Title: The Five Levels of Culture
1The Five Levels of Culture
2The Nomadic Society
3What are our basic needs for survival?
4Food/Water, Clothing and Shelter
5What are our two food sources?
6Animals and Plants
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8Animals and plants depend on seasons. People
were dependent on seasons.
9Small groups of nuclear families
10Inuit in Alaska and Northern Territories
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12Aboriginals in Australia
13The Agricultural Society
14The agricultural revolution
- 10,000 years ago
- People learned to cultivate plants and
domesticate animals
15Earliest form of agriculture is called slash and
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17Settled in villages
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23Population increased
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27Extended families developed
28They are called nomadic herders
29Nomadic herders have domesticated animals, but
have not settled in villages to raise crops.
30Chad North Central Africa
31Huarochiri of Peru
33Plains Indians
34Lapp Kotas in Finland
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37The Specialized Society
38Families developed special skills
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42Trade developed within and between villages
43Control of trade led to the development of towns.
44Towns Villages with a central market.
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47The Civilized Society
48Trade networks between towns and villages grew
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50The key to power is control of trade
51Cities developed as centers of power
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60Social Classes Specialized
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64Developed complex organizations highly
specialized in all elements of culture
65The Industrial Society
66The Industrial Revolution
- Machines replace hand tools.
- New energy sources replace human and animal power.
67First Industrial Revolution Mid 1700s Mid
68Second Industrial Revolution followed the first
and was much larger.
69Second Industrial Revolution is spreading over
the world.
70Urbanization The worldwide growth of cities.
71The Industrial Revolution led to the need for
natural resources.
72The need for natural resources led to imperialism.
73Imperialism When a nation takes control of
another nation or region.
74Imperialism produced westernization
75As European control spread other cultures began
to adopt western culture.
76Imperialism led to nationalism.
77- Interdependence
- The mutual dependence of countries on goods,
resources, and knowledge from other parts of the