Title: Soil Water Processes:Chapter 3
1Soil Water ProcessesChapter 3
- Learn how soil properties influence runoff,
infiltration and plant growth. - Learn some of the common terms that are used to
describe soils profiles and soil properties. - Learn about the main processes that occur when a
soil wets and drys. - Learn how to quantify the amount of water that is
stored in the soil and how this amount changes
with time.
2Soil Texture
Figure 3.1
3Textural Triangle
Figure 3.2
5Soil Matrix
Figure 3.3
6Porosity Equation 3.3
7Volumetric Soil Water ContentEquation 3.4
Volumetric Soil Water ContentVw/Vt
8Degree of SaturationEquation 3.5
9Gravimetric Soil Water ContentEquation 3.6
Gravimetric Soil Water Contentmw/ms
10TermsBulk Density
- Mass of soil per unit volume
- Density of soil particles usually near 165 lb/ft3
or 2.65 g/cm3 - Compare different soils
11Bulk DensityEquation 3.8
12Dry Bulk DensityEquation 3.10
- Tension-infiltration
- Adhesion, Cohesion, Capillary, Suction Forces
- Gravity-infiltration
- Small pores vs. Large pores
- Field capacity Wilting point
14Water Retention
Figure 3.4
Figure 3.5
16Plant Response to Soil-Water Content
Figure 3.10
17Plant Available Water versus Texture
Figure 3.5
18Soil-Water Relationships
Figure 3.6
19Factors Affecting Water Movement in Soils
Fig. 3.16
20Estimating Infiltration Rates
- Empirical Methods
- Horton and Green-Ampt Equations
- Physical Based Methods
- Darcys Law
- Flow related to hydraulic gradient and soil type
21Seasonal Soil Water Balance
?SM ? P ? IR ? Q ? G ? ET
?SM is the change in soil water storage in the
soil profile P is precipitation IR is
irrigation G is percolation water ET is
evapotranspiration Q is surface runoff
22Seasonal Soil Water Balance in Ohio
Fig. 3.23
23Fig. 4.1
24Fig. 4.4
25Fig. 4.5
26Fig. 4.6
27Annual Pan Evaporation in the USA