Title: X-ray Pump-Probe Instrument D. M. Fritz
1X-ray Pump-Probe InstrumentD. M. Fritz
- Pump-probe Experiments
- System Description
- X-ray optics
- Laser System
- Detector
- Sample environments
- Laser/X-ray Timing
- Technical Choice
2Science Team
- Specifications and instrument concept developed
with the science team. - The XRPP team
- Kelly Gaffney (leader), SSRL/SLAC
- Jorgen Larsson, Lund Institute of Technology,
Sweden - David Reis, University of Michigan
- Thomas Tschentscher, DESY, Germany
3X-ray Pump-Probe Science
- Phase Transitions
- Order / Disorder
- Metal/Insulator
- Phonon Dynamics
- Charge Transfer Reactions
- Photosynthesis
- Photovoltaics
- Vision
- Photoactive Proteins
photo- excitation
Stampfli and Bennemann Phys. Rev. B 49, 7299
photo- excitation
4Time Resolved Scattering
5Laser System (Fundamental)
Small Angle Scattering
X-ray Diffractometer
Wavelength Conversion
Offset Monochromator
6X-ray Optics
Scattering Angles (2 theta) Scattering Angles (2 theta) Scattering Angles (2 theta)
1.5 Å 0.5 Å
Silicon 111 27.6 9.1
Silicon 220 45.8 14.9
Diamond 111 42.5 13.9
Diamond 220 - 22.8
- Double Crystal Offset Monochromator
- Narrows x-ray spectrum for resonant scattering
experiments - Multiplexes LCLS beam (mono. beam, diagnostic
7X-ray Optics
- Double Crystal Offset Monochromator
- for 2 µm Si (111) _at_ 1.5 Å
- 85 transmission ,2.5 - Mono beam, 1.3 -
Diagnostics beam
8X-ray Optics
Flexure Stages
Piezoelectric Stages
- Double Crystal Offset Monochromator (cont.)
- motion
- 0.02 arcsecond resolution and repeatability (100
9X-ray Optics
190 m
4 m
- Beryllium lens focusing optic
- Variable spot size from 2-10 µm and 40-60 µm _at_
8.3 keV - Variable spot size from 2-10 µm _at_ 24.9 keV
- gt 40 throughput
- Positioning resolution and repeatability to 1 µm
10Laser System Overview
11Ultrafast Laser System
TiSapphire Oscillator Power Amplifiers
Compressor, OPA, Harmonic Generation, Delay Stage
12Ultrafast Laser System
Cavity Length Stabilization Mirror
- TiSapphire Oscillator
- 119 MHz rep. rate, lt30 fs 2.5 nJ/pulse
- Frequency stabilized to LCLS RF lt 300 fs rms
phase jitter - Demonstrated at SPPS
13Ultrafast Laser System
- Power Amplifiers
- Regenerative amplifier
- 2.5 mJ (lt 1 rms stability), 120 Hz, lt35 fs
- Multipass amplifier
- 20 mJ (lt1.5 rms stability), 120 Hz, lt35 fs
- Second Compressor
- External Pockels Cell
- Arbitrary laser pulse train structure
14Ultrafast Laser System
- Temporal Pulse Shaper
- Create complex excitation pulse envelopes
- Multi-pulses
- Compression optimization
15XPP Detector - BNL
- Pixel array detector
- 1000 x 1000 pixels
- 80 micron pixel size
- High Detector Quantum Efficiency (DQE)
- 10 4 dynamic range at 8 keV
- 120 Hz Readout Rate
16XPP Diffractometer System
Rotary Stages vs. Robot Arm
17XPP Diffractometer System
- X-ray Diffractometer
- Operate in both direct and monochromatic beam
- Sample orientation translation
- Detector motion about a spherical surface
centered at sample (variable radius from 0.1 m to
1.5 m) - Accommodate various sample environments
18Small Angle Scattering Capability
- 10 µrad angular resolution with XAMPS detector
- Detector translation
- Operate in both direct and monochromatic beam
19Sample Environments
Det. Array
Collinear Geometry
Det. Array
Non-collinear Geometry
- Cryostat System
- Vacuum shroud
- Optical and x-ray windows (collinear
non-collinear geometry) - Decoupled sample motion
20Expected Fluctuations of the LCLS
- Intensity fluctuations exceeding 30
- Expected spatial jitter 25 of beam diameter
- Wavelength fluctuations expected to be 0.2 of
center wavelength ( LCLS intrinsic bandwidth) - Pulse duration expected to vary 15
- X-ray Pulse/LCLS RF timing will fluctuate by 1
ps - - Diagnostics are required to measure these
parameters since they cannot be controlled - - This information must be available to
accelerator operations and experiments
21Temporal Jitter
Master Clock
Coax RF Distribution Network
Accelerating Elements
Experimental Pump Laser
Electron Gun
Sources of Short Term Jitter
- Coax RF distribution Network
- e-beam phase to RF phase
- End Station Laser phase to RF phase
Limited to 1 ps !
22Electro-optic Sampling
Stabilized Fiber Optic RF Distribution (10
fs) LBNL
Electro-optic Sampling Laser
Pump-probe Laser
Gun Laser
Sector 20
- Temporal resolution is now limited by
- Our ability to phase lock the lasers to the RF
- Intra-bunch SASE jitter
23SPPS Laser/X-ray Timing
100 consecutive shots
Single shot, Lorentzian fit
24Data Sorting at SPPS
25XPP Data Sorting at LCLS
X-ray Detector
LCLS Beam Parameters
Time of Arrival
180 MB/s
1 MB/s
Real Time Processing Unit
t1 t2 t3 t4
- 120 Hz
- 1 Megapixel Area Detector
- 2-dimensional binning or data filtering?
26Key Technological Choices
- Diamond vs. Silicon Monochromator Crystal
- - Absorption, Damage vs. Quality
- Flexure vs. Piezo Monochromator Rotation Stage
- - Stability vs. Range
- Robot Arm vs. Rotary Stage Detector Mover
- - Reciprocal Space Access vs. Control, Safety
- Hexapod vs. Stages Sample Manipulator
- - Range of Motion vs. Stability, Control
- TiSapphire Oscillator vs. Fiber Oscillator
- - Bandwidth vs. Synchronization