Title: Coaching theory- How to improve
1Coaching theory- How to improve learnt skills
Once there is basic acquisition of a skill or
progression the coach needs to move it on to the
highest competence that the performer can manage.
Early skill development
60 of the time
Poor Average
Good Excellent
Everything we do falls into this graph. Either
the whole skill or individual bits of the skill
2How do people improve?
People will only improve by moving the whole graph
Number of attempts reaching each standard
Poor Average
Good Excellent
3How does the coach help move the graph?
Move every aspect of the skill towards the right
but focus on each one individually not all at
the same time
Focus here! By breaking the skill down into bits
that the performer can manage to
achieve excellently
Poor Average
Good Excellent
If necessary practice the coaching point in an
easier skill and then bring it back into the full
harder skill and practice it more!
4So whats the order of things to coach?
Looking, Arm position and toes (Because they
are easy!)
Timing Tension Travel then Shape
Phasing Look Arms Time
See earlier presentation!!!
Failure is just part of the curve! Accept
it The performer has to understand that
excellent performance only comes from
practice and attention to detail Focus on
numbers of excellent repetitions Move the curve
until the most common output is where you want
the standard to be Coach one point until it is
excellent and then address the next thing Coach
the point until the new skill is automatic so
that when you move on to the next thing the
performer doesnt simply revert back to their old
ways Does this mean a year of the same skill and
nothing else? No. You can coach the same thing
in a variety of different skills so keep the
performer Interested.