Physics 32: Elementary Particles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physics 32: Elementary Particles


Physics 32: Elementary Particles Christopher Chui – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Physics 32: Elementary Particles

Physics 32 Elementary Particles
  • Christopher Chui

High-Energy Particles-1
  • Matter-wave de Broglie wavelength, l h/(mv)
  • Van de Graaff generator and accelerator produce
    30 MeV to accelerate particles. A source of H or
    He ions is accelerated towards the target
  • Cyclotron uses a magnetic field to maintain
    charged ions, usually protons, in circular paths
  • Force due to magnetic field qvB ma mv2/r
  • Period T distance/speed 2 pr/(qBr/m) 2
  • A modified cyclotron (synchrocyclotron) allows
    complex electronics to decrease the frequency as
    the protons increases in speed to reach larger

High-Energy Particles-2
  • Synchrotron increases the magnetic field B as the
    particles speed up. Machines in Fermilab and CERN
    accelerate protons to energies of 500 GeV
  • Tevatron at Fermilab uses superconducting magnets
    to accelerate protons to 1000 GeV 1 TeV
  • Synchrotron radiation causes energy loss
  • Linear accelerators accelerate electrons to 50
  • Colliding beams allow two beams of particles to
    collide head-on using storage rings up to 186 GeV

Yukawa Particle
  • In 1935 Yukawa predicted the existence of a new
    particle (meson) to mediate the strong nuclear
  • For EM force between two particles, photons are
    exchanged to give rise to a force
  • Feynman diagram shows a photon acting as the
    carrier of the EM force between two electrons
  • Strong nuclear force mc2 hc/(2pd)
  • In 1947 meson was discovered in p, p-, and p0
  • Reactions pp?pp p0 and pp?pn p
  • Particles presumed to transmit weak force W,
    W-, and Z0 were detected in 1983
  • The quantum of gravitational force, graviton, has
    not been found

Four Forces in Nature
  • TYPE Relative Strength Field Particle
  • Strong nuclear 1 Gluons
  • Electromagnetic 10-2 Photon
  • Weak nuclear 10-6 W, W-, Z0
  • Gravitational 10-38 Graviton (?)

Stable Particles under Strong Decay
  • Category Name Symbol Antiparticle Spin Lifetime
  • Leptons electrons e- e ½ stable
  • neutrino e ne ne ½ stable
  • muons m- m ½ 2.2x10-6
  • neutrino m nm nm ½ stable
  • tau t- t ½ 2.9X10-13
  • neutrino t nt nt ½ stable
  • Hadrons(mesons) pion p p- 0 2.6x10-8
  • kaon p 0 self 0 0.84x10-16
  • eta h0 self 0 5x10-19
  • Baryons proton p p ½ stable
  • neutron n n ½ 887
  • G-bosons Photon g Self 1 stable
  • W W W- 1 3x10-25
  • Z Z0 self 1 3x10-25

Stability, Resonance, and Strange
  • Lifetime depends on which force is acting
  • Very short-lived particles are inferred from
    their decay products
  • Resonance refers to a large peak in the KE of
    particle bombardment, such as the D particle
  • Strange particles refer to reactions having twice
    as long half-lives as would be expected
  • Strangeness is conserved in strong interactions
    but not in weak

Quarks and Antiquarks
  • Proton 2 ups 1 down 2/3 e 2/3 e 1/3 e
  • Neutron 1 up 2 downs 2/3 e 1/3 e 1/3 e
  • Meson pion 1 u 1 antidown 2/3 e 1/3 e
  • Antipion 1 antiup 1 down -2/3 e 1/3 e
  • Antikaon 1 antiup 1 strange -2/3e 1/3e
  • Charmed quark has 2/3 e and C1
  • Top and bottom quarks are 3rd generation quarks
  • Electrons, protons, and neutrons are fermions
    (1/2 spin) for structure of matter all others
    are called bosons (integer spin) for carriers of

QCD, and Electroweak Theory
  • Quarks have 6 flavors u, d, s, c, b, t
  • Quarks might have color charge
  • Strong force between quarks is color force
  • QCD is the force that acts between color charges
  • Strong force between 2 hadrons is a force between
    the quarks are called gluons
  • Color force increases with increasing distance!
  • When 2 quarks approach each other, the force
    between them becomes very smallasymptotic
  • Gauge theory attempts to unify the weak and
    electromagnetic interactions, which are seen as 2
    diff manifestations of a single electroweak

  • GUT attempts to unify electroweak theory into QCD
  • On a scale of 10-30 m, the EM, weak, and strong
    forces appear to work on 1 class of
    particleleptons and quarks baryons and lepton
    numbers would not be conserved
  • Lepton could become a quark through X bosons with
    a mass of 1014 GeV/c2 or 1014 times heavier than
    a proton
  • String theory attempts to unify all 4 forces of
    nature into a single theory
  • When supersymmetry is applied?superstring theory
  • Superstring theory predicts fermions would change
    into bosons, and all quarks have squark partners,
    and all leptons have slepton partners
    bosons?photinos and gluions. All these have not
    been detected yet
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