Title: 55 Cs 132.9054 Cesium Cesium
55 Cs 132.9054
2 Properties and Uses
- Properties
- Its a solid
- Its a non-gas
- Its silvery-white
- It reacts with water
- Its as soft as wax
- Boiling point is 690 C
- Melting point is 28.64 C
- Liquid at room temperature
- Uses
- IR lamps
- Rocket Engines
- Photocells
- Televisions
- Automatic opening doors
- Cleaning vacuums
- Clocks
3 Facts About Cesium
- Cesius means Blue Sky in Latin, and was
discovered by two Latin scientists in 1860. - Its called Cesius (cesium) because of two blue
lines that appeared when tested with mineral
water. - It became Cesium when it was translated into
English. Cesium uses its first and third letters
as its symbol. - When in contact with water and some times ice,
Cesium explodes. - Its as soft as wax, its the softest metal.
4 Cesium its the elements name, Feel it , its as
soft as wax, no lie. You can find it in South
Dakota and Maine, If you eat it you wont die. It
was found in mineral water, In 1860 by Bunsen and
Kirchoff, That day they worked much harder. It
smells like brimstone, take a sniff. It means
Blue Sky in Latin Because of blue lines in the
test. The discoverers had Cesium patented, On the
element table, Cesium is as important as all the
5 Sources
- http//chemlab.pc.maricopa.edu/periodic/Cs.html
- http//periodic.lanl.gov/elements/55.html
- http//www.theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/Elements
/055/index.s7.html - http//education.jlab.org/itselemental/ele055.html
- http//education.yahoo.com/referance/encyclopedia/