Title: Modified Gravity
1Modified Gravity
- Takeshi Chiba
- Nihon University
- 1. A theory predicts the modification!
- Scalar-Tensor Gravity
- 2. The Nature of Dark Matter is unkown
- MOdified Newtonian Dynamics(MOND)
- 3. The Nature of Dark Energy is completely
unkown - F(R) type gravity
- We simply do not know the correct
- gravity theory in the large (and small) scale
4Gravity is Probed at
10-3cm 1AU 1kpc 1Mpc 1000Mpc
large extra dimensions?
Modified Gravity?
5 Modified Gravity I
- Theory Motivated
- String theory ? Scalar-tensor Gravity
- If dilaton is (almost) massless, then cosmology
and gravity can be different (time varying G) -
- Brans-Dicke parameter ?0 gt 20000 (Cassini
6(No Transcript)
7 Scalar-Tensor Cosmology
- Scalar-Tensor Gravity
- Consequence Varying G
- Constraints
- z1010 (BBN) -0.15lt(GBBN-G0)/G0lt0.21
- (Copi-Davis-Krauss,2004)
- z0 (LRR) dG/dt/Glt4x10-13 yr-1
- What else?
8 Scalar-Tensor Cosmology
- z1100 (CMB) (Nagata-TC-Sugiyama,2004)
- Effect of G ?
- Projection effect(first acoustic peak, H-1 ?)
- Shift of zero point of oscillation(??Bh2 ?)
- Diffusion damping(?D?? H-1lmfp ?)
- (damping factorexp(-?2/?D2) ?)
- Decay of gravitational potential
- (???0, ISW)
10 Grecom-G0/G0lt0.05 (Nagata-TCSugiyama,2004
11 Scalar-Tensor Cosmology
- Scalar-Tensor Gravity
- Consequence Varying G
- Constraints
- z1010 (BBN) -0.15lt(GBBN-G0)/G0lt0.21
- (Copi-Davis-Krauss,2004)
- z1100 (CMB) (Grecom-G0)/G0lt0.05
- z0 (LRR) dG/dt/Glt4x10-13 yr-1
12 Modified Gravity II
- Observation motivated(Phenomenology?)
- Flat rotation curve
- ? MOdified Newtonian Dynamics
- (MOND)(Miligrom,1986)
- alternative to dark matter
- v is constant at large scale (
(v2/r)2/a0GM/r2 )
- Problems(so far) no relativistic formulation
- ? ? light propagation(gravitational lensing)
- ? large scale structure
- ? cosmology
- (only recently) relativistic formulation by
Bekenstein(2003) - vector-scalar-tensor gravity
Bekensteins Tensor-Scalar-Vector theory for MOND
- CMB and LSS by Bekensteins model
- (Skordis et al.,2005)
- consistent with
- obs.(WMAP,SDSS)
- if neutrino is massive
- (??0.17)
- (? first peak location)
- CMB peaks sensitive to baryon and dark matter
- ?B h2 ? (shift of zero point of oscillation)
- ? first peak height ?
- second peak height ?
- ?Mh2 ? (increases the depth of potential well
- decreases radiation relative to
matter(ISW)) - ? first peak height ? second peak ?
- third peak height ?
- trouble with higher (second and third) peaks of
CMB(Slosar-Melchiorri-Silk,2005) - (? Silk damping
- for baryons)
18 Modified Gravity III
- Recent acceleration of the Universe (SNIa)
- 1.Dark energy modify RHS of Einstein equation
- 2.Modify LHS instead ? Modified gravity
- modification should be significant only recently
- ? 1/R gravity (Carroll et al., 2003)
19Rise and Fall of 1/R Gravity
- F(R) gravity is equivalent to Scalar-Tensor
Gravity(Higgs,Whitt,Wands,Chiba) - Scalar-tensor with vanishing Brans-Dicke
parameter ?0 - can be in conflict with solar system experiments
- (?gt20000, Cassini satellite) if Brans-Dicke
scalar is (almost) massless - This is the case for 1/R gravity m H0
20Rise and Fall of 1/R Gravity
- 1/R gravity modifies gravity not only at large
scales but also at local scale
21So much ado
- F(R,P,Q) gravity?(Carroll et al.,2004)
- PRabRab,QRabcdRabcd
- ? higher derivative (4th order) theory
- ? Ghosts (Stelle 1977,Nunes,Chiba)
- propagator
- cross coupling
- The situation is much worse!!
- This does not mean all attempts at modifying
gravity in the large scale are in trouble - (eg. DGP model)
- We simply do not know the correct gravity theory
in the large (and small) scale - (?cosmological PPN formalism?)
23Gravity is Probed at
10-3cm 1AU 1kpc 1Mpc 1000Mpc
large extra dimensions?
Modified Gravity?
24 PPN(Parameterized Post-Newtonian)
- PPN formalism
- expand the metric around the Minkowski up to
- post-Newtonian order ( (v/c)4 )
- parametrize possible form of the metric without
specifying the gravitational theory - solve the motions of planets and light using
- the metric and compare them with the
observations - ? - 1lt4.4 x 10-5 (Cassini,2003),
- ? - 1lt 2.3 x 10-4 (LLR,2004)
25Cosmological PPN(or constructing approximate
geometry of the universe)
- Newtonian gauge
- Cosmological ?(?,x)
- Lessons from scalar-tensor gravity
- for large ? and ? is constant if ? ? H-1
26??2 ? ?2/?2
post Newton
27Cosmological PPN(or constructing approximate
geometry of the universe)
- Cosmological metric (valid for ? ? H-1)
- ? Bad a(?) is model dependent (H(?))
- ? Good (once H is specified) we only
- have to solve the same linear equations
- What about ? ? -gt second order perturbation
- This does not mean all attempts at modifying
gravity in the large scale are in trouble - (eg. DGP model)
- We simply do not know the correct gravity theory
in the large (and small) scale - (?cosmological PPN formalism?)
- In this respect, various consistency checks among
cosmological observations are important (eg.
growth rate, H via lensing and SNIa)
29Ishak,Upadhye,Spergel(2005) see also
30Searching for alternatives
- is important
- to reinforce the evidence for
- DM and DE
- to check the internal consistency of cosmological
data (? understand systematics)