Title: ??????S????? ?T???S
1??????S????? ?T???S ????? F?S???S S????????
???????S F?S???S ??µpt?, 12 ?a??? 2005 1215
µµ ??ast?µ???? ?a????-?a???t??? ??f? Ta??s??
2??aµ??f?s? ??sµ???? a?t???ß???a?. Elt1010 eV.
?et??t?? ?et??????.
?a?at???t???? P. AUGER. ??sµ??? a?t???ß???a
?gt1020 eV, 2006-
3? pa???s?a t?? µa???t???? ped??? t?? ast?????,
???a??? ?a? ?????? µe?????? t? ??? t?? ?.?.
?aµ???? e?e??e??? p?? f???e? st? ??. ? µe??µ???
a?t? ??? d?aµ??f??eta? a?????a µe t? µetaß???
a?t?? t?? ped???. ?p? t? µetaß??? ?????? t??
???a???, ?µµesa µe?et??µe t? d?ast????t?t? t??
????? ?a? t?? ????sfa??a?.
4? µet??t?? ?et?????? ?ataµet?? ta ?et????a p??
pa?????ta? st?? atµ?sfa??a ap? t??
a????ep?d??se?? t?? ?.?. µe ta µ???? t??. ?et?
ap? d?????se?? t?? ???? ???? atµ?sfa??????
p?es?? µp??e? ?a s?s?et?ste? a?t? µe ???a??
5?? es?te???? t?? µet??t? ?et??????. ?p? a??ste??
???f?d?t??? ?.?., ?? ???e? t?? a?a???????
apa???µ?t?? ?a? t? pe??ß??µa ap? p?ast??? ??a t??
ep?ß??d??s? t?? ?et?????? .
6?? es?te???? t?? µet??t? ?et??????. ?? ???e? ap?
?a?a?? µ???ß? pe??ß?????? t??? a?a????????
a????e?t?? ?a? p???ap?as?????? ta atµ?sfa?????
?et????a ?a? (Delaware N.M., USA).
7??e???? ?ata??µ?? ????? pa?µ??. ? ?ata????s? t??
BF3 ?at? t? ?e?t?????a t?? µet??t??, ??e? sa?
ap?t??esµa t?? a???s? t?? FWHM ?a? ?at? s???pe?a
t?? a???s? t?? stat?st???? sf??µat?? t??
µet??se??. Sa? ???? ?e??e?ta? t? 15.
B10 (n a) Li7 ???a? ? a?t?d?as? ?et?????? ?a?
p?????? ß????? (a???? BF3 t?? µet??t?) p?? d?????
????? ?a? a. ??t? p???a???? ????sµ? st??
a????e?t?. ???e ?e????? ?????? ?a? a a?t?st???e?
se ??a ?et?????. ? d?af??? e?e??e??? µeta?? t??
µ????? ?a? µe????? ????f?? a?t?st???e? st? 0.5
MeV ?a? e??a? ? e????e?a ap?d???e?s?? t?? ??????.
8?? apa?te?ta? ??a t?? a?a???? t?? µet??se??
?et?????? st? e?d?p?a??t??? ???st?µa
- FWHM t?? µet??t? lt 15
- ??????s? ???? ???? t?? atµ?sfa?????? p?es??.
- ??????s? ???? ?e?µ???as?a??? ßa?µ?da? t??
atµ?sfa??a? (?e? ???eta?). - ??????s? ???? µetaß???? t?? ?e?µa???t???? ped???.
- ? µet??t?? ?et?????? µp??e? ? a????e?se? ??a
d?ast?µ??? ?e????? ?ta? a?t? f??se? st?
µa???t?sfa??a, d??ad? ??a pe??p?? t?ta?t? p???
p??se???se? t?? ep?f??e?a t?? ???.
? ßa?µ?da a?t? ??e? sa? ap?t??esµa ?a µe???e? ?
?a a????e? t? ???? t?? ???a??? st??µat?? t??
atµ?sfa??a? st? ?p??? s??µat????ta? ta µ????a.
??t? ??e? sa? ap?t??esµa ?a e?att??eta? ? ?a
a????eta? ? d?ad??µ? t??? µ???? t?? µet??t?.
?pe?d? a?t? e??a? asta??, a????eta? ? µe???eta? ?
??? t??? a?t?st???a. ??a 5 a?t?? t?? µ??????
pa?????? ?et????a st? µ???ßd? t?? µet??t? µe
ap?t??esµa ?a ta ?ataµet?? µe ta ?p????pa ?a? ?
??? t?? ?et?????? ?a ?p??e?ta? se d?a??µ??se??
ap? a?t?? t?? a?t?a.
9??a p??? ?a?? efa?µ??? t?? µa????????a?
?ata??af?? t?? ?.?. µe µet??t?? ?et??????
ap?te?e? ? ep?d?as? t?? st?? atµ?sfa????? ?a???
?a? st? d?µ??????a ??f?s??. ????s? t?? ???? t??
?.?. s??ep??eta? a???s? t?? ?aµ???? ??f?s?? p??
µp??e? ?a ?d???se? se µe??s? t?? ?e?µ???as?a?
?at? 0.1-0.2 C. ? s?µß??? t?? µet??t?? ?et??????
st? µe??t? t?? µa????????a? µetaß???? t??
atµ?sfa?????? ?e?µ???as?a? e??a? s?µa?t???, ??at?
?p?????? ta ded?µ??a 45 pe??p?? et?? ?a? de?
apa?te?ta? µe???? a???ße?a µet??se??.
? µetaß??? t?? s???????? (??t????) ?a? t??
?aµ???? (p??t??a??) ??f?s?? µa?? µe t? ??? t??
??sµ???? a?t???ß???a? (p??s???). Fa??eta? ? ste??
s??s? µeta?? t?? ?aµ???? ??f?s?? ?a? t?? ??sµ????
a?t???ß???a? ?a? µet? t? 1992. (Svensmark, H.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5027-5030, 1998)
10Magnetic clouds A subject of space weather
prediction A. Geranios1, M. Vandas2, I.
Antoniadou1, O. Zacharopoulou3
(1) Physics Department, Nuclear and Particle
Physics Section, University of Athens,
Athens,15771, Greece
(2) Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences,
Bocni II 1401, 141 31 Praha 4, Czech Republic (3)
Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics Section,
University of Athens
HELIOS data 1976
???s?e???µ??? ?µ???a, 19th European Cosmic Ray
Symposium, August 30th - September 3rd
2004, Florence, Italy.
11Theoretical model
A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
- rot B a B
- BR 0
- BT B0 J1 (aR)
- BA B0 J0 (aR)
- J0, J1, Bessel solutions
(Chandrasekhar, Kendall, 1975)
(Lundquist, 1950)
?? µa???t??? ??f?? e?te ?????d???? e?te sfa?????
pe?????feta? µe t?? p?? p??? e??s?s?, p??
e?f???e? t? e?e??e?? d???µe?? ped?? ?a? ? d?µ?
t?? µa???t???? ped??? µ????e? µe a?t?? e???
12A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
?a s?st?µata a?af???? t?? d???f???? ?a? t??
µa???t???? ??f???. ? ??s? ?? p??? t?? e??e?pt???
?a? ? p??sa?at???sµ?? t?? ??f??? µp??e? ?a e??a?
? ?p???sd?p?te. ?ta? ? d???f???? e?t?p?se? ??a
µa???t??? ??f??, t?te t? ?e???t??? ??f?? (t??
?p???? t? µa???t??? ped?? pe?????feta? ap? t??
??se?? t?? e??s?s?? Bessel), p??sa?at????eta? µe
t?t??? t??p? ?ste ?a ta?t??eta? µe t? e?t?p?sµ???
ap? t?? d???f???.
13A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
Comparison between cylindrical and spheroid
magnetic clouds
???s?µ???s? e??? e?t?p?sµ???? µa???t???? ??f???
(s??e??? ??aµµ?) µe ?????d???? (d?a?e??µµ???
??aµµ? a??ste??) ?a? µe sfa???e?d?? ?e???t???
µ??t??? (d?a?e??µµ??? ??aµµ? de???).
14A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
Comparison between theoretical models and
???s?µ???s? d?af??et???? µa???t???? ??f??? µe t?
?????d???? (a??ste??) ?a? t? sfa???e?d?? (de???)
µ??t??? t?? ??f???.
15Cylindrical cloud The simulated magnetic field
A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
?a???t??d??d??aµ???? p??s?µ???se?? e???
?????d????? ??f??? st? ep?ped? t?? e??e?pt????. ?
?ata??µ? t?? ??tas?? t?? µa???t???? ped??? t??
??f??? e??a? e??e?pt???, ?ta? t? ??f??
e?t?p??eta? st? µp??st??? µ????.
16A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
?ta? t? ??f?? e?t?p??eta? ap? t? p???, ? ?ata??µ?
t?? ??tas?? t?? µa???t???? ped??? e??a?
s?µµet???? (???????). ??????e? ?ata??µ??
p????pt??? ?a? ??a t?? p????t?ta t?? µa???t????
17A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
???aµ??? a??pt??? e??? µa???t???? ??f??? ap? t??
???? µe ????a ???et? st?? e??e?pt???. ? ????s?
t?? ??f??? d??peta? ap? t?? µa???t??d??d??aµ????
s??se?? ?a? ? te????? p?? ???s?µ?p??????e e??a?
t?? Lax Vendrof t?? pepe?asµ???? d?af????. St?
video ape??????eta? ? µetaß??? t?? ?e?µ???as?a?
t?? ???a??? a??µ?? ?at? t?? a?t????? e?t???s? t??
??f???. ?? ??t? d????aµµa pa???s???e? t?
?e???t??? s?µµetaß??? t?? Dst t?? ?e?µa???t????
ped???. ?? a?t? µe???e? p??? ap? 200 nT ?a? ?
?ata????f? s???st?sa t?? µa???t???? ped??? t??
??f??? e??a? a?t??et?? f???? ap? a?t? t??
?e?µa???t???? ped???, t?te a?aµ??eta? µ?a ?s????
?e?µa???t??? ?ata???da.
- Magnetic cloud-Geomagnetic storm
18A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou,, O.
?e????? ??e? µet? t?? e?t??e?s? t?? µa???t????
??f??? a??????e? ??a µ?t?p? ????s??, t? ?p??? sa?
ta??te?a ?????µe?? p???aßa??e? t? ??f??. ?
s??d?asµ?? ??f??? ?a? µet?p?? ??e? sa? ap?t??esµa
t?? µe???? µe??s? t?? Dst ?a? t?? p?????s?
?s????? ?e?µa???t???? ?ata???da?. ?e t?
µa???t??d??d??aµ??? a?t? µ??t??? µp??e? ?a?e?? ?a
?p?????se? t? µ???st? µe??s? t?? Dst ?a? ?a
p??ß???e? a? ?a a???????se? ?a? p?s? ?s???? ?a
e??a? ? µa???t??? ?ata???da. ?? ? d???f???? p??
e?t?p?se? ??a µa???t??? ??f?? e??a? ???t? st??
????, t?te ? p??ß?e?? f???e? ?a? t?? t?sse???
- Magnetic cloud with a shock wave
19A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
Magnetic cloud 15.7.2000 from ULYSSES
Distance from the sun 3 AU, 600 below the
ecliptic plane.
B and T of magnetic cloud simulation by a
force-free field (m, measured data s, spherical
c, cylindrical p, poloidal model)
?a???t??? ??f?? p?? ?at???a?e ? d???f????
???SS??S ??t? ap? t?? e??e?pt??? ?a? se ap?stas?
3 ?st????µ???? ????d??. ?a d?a???µµata de??????
t?? p??s?µ???se??.
A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
F?t????f?s?, ?. ????µaµ?t??
(?. ?a???µ??a????, ?. ??a?????, M. Ge???t?d??,
G. S??ßat??????, ?. Sa??????, G. ?a???t??, S.
??ts??, ?. Belov, E. Eroshenko, V. Yanke, 10?
?a?e?????? S???d??? ?.?.F., ???t????, 29-31 ?a?.
?? ?s????tat? µa???t??? ??f?? t?? 2003 µe µ???st?
t?? ??tas?? t?? µa???t???? t?? ped??? 50 nT
p?????ese µ?a sp???a se ??tas? ?e?µa???t???
?ata???da (Dst - 500 nT), t?? ?p??a? t? ?pt???
ap?t??esµa (aurora), ????e ??at? a??µ? ?a? st??
21?a???t??? ??f?-Ge?µa???t???? ?ata???de?. ??
?p?d??se?? ????? st? d??st?µa ?a? st? ??
?st???a?te?.??se?? ap? ae??p????? ta??d?a (15
April 2001). ?atast??f? µetas??µat?st??
?.?.-??tetaµ??a blackout.??e?d?s? µeta??????
a????? µetaf???? pet?e?a??? ?a? f?s????
ae????.??s?e?t?????a ??e?t??????? s?st?µ?t??
A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
22A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
????? ?atast??f? µetas??µat?st? ?.?. µet? ap? t?
??f?? t?? 1989 ?a? t?? p??????e?sa? µa???t????
Serious damage of a HV transformer in Delaware
due to a magnetic cloud of 1989.
23A. Geranios, M. Vandas, I. Antoniadou, O.
Need for a heliocentric spacecraft