INTEGRITY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Integrity Author: HHC Last modified by: Jason Blanchard Created Date: 9/13/1998 6:46:02 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Introduction (1 of 2)
  • Organizations, military and otherwise, are only
    as sound as their weakest link. Each individual
    is an organization plays an integral part is his
    or her oranizations success or failure. As the
    key to an organizations success or failure, an
    individuals integrity is as critical to the
    organization as strong beams are critical to a
    house, If beams are not whole, sound or
    complete, if rotten is mixed with good, if
    termites have eaten the insides, then individual
    beams will break under stress beams will fail in
    their relationship to other beams nails will
    pull out and the house will fall.
  • MAJ Michael P. Vriesenga

Introduction (2 of 2)
  • From the beginning, military service demands
    integrity. Both the Enlistment and Commissioning
    Oths require that we swear to support and defend
    the Consitution of the United States. To do that,
    we must be sound and whole--single-minded. From
    the time we entered service to our country, we
    should be wholly committed to our military
    endeavor, holding nothing back. If we have
    integrity, there will be unity between ourselves
    and our purpose.
  • MAJ Michael P. Vriesenga

  • Do what's right, legally and morally

Integrity Comes from Moral Values
  • Loyalty
  • Duty
  • Respect
  • Selfless Service
  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Personal Courage

What Does Integrity Means?
  • Ones integrity can give a person something to
    rely on when perspective seems to blur, when
    rules and principles seem to waiver, and when
    faced with a hard choice of right and wrong.
  • Admiral Stockdale

What Does Integrity Mean?
  • Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right
    decide on what you think is right and stick to
  • George Eliot

Dictionaries Define Integrity As
  • Moral soundness honesty freedom from corrupting
    influence or motive.
  • Wholeness soundness uprightness honesty.
  • Uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical
    principals soundness of moral character honesty.

Wrong Integrity
  • Using phone without permission.
  • Having a sexual encounter in the barracks.
  • Gaining access to unauthorized food products
    (candy and soda machines).
  • Drinking while under age, or drinking and
  • Failing to keep a promise to another soldier.
  • Smoking

Integrity Means
  • That our personal standards must be consistent
    with the professional values we expose.

Integrity Requires Responsibility
  • Persons of integrity acknowledge their duties and
    act accordingly.

Integrity Requires Accountability
  • No person of integrity tries to shift the blame
    to others or take credit for the work of others.

Integrity (1 of 7)
  • Integrity can be ordered but it can only be
    achieved by encouragement and example.
  • General John D. Ryan

Integrity (2of 7)
  • A single lie destroys a whole reputation for
  • Baltasar Gracian Y. Morales
  • The Art of Wordy Wisdom, 1647

Integrity (3 of 7)
  • Winning is nice if you don't lose your
    integrity in the process.
  • Arnold Horshack

Integrity (4 of 7)
  • Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of
    your own mind.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

Integrity (5 of 7)
  • The one thing I came to realize was that if you
    don't lose your integrity you can't be had and
    you can't be hurt.
  • Admiral James B. Stockdale

Integrity (6 of 7)
  • The characteristic which higher command always
    looks for... is honesty. Honesty in thought, word
    and deed.
  • General Alexander M. Patch

Integrity (7 of 7)
  • I told the maxim no less applicable to public
    than to private affairs, that honesty is the best
  • General George Washington
  • Farewell Address, 1796

  • 1. Decide what is right and what is wrong by
    asking yourself
  • What do I believe?
  • What do I value?
  • Do I really want to grapple with these questions?

Why is Ingrate Important?
  • The integrity of the military profession..
    means that we must have an officer corps of such
    character and competence as well provide the
    high-test professional and spiritual leadership
    to our citizen armies.
  • General Matthew B. Ridgway
  • Soldier The Memories of Matthew B. Ridgway,

Why Is Integrity Important?
  • Relationships are stronger when people know who
    you are, that you consistently the same person,
    and that you are trustworthy.
  • All communications is simple and easy when trust
    is taken for granted. This is true between family
    members, amongst friends, and in business.
  • When you know who you are, what you value, what
    you will do, and what you will not do, career
    decisions become simpler.
  • Roger Montgomery
  • Founder of The Integrity Network

What Does Integrity Require?
  • Integrity demands action in support of ones
    decision to do what is right.
  • It requires that we explain that our actions are
    the result of that decision so that our motives
    are clear and easily understood.

How to Promote Integrity
  • Make a commitment to integrity.
  • Force yourself to ask the hard questions when
    confronted with a difficult situation. What do I
    believe? What do I value?
  • Demonstrate integrity (ethical conduct).
  • Examine your personal conduct and eliminate any
    questionable practice.
  • Demonstrate courage (ethical courage).
  • Act with integrity. Be willing to act and speak
    in behalf of what you know to be right.

Examples of Integrity at BCT (1 of 5)
  • You perform task even when no one else will know
    about them.
  • Continue clean-up task without supervision.

Examples of Integrity at BCT(2 of 5)
  • You admit to difficulties in accomplishing a task
    to your Drill Sergeant.

Examples of Integrity at BCT (3 of 5)
  • Your sworn testimony to drug usage is complete
    and accurate.
  • You turn in item of value found during training

Examples of Integrity at BCT(4 of 5)
  • You correct recorder with the accurate number of
    sit-ups completed during physical training.

Examples of Integrity at BCT(5 of 5)
  • You extend proper courtesies to familiar NCO or
    officer when they are out of uniform.

The Sandman
  • Soon after beginning BCT, you report for fire
    guard duty. Also placed on duty is PVT Jones.
    Shortly after taking your post that night, you
    spot Jones asleep on one of the empty bunks on
    your floor. You walked over to him and asked him
    why he is not walking his post. Jones replies
    that he is going to get an hour sleep and then
    you can take turns sleeping until fire guard is
    over. You know this isn't right and are hesitant
    to agree. But he is your buddy. Jones tells you
    there isn't anything to worry about, that this is
    how everyone does it. You continue to walk your
    post, still uncertain of what to do. Soon the DS
    on CQ comes on your floor and ask you where Jones
    is. You know Jones is sleeping and you are
    nervous. Not knowing what to say, you try to take
    the easy way out. You tell the DS that you did
    not know.The DS does not believe your story and
    continues to questions you. Embarrassed and
    disappointed with yourself, you finally admit
    that Jones is sleeping but don't know what to do
    about it. The DS tells you that he is
    disappointed in you and that he will talk with
    the 1sg in the morning to determine your

Sticky Fingers
  • You are platoon guide for your platoon. The
    day before the company commander's inspection,
    you are told to take your platoon to the exchange
    to purchase additional personal items. After
    arriving, you leave the formation outside and
    take PVT Briggs inside to assist you. There you
    see Briggs pick up a package of stamps and put it
    in his pocket. When you confront him, he denies
    stealing stamps. When you tell him that you saw
    him put them in his pocket, he again denies it.
    You really don't want to get Briggs in trouble,
    but you cannot allow him to steal.

SGT Lumpkin (1of2)
  • Assigned to a Quartermaster Pack Train
    supporting the 1st Infantry Division near the
    little French village of Exermont. On 4 October
    1918, SGT Lumpkins pack train on their way to
    the front, was loaded down with barbed wire and
    other badly needed barrier supplies.
  • Suddenly, without warning, German batteries
    open fire, and all hell broke loose. Cought in
    the open and easily visible to the enemy, they
    began receiving machine-gun and sniper rounds,
    killing almost instantly five of the ten mules in
    his pack train.

SGT Lumpkin (2 of 2)
  • Even the hardiest doughboy might have forgiven
    for retreating under such trying conditions. But
    SGT Lumpkin refused to say quits. He knew how
    desperately the wire was needed up ahead. So he
    rallied his troops and pushed on, through the
    killing zone right up to the front, where they
    were warmly received. Having survived what few
    others would have attempted, SGT Lumpkin later in
    the same day made a return trip packed another
    load of barrier material, and ran that terrible
    gauntlet of enemy fire a second time.
  • For his heroism that day SGT Lumpkin was
    awarded the Distinguished Service Cross- the
    second highest honor that can be won in combat.

Stuck With The Check (1 of 3)
  • Alpha Company came back from the field late in
    the day. The dining facility was closed, so your
    squad decided to go to town for diner. You were
    new to the unit, but made friends quickly. You
    had gone out parting with this group only a few
    times. They were a little wild, but you thought
    they are good guys. You all decided to go to a
    new pizza place in town. Everyone was hungry, so
    you ordered a lot of food. After eating, SPC
    Wilson went to the latrine. When she returned,
    she whispered that there was a large window in
    the latrine.

Stuck With The Check (2 of 3)
  • You didn't understand what was important about
    this until another SPC leaned over and whispered
    to go one at a time and to meet at the car. Then
    you had and idea about what was going on, but
    hoped you were wrong. To be sure you, asked what
    they were talking about. Wilson explained that
    they were going to ditch the bill.
  • You knew this was wrong and didnt want to be
    part of it. By the time the waitress brought the
    check, you were the only one at the table.

Stuck With The Check (3 of 3)
  • She asked where the others were, and you told
    her they were in the bathroom. This brought a
    puzzled look from her, but she thanked you for
    your business and left the check. You picked up
    the check and saw it was for 60.00 dollars. You
    knew you only had 420.00 dollars in your wallet.
    When you looked out the window, you saw your
    buddies waiting in the car.

  • Do what's right, legally and morally

Summary (1 of 2)
  • Examples of Integrity at BCT
  • You perform task even when no one else know about
  • You admit difficulties in accomplishing task to
    your DS.
  • Your sworn testimony to drug usage is complete
    and accurate.
  • You turn in items of value found during training
  • You correct recorder with the accurate number of
    sit-ups completed during PT.

Summary (2 of 2)
  • You will learn more about integrity and what it
    means to the Army as you continue your training.
    Todays class has given you the basics of what
    the Army core value integrity is all about. Your
    daily behavior should now demonstrate the desired
    attributes of the Army core value integrity.
    Selfless service is the next scheduled values
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