Manifest Destiny - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Manifest Destiny


Manifest Destiny The belief that America should spread from coast to coast – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny
  • The belief that America should spread from coast
    to coast

First coined by newspaper editor, John
OSullivan in 1845.
  • ".... the right of our manifest destiny to over
    spread and to possess the whole of the continent
    which Providence has given us for the development
    of the great experiment ofliberty and federative
    development of self-government entrusted to us...
    suitable for the full expansion of its principle
    and destiny of growth."

Political Pursuits
  • Fear of Spanish, French, English, and Mexican
  • Desire to spread Democracy and the American way
    of life.
  • Desire to spread the institution of slavery

Economics (Why we do anything at all)
  • Belief that people could become more wealthythat
    life could and would get better
  • (Gold rush, natural resources.)
  • Land speculators bought huge tracts of land and
    sold it for a profit
  • (SF land bought _at_ 15 and sold _at_ 45,000)

Social Motivations
  • Racism
  • Escape from religious persecution (Mormons)
  • Belief that all people should own plot of land to
    keep the country free
  • People wanted to find new ways of life, adventure

American Progress by John Gast 1872
Mountain Men- Fur Trapping
  • Very few whites moved to the west after Lewis and
    Clark exploration
  • Still high demand for furs, especially beavers
    for hats
  • Eastern part of U.S. had been trapped out
  • Mountain Men went out west to trap in the Rocky

Mountain Men- Lure of the West
  • Major contributions
  • Trailblazing, finding new routes and mountain
    passes, mapping the West
  • Made it easier for later pioneers
  • Interactions, building relationships with Native
  • Brought business, economy to the West

Mountain Men- Lure of the West
  • Before long, the Mountain Men were not alone in
    the West
  • Land Speculators- bought up huge amounts of land
    cheap and resold at a profit (SF)
  • Manufacturers and Merchants
  • People looking for a new start, adventure

From Sea to Shining Sea
  • Louisiana Purchase 1803
  • Mexican Independence 1821
  • Indian Removal 1830
  • Texas Independence 1836
  • Oregon Territory 1840s-1846
  • Texas Annexation 1845
  • Bear Flag Revolt 1845
  • War with Mexico 1846-1848 results in CA, NV,NM
  • http//
    fvst 4 min

The Oregon Dispute 54 40º or Fight!
  • By the mid-1840s,Oregon Fever was spurred on
    by the promise of free land.
  • James K. Polk elected President
  • The joint British-U. S. occupation ended in1846
    _at_ 49ºN.

The Oregon Trail Albert Bierstadt, 1869
Oregon Fever
  • Why would people risk their lives to take a 2,000
    mile trip across dangerous, unknown territory?
  • In 1830s and 1840s exaggerated stories came back
    from early pioneers-
  • Sun always shone
  • Wheat grew as tall as a man
  • Free or cheap land
  • Many stories came from land speculators

Oregon Fever
  • The journey west was made to look adventurous,
    exciting- reality?

Oregon Trail
  • 2000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon
  • Pioneers traveled in wagon trains for safety,
  • Reality- danger, disease, exhaustion

Spanish Texas
  • The Spanish had been in the Americas since
    Columbus in 1492.
  • Spain owned a large part of North America,
    including Texas.

  • In 1821, only about 4,000 Tejanos lived in Texas.
  • Tejanos are people of Spanish heritage who
    consider Texas their home.
  • The Spanish government tried to attract Spanish
    setters to Texas, but very few came.

Moses Austin
  • An American, Moses Austin was given permission by
    the Spanish government to start a colony in
  • All the Americans had to do was follow Spanish
  • Moses died in 1821, so his son Stephen tried to
    start the colony.

In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain
Mexican Independence Changes Texas
  • The Mexican government told Stephen Austin his
    settlers would have to become Mexican citizens
    and members of the Roman Catholic Church, and
    learn Spanish.
  • Between 1821 and 1827, Austin attracted 297
    families to his new settlement.

Santa Fe Trail
  • Missouri to New Mexico- 800 miles
  • New trading areas in the SW
  • Spanish had kept Americans out, but now Mexico
    was independent and wanted trade
  • Dangerous but profitable

  • The success of Austins colony attracted more
    land speculators and settlers to Texas from the
    United States. Some were looking for a new life,
    some were escaping from the law, and others were
    looking for a chance to grow rich.
  • By 1830, the population had swelled to about
    30,000,with Americans outnumbering the Tejanos
    six to one.

Rising Tensions in Texas
  • In 1829, the Mexican government outlawed slavery.
  • The settlers wanted to keep their slaves so they
    could grow cotton.
  • The Americans also didnt want to learn Spanish
    or follow Mexican laws.
  • Very few settlers had converted to Catholicism.

  1. In 1829, the Mexican government closed the state
    to further American immigration.
  2. Texans had to start paying taxes for the first
  3. Mexican president, General Antonio Lopez de Santa
    Anna sent more Mexican troops to Texas.
  4. Texans began talk of breaking away from Mexico.
  5. When Stephen Austin was jailed, the Texans did
  6. Santa Anna led 6,000 troops to Texas to put down
    the revolt.

The Alamo
  • The first battle between the Texans and Mexicans
    took place at on old mission that was used as a
  • It was called the Alamo.

The Fight for the Alamo
  • There were only 183 Texans guarding the Alamo.
  • The Mexican army had 1,800 men.
  • The Texans held the Alamo for twelve days.
  • On the thirteenth day, Santa Anna ordered his men
    to storm the fortress.
  • When it was over, all but five Texans were dead.
    The men not killed in the battle were executed by
    Santa Anna.
  • Texans were shocked by the slaughter at the Alamo
    and vowed to fight for their freedom.

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Battle at San Jacinto
  • Santa Anna had over 300 more Texans executed at
  • Texan general, Sam Houston gathered more troops,
    800 in all.
  • It included Tejanos, American settlers,
    volunteers from the United States, and many free
    and enslaved African Americans.
  • They met Santa Anna at San Jacinto.

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Remember the Alamo
  • Their battle cry was, Remember the Alamo!
  • It was over in 18 minutes. About half the Mexican
    army was killed. The rest were taken as POWs.
  • Santa Anna was captured the next day and was
    forced to sign a treaty giving Texas its freedom.
  • Texas was now an independent country.

General Santa Anna surrenders to General Houston
Lone Star Republic
  • In 1836, Texas declared itself The Lone Star
  • Sam Houston was elected president.
  • Some Americans wanted Texas to be part of the
  • Some people were afraid of Texas becoming a slave
    state, others of war with Mexico.

The Bear Flag Republic
The Revolt ? June 14, 1845
John C. Frémont
  • Mexican recognition of the Rio Grande River as
    the TX-US border.
  • US would forgive American citizensclaims
    against the Mexican govt.
  • US would purchase the New Mexico area for
  • US would California at any price.

John Slidell
Wilmot Proviso, 1846
Provided, territory from that, as an express and
fundamental condition to the acquisition of any
the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by
virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated
between them, and to the use by the Executive of
the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery
nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any
part of said territory, except for crime, whereof
the party shall first be duly convicted.
Congr. David Wilmot(D-PA)
The Mexican War (1846 -1848)
General Zachary Taylor at Palo Alto
Old Rough and Ready
The Bombardment of Vera Cruz
General Scott Enters Mexico City
Old Fuss and Feathers
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848
Nicholas Trist,American Negotiator
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848
The Treaty was forced on Mexico!
  • Mexico gave up claims to Texas above the Rio
    Grande River.
  • Mexico gave the U. S. California and New Mexico.
  • U. S. gave Mexico 15,000,000 and agreed to pay
    the claims of American citizens against Mexico
    (over 3,500,000).

Results of the Mexican War?
The 17-month war cost 100,000,000 and 13,000
American lives (mostly of disease). New
territories were brought into the Union which
forced the explosive issue of SLAVERY to the
center of national politics. Brought in
1 million sq. mi. of land (incl. TX) These new
territories would upset the balance of power
between North and South. Created two popular
Whig generals who ran for President. Manifest
Destiny partially realized.
Mormon Trail
  • Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830
  • Were persecuted for their beliefs
  • Traveled West to Utah to find a place to practice
    their religion in peace
  • 1847- about 1600 Mormons traveled from Illinois
    to Utah- across Iowa!
  • Settled near Salt Lake City

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