3.3 Click on this slide to end
this presentation.