Title: Maximizing ROI
1Maximizing ROI of Multi-Rater Feedback
- CSAA had implemented 360 feedback process two
years prior to my coming into my role. - No formal mechanisms in place to support the
process. - Executives not happy with lack of behavior change
in those participating in the process. - Solicited input from past participants to
identify issues/barriers to behavior change. - Prepared set of recommendations to improve.
- Little or no orientation of participants
regarding what to expect from the survey feedback
process. - Rater completion rates was less than ideal. Lots
of middle of the road quantitative feedback and
less than helpful open-ended comments. - Participant resistance to and rationalization of
the feedback. - No assistance with understanding the report
and/or analyzing the feedback. - Little if any involvement of immediate manager in
the process. - Individuals not well equipped to identify key
behaviors to change and incorporate into an
action plan. - No documented development plans.
4360 Feedback Process Enhancements
Participant Orientation Session
Feedback Interpretation Development Planning
Rater Email Guidelines
Development Plans Linked to PMP Process
Phone Feedback Session with Coach
Follow Up Meetings w/ Raters and Dev. Discussion
w/ Manager
Mini-Survey Process to Measure Improvement (in
process of incorporating)
5Detail of 360 Process Enhancements
- Participant Orientation Session (45 minutes)
- Web-based session to 1) describe the benefits of
participating in the process, 2) outline the
steps in the process including schedule, 2)
outline roles and accountabilities and, 3) assist
participants in the selection of raters. - Rater Email and Guidelines
- Invitation to raters to participate in the
process as well as a set of guidelines to improve
the quality of feedback given to participants.
Guidelines to help raters 1) understand the
importance of their feedback in the process, 2)
understand the rating scale and, 3) provide
meaningful feedback in the open comments section. - Feedback Interpretation and Development Planning
Session (3-4 hours) - Objective is to help participants accept and act
on feedback they have received. Assists
participants in drafting development plans and
preparing for follow up session with raters and
development discussion with their managers.
6Detail of 360 Process Enhancements
- Phone Feedback Session with Coach (90 minutes)
- Feedback session with external coach to review
any questions or concerns regarding feedback.
Coaches have participated in an orientation
session first and received feedback reports for
those they will be working with. Focus of
meeting is to provide additional perspective and
insights as well as assist participants with
refining their development plan. - Follow Up Meetings with Raters
- Suggested follow up meetings with peers and
direct reports prior to meeting with manager.
Opportunity to get feedback clarified and to gain
additional insights to inform feedback discussion
with manager. - Development Discussion w/ Manager (60 minutes)
- Required feedback meeting between participants
and their managers. Developed a set of
guidelines to provide both the participant and
his/her manager assistance in holding an
effective feedback and development discussion.
7Detail of 360 Process Enhancements
Development Plan Linked to PMP Incorporate
development goals from 360 feedback process into
PMP development plan. Mini-Survey Process to
Motivate and Measure Improvement (TBD) Utilize
follow up system to both motivate and measure
progress on development goals. Participant and
raters assess degree to which individual has
improved his/her effectiveness as a result of the
8Questions? Comments?